Happiness And The Cost Of High Self-esteem

Video: Happiness And The Cost Of High Self-esteem

Video: Happiness And The Cost Of High Self-esteem
Video: Self Love, Self Acceptance, Self Esteem and Self Confidence - Subliminal 2024, April
Happiness And The Cost Of High Self-esteem
Happiness And The Cost Of High Self-esteem

On July 22, 2011, Anders Breivik, a citizen of Norway, in a pioneer camp for children of migrants on the island of Uteya, shot the darkness of innocent people. And at the time of the execution and after, serving a life sentence, he always remained with high self-esteem, because he believes that he did the right thing. He is proud of himself. He is sick.

One of the well-known serial maniacs was very happy when he found out that he had bypassed Chikatilo himself in terms of the number of victims, of course, at the time of the crimes and at the time of this news he had high self-esteem.

A girl who lives with likes to her snotty posts in the istogram, checks subscribers and hearts 500 times a day and sees their addition - increases her self-esteem. She is good, she is happy. Although she is close to a depressive disorder. She is already at the point of no return.

The drunk who, after 10 minutes of bargaining, was able to knock out 20 rubles for moonshine from a random passer-by, increased his self-esteem. Self-esteem is high, but there is no personality. There is only a being.

A school group of idiots, engaged in bullying the weak, increases the self-esteem of each member of a poor herd, but this does not cease to be a poor herd, despite the fact that everyone is proud of himself.

A drunken parent who beat his child after work and for this time became the boss and regained control, which he only dreamed of at work - increased his self-esteem, but became a criminal and a moral monster.

After all of the above, I, nevertheless, would not be surprised that a good half of the people who read this do not fully understand what I have written about here. I'll try to expand on the topic a little. High and low self-esteem are quite collective-farm concepts, as are personal growth or "resource states." Self-esteem is only one - adequate to the internal state of the subject. If a person bought an expired kefir, he is upset, he can complain about himself, how did he look at the date of manufacture, his self-esteem from the point of view of the collective farm goes down, from my point of view it is adequate. From the point of view of the kolkhoz, he needs to go to personal growth courses for suckers, that he did not care about kefir. From my point of view, he needs to either return the already purchased kefir or pour this into the sink and buy a new one, and next time look at the label.

The problem of self-esteem, self-worth, introspection follows from the general tendency for the realization of an inferiority complex. Throughout its existence, society is trying to prove to an individual that something is lacking for him and that he does not reach the accepted norms.

Modern reality with an abundance of information on the one hand and the impossibility of verifying it on the other forms thinking based on fake quotes of smart people from a public social network. A person is placed in an artificial environment, which also artificially exposes his same fake inferiority. And around the corner there is already a metrosexual boy and a yoga girl who will help increase self-esteem by searching for resource states and personal growth to indescribable proportions.

We don’t teach general psychology, we don’t read serious people, we charge water in three-liter cans, we increase self-esteem, we love placebos, we cleanse karma, the whole brain is in asanas, we go to Bali to enlighten.

An existential fugue is a change of place while staying with the belief that it is a change of place that will lead to clarification, enlightenment and deliverance from anxiety and fuss. Of course, the neurosis remained as it was, but in Bali, a boy and a girl are standing around the corner … well, then you get the idea.

If you are thinking about boosting your self-esteem, there are four things you should know. The first is that self-esteem is neither high nor low. Second, that it does not need to be increased, neurosis must be treated. Third, go to a psychologist with the first basic full-time psychological education of a state university. And fourth, high self-esteem does not guarantee happiness and dignified personal functioning and social success, as the Jews say: "A beard does not make a goat a rabbi."
