Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Model Of Man. Tips For Improving Yourself

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Video: Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Model Of Man. Tips For Improving Yourself

Video: Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Model Of Man. Tips For Improving Yourself
Video: The Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model 2024, April
Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Model Of Man. Tips For Improving Yourself
Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Model Of Man. Tips For Improving Yourself

The Internet floods us with offers ranging from "improve health" to "save souls." A modern man needs help. Actually, man has always needed help to survive in this world. It seems that this world was not created for life at all, but for survival. Apparently, therefore, survival aid is the most demanded commodity.

I propose to explore our needs for survival not from the point of view (the angle can distort everything), but from the position that a person is not a one-sided creature, but a multifaceted one

Let's use the image at home. It has 4 walls, a roof, a foundation. Everything else varies. To get an idea of what is inside the house, you need to consider all four sides.

First level. The physical body and everything connected with it will be one wall. Everything related to biology, physiology, body physics, etc. These are questions of survival. The question in the modern world, in contrast to the past, is not where to find food. Although the countries of the third world are still asking them. But the question for people who do not need to get food with such difficulty is completely different. These are issues related to physical comfort. Our body is in need all the time. Either in food, or in relaxation, or in relieving pain, or in pleasures. Lack of any of the above causes discomfort. The stronger the discomfort, the more intense the search for answers.

Discomfort at this level requires immediate attention. this wall is load-bearing. Man has not yet learned to live without a body. If there are problems at this level, they become priority ones. The body will make us pay attention to ourselves. We, of course, know how to endure. We have learned to numb the pain. We can patch up this wall for years until it collapses, bringing the whole house down.

Tasks at this level: to maintain and maintain physical health, die of old age, enjoy the possibilities of a healthy body in various physical practices, in sex.

Consequences of violations: somatic diseases, disability, sensory disturbances.

Specialists: there are enough offers on this side of the service market. Medicine alone is worth it. Both traditional and unconventional. Physicians, healers, psychics, parapsychologists, doctors, sports trainers, fitness, yoga, dance coaches, etc., nutritionists … All of them can help us with the body. Some are better, some are worse. This is not the question. What is it, I will formulate after describing all the walls.

I think that the door to the house is most likely in this wall of the house. This is the most obvious entrance.

Second level. Or the second wall of the house. This is the psyche. Twist, do not twist, but we have a soul, but we will talk about its mental component. This area of the mental, manifested in feelings, emotions, desires. All of these affect our emotional well-being and behavior. While we were busy getting our daily bread, this area of man was in the shadow. But after we had eaten, it turned out that not only hunger was driving us. The complexity of this area lies in its invisibility to the physical eye. However, when it comes to discomfort in this area, doubts immediately give way to seeking help. And, as in the case of the previous "wall", there are two ways: to drown out the pain or to try to cure it. I can't help but notice that the first route is used much more often. Some do not reach the second, do not have time …

Here the circle of specialists is already narrower, however, there are still quite a few. In the first row, of course, psychologists. A hundred years ago, the first were psychiatrists. Also not a very old profession. Even earlier - churchmen, shamans, priests. As the quality of life improves and mankind matures (it is definitely not an adult yet, just adolescence), this area is accepted as important. Accordingly, psychiatrists first pushed the clergy, and then psychologists pushed aside psychiatrists. Next to psychologists, who are already a whole army of mismatched, are pushed by the same psychics, mystics, healers of souls, and everyone who thinks that they understand this. Among them there are unconditional professionals who understand the subject. As in the first case, the difficulty lies only in their choice.


You need to cut a window in this wall, you need light. Remember? "Knowledge is light, and ignorance is darkness"

Third level, or third wall. Social. Man is conceived and created (by whom the question is not for me) as a collective being. Even conception does not happen alone. Even IVF is possible with two cells from different people. We develop in close contact with another (mother), we are born in the presence of at least one person, the same mother. And then all the time we need contact. An adult can go into conscious loneliness. But he was formed in contact with others who continue to live inside him, remaining his interlocutors. But normally we cannot live alone, remaining in a comfortable state. The fear of loneliness is one of the strongest. And not without reason. We have a need for significance among others, and also for belonging to the community of others. We need close people, we need friends, we even need enemies. We need to be noticed by other people.

Tasks at this level: to master the most effective communication skills with other people, to become significant, to belong to the human community in general and to various communities in particular, to learn how to build relationships at work, in the family, with strangers.

The consequences of violations: discomfort in contact with people, failure in society, loneliness, feeling of abandonment, uselessness, unsettled personal life, conflict, the risk of falling into destructive sects and communities, drug addiction (as a way of life), financial problems, problems with the authorities, etc.

Specialists: Social and organizational psychologists, coaches and business coaches, social workers, HR specialists, finance specialists, politicians, businessmen, educators, media workers and advertisers.

By the way, it's also a good wall for a door through which other people enter. But we will confine ourselves to a window, or at least a back door.

The fourth level is spiritual. The presence of the very soul, which we have so far considered only as a psyche, forces us to go beyond feelings and emotions into the realm of the spirit. They have their own rules and laws. Therefore, the need for faith manifests itself in a person early enough. First, we believe in parents. Then, disappointed in their power, we look for another power. This is vital, otherwise the fear of life blocks us. The world is so big, so dangerous, so unpredictable that the fear that warns us of danger is off scale. To cope with it, we need support. At the beginning of human history, it was purely faith. You could relax a little and divide the responsibility for what is happening, especially for the future, into the deities. They are strong and wise, they have a plan. And they created us, which means they love us. Therefore, they will take care of everything. But, as you know, knowledge destroys faith. The need for knowledge, being also innate, sent a person in search of God. I wanted to get to know more closely those who invented all this. Maybe ask them a couple of questions. The number of deities has dwindled over the millennia. But questions remained. The search for God is a long, foggy path, you need a lot of faith. And there are very few guarantees to find. The number of searchers has decreased. Others took the path of science. You can feel everything there. And, most importantly, sometimes feel like God. After all, creation and creation are one. When creating artificial lightning, it's hard not to feel like Zeus. It turned out that this path is also not as clear as it might seem at the beginning. Quantum theory alone is worth it. Walked, walked, and on you! Everything is not as proven for many years. There are more questions, not fewer.

Both paths are full of doubts and difficulties. There is one more way - creativity in all its manifestations. Painting, literature, theater, cinema, and others. Creation as an attempt to get closer to God, the search for the meaning of life through creation.

Tasks at this level: to make life meaningful, awareness, responsibility, striving for higher values, humanization, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, acceptance, wisdom. Actually, everything that especially distinguishes us from animals.

Consequences of violations: "animal" behavior, loss of meaning in life, suicidal behavior, uncontrollable cruelty, violation of the rights of other people, primitivization of life.

Specialists: confessors, clergymen, scientists, missionaries, researchers, philosophers, writers, artists.

For sure, a large window is needed in this wall. If she is deaf, then there is a risk that "the darkness of the mind will swallow the soul."

All these levels are interconnected and cannot exist separately. Like a house that cannot be made of one or two walls. And out of the three you can't. Only out of four. Then the structure is stable and you can feel safe inside. All this is still covered with a roof that will connect all the walls.

Let's look at the situation using one symptom as an example. Take depression. It can be different. But most often it is a consequence of a violation of internal processes. This is the second level, psychological.

When we are offered some way to solve a problem, we need to determine from what level it is. And whether our need at this level corresponds to this method.

If you have depression of abandonment, strong feelings prevent you from living in reality, then why did you decide that dancing will help you? For the first time, of course, yes. The levels are linked and depression alters the biochemistry of the brain. And this is the level of the body. Plus weakness, appetite disorders, insomnia. But these are symptoms of depression, consequences. And if you mend a gap in this wall, while you have a complete failure in the next one, then what result do you expect in the near future?

There is endogenous depression. Violations in brain biochemistry are considered primary. This is not conclusively proven. It has not yet been possible to admit that the baby has already been born with depression. But it must be treated with drugs, at the level of the body. At the same time, practice has shown that without psychological work, treatment is ineffective. The same applies to depression as a consequence of alcohol or drug use.

Or you are in constant conflict with others. This will also cause depression. Your needs at this level are unmet. You went to a psychologist, figured out the internal processes, but the external ones did not regulate with people. Thought it would happen by itself? It happens sometimes. But if depression is secondary, and the reason is the lack of contact with people (effective, I mean). Therefore, a good psychologist will either take it himself (if trained) to help you acquire relationship skills, or direct you to the appropriate specialists.

What about depression when the meaning of life is lost? What will a yoga or psychologist help you? Or maybe a doctor or drawing courses? Spiritual searches lead to higher meanings. You will have to "find faith." I would mention the word God, but there are too many interpretations.

If you do not take care of your body, do not follow your diet and do not lead a healthy lifestyle, then no amount of knowledge in psychology, no community, and no god will help you feel better.

If you think that alone you will attain enlightenment, then you are probably already enlightened. Then you are hardly reading this text.

If you think that by learning ways to make money quickly or manipulate relationships, you will become successful and your discomfort will disappear, then you are naive.

If you are naive, then this is an advertisement for you, in which any proposed method solves ALL problems.

The condition of the walls of our house can be different. And first you need to determine which ones need repair. And then call a master from this area. And do not forget that the roof of the house is entirely your responsibility.
