The First Three Steps To Getting Out Of Depression

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Video: The First Three Steps To Getting Out Of Depression

Video: The First Three Steps To Getting Out Of Depression
The First Three Steps To Getting Out Of Depression
The First Three Steps To Getting Out Of Depression

Outside the window, rain and wind. It's hard to focus on the insistence tape and not be sad. Often external circumstances affect us, our thoughts, moods, behavior, and it is often in this weather that we talk about depression. I will digress and say that depression is a diagnosis made by a psychiatrist. Not everyone has it, however, periods of low mood, apathy, negative thoughts about what is happening and the future …. familiar to almost everyone.

In this article, I would like to talk about the first steps to start changing your life for the better, if suddenly sad notes of mood entered your life.

Step 1 - remember the event (trigger) that triggered your sad page in life.

When it was? Under what circumstances? Was this the first such episode in your life or were there other similar moments?

Step 2 - describe everything that happens in your life in several dimensions:

- emotions / feelings

- thoughts

- cognitive abilities

- physical state

For example, it might look like this:

Emotions and feelings:

I take everything sharply, any loud conversation makes me want to escape

often sad about missed opportunities


- why is this happening to me?

- why can't I get myself together ??

- I'm a weakling

- I can never get out of the state that I have now

- everything that happens to me - I deserve it

Cognitive ability

hard to concentrate

Physical state:

- the sleep mode is lost (I go to bed on average 2 hours later than it was before)

- I can't control the portion size, nothing tastes like this, either I don't eat from this, or I eat a lot

Step 3 - look at the resulting list and honestly mark 1-2 points from which you would be ready to start changing your life. Let it be 1-2 points for which there is strength.

For example, you can start changing your sleep patterns by going to bed earlier and getting up earlier.

Or you can set aside time to keep a diary of thoughts (write them all down, rank, group, determine the format of working with them in order to start changing your attitude to what is happening)

What are these three steps about?

Any of our states is associated with those emotions and sensations that we have at a certain point in time, as well as with our beliefs about ourselves and about the world around us.

People prone to depressive episodes often have a negative outlook on themselves and on what is happening in the world around them.

They bring this vision into everything that happens, strengthening their condition.

The 1,000-mile road starts with the first step, so it is important to define a simple and manageable goal that will allow you to gain a practical experience that not everything is so hopeless, gray and unchangeable.

It is important here to calculate the efforts and not discount what happened (although you will really want to do it)

Noticing the good is as much a habit as noticing the bad.

It is a skill that is being trained and developed.

It's easier to do this in a team with someone, because there will always be support and feedback about what you are missing out on.

And the last thing - sometimes a way out of a depressive episode is possible only by combining psychotherapy and taking antidepressants, so be careful with your health and do not hesitate to go to a psychiatrist. The sun always hides behind a cloud and long-term weather!
