Where Are Dreams Born?

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Video: Where Are Dreams Born?

Video: Where Are Dreams Born?
Video: John Williams - Where Dreams Are Born 2024, April
Where Are Dreams Born?
Where Are Dreams Born?

We all know perfectly well that a dream is a reflection of the dreamer's inner world. Sleep is always about him. However, I am sure that this is only part of the truth. Our unconscious is so multifaceted and infinite that a person is not able to reveal all of its secrets. Our unconscious is the Universe, and our dream is a telescope. An incredibly powerful telescope that allows you to see and discern many of the mysteries of the Universe, but they are just a small grain of sand in the ocean of the Unconscious. For thousands of years, humanity has been discovering these secrets, but it has not been given to it to open even a millionth part of the Inner Space. Yes, a dream is the Dreamer's world, but not only.

I am deeply convinced that a dream is the same way of communication between people as speech, as letters and telephone conversations, with the only difference that in reality we communicate at the level of the ego, and in a dream at the level of our subconscious. If we imagine a communication channel in the form of threads connecting humanity, then the threads of external communications are attached to the heads of people, and the threads of dream communications are in the navel area.

Evidence that dreams are a means of communication between people are well-known cases when we see in a dream a person with whom we have not communicated for many years, and immediately after that we receive a letter from him or even meet. In addition, everyone knows cases when spouses stop communicating after a difficult divorce, but at the same time they often see each other in dreams.

I dare to compare dreams with black holes, while they turn from a planet into a black hole in ontogeny. Children have very straightforward dreams. If a girl quarreled with a friend, then with a high degree of probability she will see this very friend in a dream. But with the course of life, dreams become more complex, the mechanisms of dreams, designated by Z. Freud, such as condensation, displacement, refraction, come into play. There are fewer dreams, but they increase the density of the semantic load, turning into a black hole, drawing into their space the social matrix of the person's environment.

Freud's famous dream called "Irma" exactly about that. Analyzing this dream, Freud suggested that Irma, as an object, contained many characters surrounding Freud in society. This is his eldest daughter, and Irma herself - a patient of Freud, and another patient of Freud, suffering from suffocation. But Irma's dream had a continuation in the form of the death of Freud himself. He died of a cancerous tumor in the mouth, which was so similar to the formation in Irma's mouth, which Freud saw in a dream 44 years before his own death.

Today we can assume that Irma is the dreamer who absorbed the social matrix of Freud's environment, like the black hole of the Universe.

Accordingly, a dream is born not inside, and not outside, but at the junction of multifaceted and many-sided worlds. A dream is born in a different dimension, not accessible to our consciousness, but well known to our unconscious.

As an example, I will allow myself to cite my own dream that I saw in September 2016 and build its associative array. I will show how my octopus dream encompasses different social matrices and draws in many characters.

So, the dream itself, or rather a fragment of it

I go to a pet store to buy some kind of pet and they give me a multi-storey cage with wild animals. Each floor of the cage contains one animal. From bottom to top: crocodile, wolf, donkey, giraffe. The animals are very small, dwarf, but they are alive and have all the habits of their large relatives. I put the cage on the table. Two days later, I suddenly realize that I didn’t feed them. I go to the refrigerator and see that I only have carrots. I decide to feed only the top two floors, and later look for meat for the predators somewhere. I go to the cage and see that the animals are sleeping as if mixed. The giraffe stuck his head on the donkey floor. The wolf's paw, it seems, is also not on its floor. But they are so exhausted from hunger that they cannot even move. I give the carrots to the giraffe, but at the same time I am very surprised at how he will eat it, because this is not his food, he eats the leaves. But the giraffe happily eats carrots, nibbling them like corn. I go to the refrigerator for the next donkey carrot, but suddenly I see that one of the children (possibly my son) is trying to give carrots to the wolf. Before I can shout how dangerous it is, the wolf dodges and manages to gnaw at the throat of the donkey on the top floor. I am getting very scared, and I understand that I need to shoot the wolf. I am going to ask my classmate Sveta T. about it, who is taking a bath at this time, and I know for sure that she has a gun. She leaves the bath and walks over to the cage. A puddle forms under it, and I do not understand whether she described herself, or whether water leaked from her. She agrees to shoot the wolf and takes out a gun. But I can't look at it and run away behind the house. I sit in the backyard of the house and wait for her to come out. But suddenly the thought comes to me that the crocodile is also a predator and must be shot. I come back to ask her about it, but I see how she leaves the entrance.

This is not the end of the dream. I gave only the middle fragment of my dream, which caused the greatest emotional response in me.

Further, I will give an associative array for this dream.

1. Why a cage with animals?

A couple of days before the dream, I wrote an article on the containment function of the dream, the main idea of which was that the images seen in such dreams act as containers, safes for repressed feelings. A cage with animals is a clear illustration of my article, I, like in the cells of the safe, on the floors of the cage, laid out the corresponding feelings in animals: auto-aggression, aggression, stubbornness, indifference.

2. Why animals should be shot?

On the eve of the dream, I watched the program of V. Solovyov "Duel", dedicated to the withdrawal of abortions from the compulsory medical insurance system. And there one of the participants said a phrase that hooked me "In our country, women have an abortive consciousness." All day this phrase was spinning in my head. And I reflected on the fact that our society, in principle, has an abortive consciousness. To maintain mental balance and peace of mind, it is easier for us to cut out a problem than to solve it.

Abortion - surgical removal of tumors - removal of disabled people from the Second World War in the early 50s to Solovki - exclusion of an uncomfortable child from the class - divorce - prohibition of abortion. Anything that you do not want to solve must be shot.

Why feed predators when you can just shoot them.

3. Who needs to shoot animals?

Who is this way of solving problems typical? Well, of course for the kids. If the child is faced with trouble, he closes his eyes. Mom shows the kid a candy wrapper and scolds him: - You ate candy again! Well, why are you closing your eyes?

And he closes his eyes simply because a myth lives in the minds of children that if he does not see a problem, then it does not exist. Accordingly, the abortive consciousness is inherent in children, therefore, our society consists of adult children, whose name is infantiles. But what will happen if we all suddenly grow up, how will it affect society. What is growing up. This is separation, this is autonomous existence. Can a society of autonomously existing adults be strong? Do we have such a society? This is Europe. Yes, this is a society of adults, there are many benefits, but as a society it suffered a fiasco and an illustration of this is the crowd of refugees from the Third World, rushing across the border and holding the whole of Europe in fear. Europe can be scared by one person, it doesn't matter with a knife or a gun. Anders Behring Breivik shot 77 people. Who stopped him? Two Chechen teenagers: Movsar and Rustam. They grew up in a society of infantiles, but they are not afraid of guns, because they know for sure that a gun will stop shooting if you throw stones at it for a long time.

4. Who should shoot the animals?

The animal itself is scary to shoot, it is necessary that it was an adult. Why a classmate? It's very simple, now I go to a training on the social matrix of dreams, which was organized by my other classmate. She is the leader of the training, she is a trainer, which means she is an adult, which means she has a gun in her hands. But her name is Anya, and I dreamed about another.

5. Why Sveta T.?

But because in my dream she is Irma. One of her threads leads to the coach of the dreaming group, and the other to a completely different character. To the character of my husband's family system. A character who causes me the strongest feelings of aggression and rage, which I am ashamed to admit even to myself. Feelings that I have to contain and cage. Feelings that I cannot deal with, which means they must be shot. This character's name is Sveta, and she is firing a gun. Of course, we can assume that this is far-fetched. But, when a similar mechanism of dreams was encountered before, then we can talk about the regularity of my unconscious, and not about an accidental coincidence. A month ago, I had a dream in which I was driving a Lexus, and I was afraid that my husband would return to his first wife. For a long time I was haunted by the thought of why Lexus. Neither I nor my friends have ever had a Lexus, I never thought about a Lexus. Everything turned out to be simple. The first wife of my husband, who instills fear in me in a dream, is called LENA, hence LEXUS. At the same time, when I told my husband my dream, he instantly considered this association, which means it is not a mirage, but reality.
