Formation Of The Fate Of The "STATISTICAL Person"

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Video: Formation Of The Fate Of The "STATISTICAL Person"

Video: Formation Of The Fate Of The
Formation Of The Fate Of The "STATISTICAL Person"
Formation Of The Fate Of The "STATISTICAL Person"

Many inhabitants of the earth, at the moment (2019), are very unconscious citizens of various countries. Many of them, of course, do not recognize this for themselves, and many do not at all understand that it is they who are being discussed now.

But the point is that UNCONSCIOUSNESS breeds an inability to choose and build your life. Unconsciousness pulls a person to the bottom. And unconsciousness leads to the state of the victim of circumstances. And the victim, as usual, blames everything and everyone, but not his own incompetence. The victim may even blame himself and not the outsiders, but this does not solve the problem.

In short, the first thing to do is want change; the second is to understand how you make yourself a victim; and, finally, the third - to make yourself in a new way, from new material, consciously, honestly, beautifully, so that it would be pleasant to live in your body and use your magnificent mind.

This is what we will do little by little in free lessons and in depth in paid ones. Go!

Here (and further) not about what bad / good parents, here about how programs are transmitted. You yourself voluntarily chose your parents, and they chose you, so don't complain, just study - how minds are programmed, and remake yourself if you want …

4 LIFESTYLES transmitted to you through your parents

  • Friendly Force (K Movement + Dominance) - a person of this style, not always convenient for society, not always loved and this is normal, leads others, transforms what is happening, violating comfort zones and foundations. But everything comes from friendliness. They do not tolerate when someone is bad, real superheroes in the best sense.
  • Friendly weakness (K movement + subordination) - a person of this style usually thinks like this: we will endure nothing, everything will work out, it will be decided gradually, someday it will be fine, after all, we are still alive, we will live on nothing, little by little.
  • Hostile force ("OT" movement + dominance) - people of this style impose their opinions, disclaim responsibility, lead others into the jungle. (politicians)
  • Hostile weakness (OT movement + subordination) - people of this style are always unhappy with everything: government, climate, taxes, loans, etc. They always grumble no matter what happens. Everything is always bad. (My hut on the edge I don't know anything and I don't want to know)

Next, the game template is connected


  • Be famous (compatible with friendly power)
  • Being unknown (compatible with a hostile force)
  • Don't know (compatible with hostile weakness)
  • Know (compatible with friendly weakness)

In connection with these 8 criteria, a life strategy is built and issues are resolved when and what you can and cannot afford.

In addition, unresolved life situations and conflicts, the successes and failures of the parents and the child's environment, project the child's desire to independently solve them, personally go through them (mom could not, I could not, dad I could not, dad could, and I can, Mom could, and I can).

Dad could / or not, but can I? Mom could or not, but I can do it? - a challenge is generated, a personal Challenge.

For those who wish to dominate in life:

To become a friendly force, you need to become famous, present yourself, get out of the shadows, demand attention to yourself, otherwise you will never start a normal, productive game that lasts a lifetime. Most choose the path of the Hostile Force, being unknown - this gives them false self-confidence and closeness in their comfort zone. As a gray cardinal, I am the unknown, but I am power as such.

For those who wish to obey in life:

There is a way to KNOW or NOT to KNOW.

KNOW - poor "Know" from the famous cartoon "Dunno on the Moon". Know everything, but do nothing, do not take responsibility and initiative. And if you want to get out of this game, you just need to become famous. This will move you into a friendly force. But you don't want that, and that's why you get half life.

DONT KNOW - not stick out, sit quietly behind and not know about anything. I don’t want to know about it, it jerks my nervous system, it’s none of my business, my hut is on the edge. I don’t want to read or learn anything.

The whole life of people goes through these 4 stages.

  • Any of your choices related to any one activity characterizes your firmware as a whole. Uncertainty breeds general hostility, as does ignorance.
  • For example, you understand that you need to be famous. But this is very scary, difficult. You can create anything for yourself, but in order to create for others, you need to be famous. Closing on oneself gives blindness, constant expansion is needed to expand the essence.
  • You must prepare for those envious people who sit in positions of uncertainty and who themselves are afraid of being famous, but also others "spread rot" from their trenches in the shadows.
  • If you cannot withstand the pressure, you may be tempted to go into weakness, again become unknown, offended, write on the table, and so I will live, I can be content with what I have, somehow I will sit out, others somehow live with it.
  • Then you can slip into ignorance, be like everyone else, I don't know anything, I don't know, it doesn't concern me, it's none of my business, don't ask me, I don't decide anything.
  • And finally, the universe will simply write you off because of such a meager potential.

All elections are based on them.

  • You decide what you want to do in life.
  • You choose whether you need to know / not know for your chosen activity.
  • You determine whether you need to share your creation with others. If you need to share, then you need fame, if you don't need, then you need isolation, a shadow.

The world is a complex system and if you follow the path of limitations, you will never know it. Your hostility and malevolence will only increase, from obscurity to ignorance to the grave. You will fall into the category of anonymous trolls from the Internet, who sculpt just about anything out of anger and impotence.

He himself is afraid to achieve and does not allow others to achieve, interferes, will do everything so that the other does not achieve his realization, crap on the sly.

4 lifestyles collapse into 2 lifestyles


  • Friendliness (actualization) - a person considers others to be equal to himself, allows him to be himself, to have freedom, to be realized and also allows all this to be himself.
  • Malice (manipulation) - a person manipulates himself in order not to allow himself to become successful. It does the same with others, if possible.

Modern society creates a double foundation in a person - it allocates 20% for actualization, and 80% for manipulation. One voice whispers, you need to change, it is useful, you need to develop, do exercises, grow, and the other voice says - good, but only from Monday, now there is no possibility, and so it is delayed as far as possible until death. By manipulating yourself, you transform yourself into a doll and you are losing the challenge of your life.

All chances for success depend on the lifestyle in which you live.

  • Behind the lifestyle of friendliness (actualization) lies health, success, wealth, initiative, creativity, growth, strength, determination, abundance, prosperity, joy, expansion.
  • Illness, poverty, servility, groveling, obsequiousness, old age, decrepitude, weakness, lack of interest, fear, boredom, melancholy, depression, neuroses, envy, pain, suffering are behind the way of life of malice (manipulation).

You need to identify your own tendencies.

Here are 4 signs to identify.

The manipulator uses:

  • Strategy - deception, falsehood, cheating, non-recognition of facts, deceiving oneself and others, constant explanations, justifications through lies.
  • Unconsciousness, lifelessness, dreamlike state, driving backwards with the flow, you are bored, there are no interests, a narrow circle of existence.
  • Control with the last bit of strength, with the help of anything. Because of the fear of life, the fear of others, and the fear of oneself. Keeping everything under control is the most important thing. Either I, or I will be controlled. There is no concept of freedom either for you or for others.
  • Cynicism, distrust, paranoia, primitivization of people. People are angry, envious, disgusting, etc. Distrust in God, in "We", in "They", in "Himself". And from this you self-fulfill the prophecy. And you confirm again and again that: YES, THE WORLD IS EVIL.

The actualizer has other characteristics:

  • Honesty, sincerity, authenticity, conformity to oneself, you are not fake, you are not artificial, you accept your given. You manifest yourself as you made yourself and are not ashamed of it. And although this can cause rejection from others, rejection due to the fact that you are able to really transform the world, you act openly. You do not grovel and please, therefore not everyone accepts and desires you. You are sincere.
  • Awareness, activity, liveliness, interest. As a child under 6 years old, you are overwhelmed with various interests, desires, activity, tests of space for strength.
  • Freedom, spontaneity, openness, naturalness. The right to both yourself and others. Acceptance, but not usurpation of others and yourself, "correct, but do not sew." Freedom for others and yourself.
  • Trust yourself, the world, God. You cannot not trust the world, demand trust in yourself. This is a two-way road. Mutual trust and authenticity come first!

We, 🧠Parshukov Consulting Group, are open and active in supporting society and each individual! We are ready to help you today! We are waiting for you and your success!
