New Year's Wishes And Chaos Magic

Video: New Year's Wishes And Chaos Magic

Video: New Year's Wishes And Chaos Magic
Video: Волшебный блокнот исполнил Новогодние желания. Magic notebook fulfilled New Year's wishes. 2024, April
New Year's Wishes And Chaos Magic
New Year's Wishes And Chaos Magic

On New Year's Eve, you will perform the Ritual. The longing for them is understandable. After all, rituals (holidays) have a socio-forming function, and, moreover, they have firmly entrenched themselves in our genes since time immemorial.

You will stand around the table, a bottle of champagne (or other soda) will be an obligatory attribute, you will bring the glasses closer together, you will definitely not sleep at 00 hours on December 31, most likely there will be Olivier on the table (where can you go without it), tangerines. Someone will dress up as a "priest" - Santa Claus, and someone as a "priestess" - Snow Maiden.

Yes, yes, it doesn't matter to you where the "granddaughter" of the childless Grandfather came from. Your unconscious needs it as an "avatar" of Nuit - the goddess of the Night, endless space and endless possibilities. The white face under the Russian kokoshnik does not diminish the dignity of Isis under the veil.

On some holidays it will be proclaimed: “The new year is hurrying to us! New, new, young, with a gold beard! Yes, that's right. After staying in an unknown country, the Sun will be reborn as a Baby and will begin his journey through the firmament (Nuit) again until his golden beard turns white.

Fabulous time, right? Magic. So what about magical thinking? Voluntarily or involuntarily, pretending or not, we all create our reality. Here, orthodox psychologists will be forced to agree on the point about "careless words", parental messages that can become a "curse" for their children. "Tell a man that he is a pig, so he grunts." The mechanism is called "projective identification".

Why are little children so "catch" the words of adults? They are still living in a "fairy tale". Where do we live in these "magic" days?

What am I talking about? About what W. Shakespeare wrote about in his comedy "Twelfth Night". Does everyone remember that the entire comedy is called "Twelfth Night or Whatever," and it tells about the events that take place on these wonderful days in all respects. Days when the Sun almost does not appear in heaven, it wanders through the land of Spirits, while the powers have passed to the Goddess of the Night (and of limitless possibilities).

We are drawn to perform this Ritual. Throw your Intention into the mailbox of the Universe these days. But … we behave like half-educated wizards. We devote a lot of time to external work (on the arrangement of the space for the ritual), and are completely reeled up in order to do the Inner work, not giving a damn about the "emerald tablets of Hermes", which we remembered all year.

"What is above, so is below, what is inside, so is outside," they say. And each Desire has a deeper nature. “Becoming slim” is such a “multi-move”. If I am thin and sonorous, I will apply for a more profitable marriage, a higher position, a “safer” place in society, I will win the competition with other girls, and, finally, I will know that I am no worse than others. " … For sweet: "Mom will finally praise me."

To what place are the emerald tablets here? To such that having established a relationship with her mother (if this is really the problem, I do not give recipes for everyone, I am describing a special case), so, having established a relationship with her mother, the girl will no longer have to "carry it in her belly." Thus, the desire washes to be built and is intended "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye."

Of course, such an analysis is difficult to carry out in those seconds while the Chimes are beating, and you are feverishly writing something on a napkin, which you would have time to burn and put in a glass of champagne. What will come to mind in a hurry? One man (with a fairy tale, not really), asked to “be white, have a lot of water, and that there were always women with bare butts around him. And this lucky man became a toilet in the women's toilet.

So what is usually written there? TOP query about "lose weight and get married"? Lose weight by how much, in connection with what? They say that unhealthy people dry out very much, lose weight. And marry a goat or some other animal? Get married or live in a happy marriage? Get married and divorce quickly?

Desire needs to be thought over. And carefully. More carefully than you prepare the space of the ritual.

My advice is not to make a wish at all if you have not done sufficient preparation for this Mystery.

And we have very little time left. The period of "that very portal" when the space is in superposition will end on January 1. Now those very fertile days for the Inner work will end.

Here another fairy tale will be waiting for us. About Cinderella and pumpkin.

Where do you think this topic came from - to be in time before the strike of 12 o'clock? Who is driving you away? All New Year's Eve is ahead. Seemingly. From somewhere there is an inner knowledge that you need to be in time. You should have time (for those who are aware that now the whole country is living in a state of hypnosis, and only from this fact the words have a different weight than in usual time), and so, you should have time until 00:00 on January 1.

Then the "door will close", the carriage will turn into a pumpkin, and the luxury of the ball will be gathered in only one crystal shoe without a pair. And you can't wear it, and it's a pity to throw it away. And again you will hand over the question of solving your problems to the "prince", that is, to "fate."

K. G. Jung also wrote that: "When the internal situation is not realized, it manifests itself from the outside, as fate."

By the way, he also wrote that "psychic" is another name for "magical", since both are the making of changes in the surrounding reality by means of one's own will.

Thus, my friendly advice. Once you have stepped into a territory you do not know the terrain, you have started a game, the rules of which you have not learned, behave carefully.

You use, you know or not, "chaos magic" when the result can be unpredictable. Therefore.

Open your mouth mostly for Gratitude. This is a win-win in almost any game. In the new year, thank heaven for what you have. It doesn't matter who in heaven you thank, do it according to your beliefs.

All these days I have been making mascot layouts, and I understand the "scale of the disaster" that people "want". I also understand that by the New Year I want to have time to warn those who are ready to hear my post. I fulfill my inner Will for harmony and prosperity.
