Autumn Blues Or Depression?

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Video: Autumn Blues Or Depression?

Video: Autumn Blues Or Depression?
Video: Eddie Martin - Autumn Blues 2024, April
Autumn Blues Or Depression?
Autumn Blues Or Depression?

It's a great time - autumn! Time to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, warm sweaters and an invigorating cup of coffee … Or the time of sad thoughts, apathy and melancholy. Did you recognize yourself? Now let's figure out how to deal with autumn melancholy, and most importantly, warn and recognize the first symptoms of depression

In recent years, the word "depression" has been unreasonably used, somewhere only possible. On the one hand, we attract public attention, on the other, we neutralize a real disease with serious consequences. But it is still worth sharing some concepts. In fact, the so-called "autumn blues" is found in all of us. And there is a completely logical explanation for this, grounded in science. Have you noticed by yourself how your mood gradually fades with the reduction of daylight hours? The reason for this condition is a deficiency of vitamin D. This irreplaceable substance is synthesized independently, by skin cells under the influence of sunlight. With an insufficient amount of this vitamin, the robot of all organs and systems is disrupted. The most common are the following symptoms:

√ chronic and / or unmotivated fatigue;

√ headaches;

√ insomnia, or vice versa - increased sleepiness;

√ apathy;

√ increasing susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections;

√ dryness and irritability of the skin;

√ problems of the digestive tract, menstrual irregularities in women.

To determine the presence of a deficiency, it is enough to pass simple laboratory tests. Therefore, the best remedies for dealing with a lack of vitamin D, or the so-called autumn blues, are quite simple, and the result is not long in coming. Below we present some helpful tips for dealing with this dull condition:

√ More physical activity! We introduce walking tours - to the forest, to the lake, or arrange mini-excursions around the city.

✓ Good sleep! It is very important to establish a sleep and wakefulness routine. We try to insert in the morning and go to bed at the same time every day. The best time to relax and restore the nervous system is from 9:00 pm to 7:00 am.

√ We plan and delegate responsibilities! Make a to-do list and assignments for each day. Try to finish the most important and energy-intensive tasks in the morning, and do more relaxed activities in the afternoon. If there is an opportunity to ask for help or partially transfer your responsibilities to another person, do it.

In some cases, stressful or psychogenic depression occurs. It can have both temporary manifestations - a protective reaction of the body to traumatic events - or it can turn into an independent nosology if the stress factor acts for a long time period. Loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, illness - at least once any person overcomes such difficulties in his life. The difference is that in the long run, the nervous system is completely depleted.

An interesting fact is that serious symptoms of depression can develop for no apparent reason. How is this possible ? Many psychological studies have shown that endogenous depression occurs in approximately 10-15% of cases. This type of disorder is dangerous in that it is not supported by any negative factors - they simply do not exist. This variant of the disease is the most dangerous and difficult to cure.

So what to do when the situation gets out of control and there is a suspicion of a real illness? True depression is characterized by a number of symptoms that determine the clinical picture:

√ Unmotivated increased sleepiness that lasts for several weeks or more;

√ Chronic fatigue combined with complete apathy - loss of interest and motivation in daily activities, work, hobbies, etc.;

√ Absent-mindedness, which is replaced by irritability - a sharp decrease in concentration leads to the fact that a person in a subdepressive or depressive state is not able to remember and concentrate on elementary tasks;

√ Complete anhedonia - the inability to get pleasure from any activity;

√ Suicidal thoughts and inclinations - the appearance of thoughts about death, meaningless existence. The most dangerous symptom that should never be ignored.

All of the above manifestations slowly worsen over several weeks, sometimes months. Therefore, after this time, the disease can completely absorb the person. If you suspect the possibility of illness in yourself or your loved ones, immediately seek help from a specialist. Depression, like any disease, is easier to overcome at the beginning of its development. A lot of people from an overabundance of information, and indeed the lack of correct information about a given disease, do not take into account what catastrophic consequences can be prevented if they turn their attention to the problem in a timely manner. Remember, one good rule works in our life: seeking help from a strong person is a great way to become even stronger!
