10 Steps To Burnout

Video: 10 Steps To Burnout

Video: 10 Steps To Burnout
Video: 10 Steps to Fight Art Block & Burnout 🎨 🥊 2024, October
10 Steps To Burnout
10 Steps To Burnout

We all know that it is dangerous to overwork without leaving time for rest, sleep and proper nutrition, as this can negatively affect our mental and physical well-being. Burnout occurs when all the energy is given to some area of life, to the detriment of satisfying one's needs and interests - when there is no time for oneself.

The scheme of action seems simple: if you distribute attention between different activities, take care of yourself and satisfy basic needs, you will not be burned out.

In fact, everything turns out to be more complicated. There are also psychological prerequisites - certain traits of character and behavior, leading to emotional exhaustion.

Hyper control

Attempts to control everything are connected with the idea that control = security. It seems that the more we influence the world, the more predictable and understandable it becomes. This is partly true, but balance is important.

It is not possible to control everything. And if you try too hard, tension and anxiety builds up, which, as a result, can lead to burnout.

Striving for perfection

Have you heard the saying “The best is the enemy of the good”? She's just about that. Unfortunately, the ideal exists only in the fantasy world. Trying to achieve perfection, we spend a lot of strength and energy on it. And sometimes, because we want to do it perfectly, we don't start anything at all. Tension, frustration, sadness, irritation and powerlessness appear - hello, emotional burnout.


Life rushes at a crazy pace. I want to do everything, and the more you do, the more you get. This is true, but everything has a price. Each new task is stress for the body. And each incomplete is additional stress.

When we load RAM with a lot of things, it takes a lot of energy and affects the speed and quality of execution. It's so exhausting that sometimes, the only way to get back on line is to reboot completely (like a frozen computer).

Dependence on the opinions of others

Taking the interests of others into account helps build relationships. The problem arises when the needs of those around you become more important than yours. It is impossible to please everyone, and an additional stressor is the frustration that occurs when others do not act like you. Therefore, putting yourself in the place of another, think about who at this moment is on yours.

Inner critic

It is unpleasant when you are criticized, but it is much more painful when you do it yourself. Some people tend to use the "whip" in relation to themselves - to reproach, shame and blame for trifles.

This method is intended to motivate. But excessive criticism works the other way around - it causes unpleasant emotions, unwillingness to do anything and can lead to burnout. Think about what will happen if you loosen your grip and next time get the "carrot" instead of the "stick".

Unexplained borders

Psychological boundaries are what a person considers his own and includes in his area of responsibility - his thoughts, emotions, body, duties, needs, territory, etc. Boundaries are formed and set in relationships with other people.

When the boundaries are violated, the person usually feels anger, sadness, or resentment. It is also difficult for people with built-up boundaries to say “no” to someone. Therefore, they often act not in their own interests, suppress emotions and do not notice their needs.

Low self-esteem

I think this is clear without explanation. But if this point is about you, you should pay attention to how your self-esteem is formed. And is there really a lot of your opinion of yourself in the way you describe yourself.

Accumulated emotions

Imagine a vessel that fills with your emotions. Everything that has not been lived is collected there. The vessel gradually fills up, and when there is no room left, catharsis occurs. You throw out everything at once, in a disproportionate volume relative to the "last drop".

It takes a lot of energy to “store” emotions. This affects your feelings, relationships with others, can lead to psychosomatic illnesses and inappropriate emotional reactions.


It's okay to be afraid. This helps you to be more careful and selective, more attentive to yourself, and take more care of your neighbors. But living in constant fear takes up a lot of resources.

Introjects and beliefs

In fact, these are the principles by which a person is guided on the path of life. They can be supports and defenses, help to perceive, evaluate and construct reality.

But if you do not check your beliefs with inner feelings and live “like everyone else,” “as it should,” or “as your grandmother said,” there is a chance to live “not your own” life.

When you put yourself in a frame, not understanding why you are doing this, life ceases to be enjoyable, because it consists of continuous stress and limitations.

The path to burnout is not linear and can be very individual. And if any of the above sounds like you, don't despair. This does not mean that you cannot change anything.

On the contrary, forewarned is forearmed. And to notice and realize what is happening is a big step towards eliminating it.

Think about what you can do about it. And if you feel that you cannot cope on your own, you can always seek professional help.
