Video: Few people know about this function DRILLS !!! 2024, April

Feeling fear and anxiety is absolutely normal - this is one of the basic feelings that help to self-preserve and cope with a threat, but in the modern world, this archaic relic is often uncomfortable when the level of anxiety does not correspond to the real threat or danger.

In this case, an intrapsychic conflict and emotional experiences become the cause of anxiety states, and not a real external danger.

Unpleasant symptoms:

heart palpitations, breathing, sweating of palms, excessive activity, confusion, disorientation, panic, skin redness, trembling, lightheadedness, dizziness, "weakness" of the legs, numbness of the tongue, stuttering, fussiness, frequent urination, "lump" in the throat, dryness in mouth, inhibition of visual visualization.

Anxiety and fear are different: fear has a specific object of fear, anxiety arises as a background for no obvious reason.

The psyche very often "binds" anxiety to an object (spiders, planes, loneliness, crowd, bridges, height), reformatting it into fear - this is how a phobia and panic attacks are formed. …

Anxiety itself arises on the verge of approaching a repressed unconscious desire (which one exactly is revealed in the process of analytical work) and becomes a kind of protection against it, like a safety device. Most often, a person is afraid of relapse - repetition, approaching this otherworldly FORBIDDEN desire. Anxiety seems to become a way to influence the situation and prevent the fulfillment of unconscious fantasies. On the other hand, anxiety anticipates these forbidden, but very sweet dreams and thus scares.

There is a need to find a solution and cope with the discomfort that anxiety attacks cause.

Many people try to deal with anxiety on their own - there is nothing wrong with that, but it is important to learn how to do it right.

Here The main 13 mistakes, avoiding which you can beat anxiety:

1. RESISTANCE and an attempt to avoid: deny, discount the seriousness of anxiety states. It is often a shame to admit even to yourself that such a trifle bothers you. You cannot ignore - it is important to admit that you are anxious for some reason and deal with it - look in the eyes the enemy.

2. LETTING be anxiety or panic attacks: surrender to them. It is tantamount to refusing to be calm; both expelling anxiety and giving in to it completely is ineffective.

3. Wrong PRIORITIES when other people's interests are put above their own - first think about yourself and take care of your comfort, and then about others. No one can manipulate or make you feel ashamed, devalued or humiliated in exchange for recognition. You can also take care of yourself.

4. HOPELESS: if self-medication does not help, then professional help will not help either. - Anxiety can be very effectively treated with both psychological and psychiatric methods, and the key is to catch it as quickly as possible so as not to exacerbate the anxiety patterns. So feel free to go to a specialist, try it - there is nothing to lose.

5. Avoiding CAUSE, excluding and bypassing what causes anxiety does not work. Anxiety is paradoxically intensified when we avoid what causes us anxiety. One of the most effective treatments for anxiety is exposing what we are worried about; these unconscious causes are best dealt with with a psychoanalyst.

6. Seek PANACEA - one magical action or solution. There is no panacea for anxiety - there is no single decoding or solution for all worries. Anxiety permeates many areas of our personality and life. Therapy alone is not enough, just like self-medication - you need to supplement and establish the rest of life in a complex way: nutrition, communication, fitness, work.

7. wait for an INSTANT RESULT. The search for a quick effect often leads to fickleness and inability to reach the end: changing techniques, reading new techniques and books, changing psychotherapists and finding new ways. Constantly jumping is similarly a manifestation of anxiety. Often behind this is a fear of healing or a large "secondary" benefit from a symptom: fear of change, ignorance of how to build communication with the environment and organize a life without fear.

8. MONITOR RESULTS: Keep a log of achievements and episodes of anxiety reduction - such monitoring will most often only increase anxiety. Try to observe yourself, understand what you want now, and not follow your plans - trust yourself without daily “receipts” in the form of checklists.

9. FUTURE CONTROL: Anxiety thinks that it can predict the future, affect the situation. Therefore, if you are trying to deal with your anxiety, it is important to remind yourself that you cannot do everything. Anxiety is an attempt to control things that we cannot influence: the reactions of other people, what will happen in the future, the consequences of previous actions. Stay where you are, and you will often find that most of the time everything is okay. Moving from moment to moment can make life easier and lower the stakes - take small steps. Let yourself be slow.

10. CONSTANT DISCUSSION: Talking a lot about your problem with others, sharing experiences - will lead to the fact that they will try to calm you down, thereby trying to calm down your own anxiety, which resonates, which you remind people of. Communication is important - it is supportive, but on various other topics. Interact with others, more often participate in activities, projects, events.

11. EXERCISES: physical activity in the form of relaxation, breathing techniques, meditation. You cannot solve a complex problem with simple exercises. Often, deep breathing and the practices that are offered cause dizziness due to hyperventilation of the lungs, which can further complicate symptoms and increase anxiety. Constant control of anxiety with physical activity and sports or breathing exercises will not work. Exercise can definitely help you feel better, but to treat anxiety, that should only be part of the equation.

12. DISTRACT: Trying to divert attention is now a very popular advice, yes, you can try, but it is not a method. Distracting himself, a person only reminds himself of the presence of anxiety and the phobia increases. Examining your anxiety and researching what causes it and what helps ease it may be a more proactive way of treating the symptoms you are dealing with.

13. CHANGING THE STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: here alcohol, drugs, sedative psychotropic substances and eating "snacks".

When combined with therapy, what you do on your own, self-medication is a good idea if it works for you and if your methods of calming are having long-term positive effects. A deeper understanding of what messages you send yourself with the help of anxiety, what it covers - come in joint work with a specialist. No one deserves to live with anxiety, and there are many ways to deal with it.
