Didn't Lose A Gram Of Weight

Didn't Lose A Gram Of Weight
Didn't Lose A Gram Of Weight

Women's weight loss is such a multifaceted and controversial topic. It would seem that it’s easier than ever - you stopped eating and you are losing weight. Usually everyone starts with this simple thing. Man is made like that. Therefore, we just stop eating … Someone is really losing weight. Even I, stopping eating cakes, already on the second day I see a change in the mirror. But, after all, you will not be hungry all your life. Once upon a time, it doesn't matter, you open your mouth, put food there, and … for someone it will be, - Oh, horror!

Or, as it happens, healthy food, a healthy lifestyle, But … For some reason, you do not lose weight. Why?

Didn't lose a gram of weight

Because it’s not just about physiology. If we remember that a person is not only a physical body, but there is also a psyche, then if she does not participate in this process, but stands aside, because she was not invited to this dance called “Losing Weight, or rather, We are slimming. And until you call, she will remain on the sidelines.

But, there are still women in our villages:), who somehow begin to guess that if I'm not losing weight, and I'm sitting on some cucumbers, then, apparently, I need to dig somewhere else. Such women come to a psychologist.

And here we take the "shovels" in our hands and start looking for a "treasure" called "My slender body". Perhaps on the first day we will not find this treasure, the map is lost somewhere or some places have been erased. Digging, as they say - "let's try here." Or maybe your treasure is buried in this place.

These are all metaphors, of course. But this often happens - we "dig" in different places and somewhere, and it is …

Here's a "treasure" we recently quite accidentally "dug up" with one girl.

A healthy lifestyle, and the weight did not move here or there at all. And at one of our meetings she told that at work different men give her compliments - recently they began to tell her how beautiful, sexy, pretty she is. On the one hand, she likes it, and it becomes so pleasant for her, she seems to dissolve in such words, spreads and … "flows" into this man. She is included in it with all her soul movements - she feels so good in these sensations … No, no sex. Just fleeting conversations with coworkers.

And then, she remembers that she is a respectable wife! Stop … What am I doing, - she begins to think, - It’s impossible, I have a husband … If now they give me compliments, when I feel that I have extra pounds, but what will happen then, when I lose weight … How will I go to work … I'm a respectable wife …

Here is the lock.

And she set it up for herself.

You cannot get slimmer, since the flow of compliments from the male part of the population will increase - and if she accepts them, in her view, this is treason to her husband. And respectable wives don't do that. The chain is lined up. Rooted in my mind. And, the weight stands still. Weight for her is like protection from treason.

- And what is a "respectable wife"? What is it like?

“I don’t know,” she laughed.

I think this is very interesting. Sometimes we live with some words, and we do not always understand what it is about. They are like spells hanging over our heads … Step to the right, step to the left, shooting …

The secret to harmony is often simple - to remove the spell from yourself.
