Fear Of Public Speaking: Exercises And Ways To Overcome

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Video: Fear Of Public Speaking: Exercises And Ways To Overcome

Video: Fear Of Public Speaking: Exercises And Ways To Overcome
Video: How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking | Danish Dhamani | TEDxKids@SMU 2024, April
Fear Of Public Speaking: Exercises And Ways To Overcome
Fear Of Public Speaking: Exercises And Ways To Overcome

Each person has different fears and phobias. Some people can talk openly about their experiences, while others keep their fears private. In everyday life, we periodically have to turn to a mass audience, be it a queue at a clinic or communication with a parent meeting participant at school. In moments like this, it can be difficult to collect your thoughts and confidently express your opinion. The reason for this is the fear of public speaking.

Today we will talk in detail about this phenomenon: we will look at the main features of the fear of public speaking and find ways to overcome it.

What is fear of public speaking and where does it come from?

Experiencing before a public speech is completely normal. The problem begins when our experiences become too big, too much affect our well-being. In this case, we are no longer talking about excitement, but about fear.

Fear of public speaking is a form of social phobia. In the scientific literature, this fear is called glossophobia.

Literally translated from Greek, the word glossophobia means "fear of the tongue."

Any fear arises when we cannot control any aspect of our life. For example, people are often afraid to fly an airplane because they are high above the ground, in a confined space, completely unsure of what to do in case of danger. Therefore, to overcome fear, you need to take control of the situation and gain confidence in your abilities.


Causes of glossophobia

Each person is different, and the reasons for the fear of public speaking differ depending on personality traits.

The most common causes of glossophobia are:

  • Psychological trauma from childhood;
  • Bad public speaking experience
  • Low self-esteem and self-doubt;
  • Fear of public disapproval and censure;
  • Communication with people who are afraid to speak in front of an audience (artificial imposition of fear);
  • Currently experiencing stress disorder, depression;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury or other diseases;
  • Sometimes a person is not afraid of the public performance itself, but, for example, of the people around him or of the open space on the stage.

The main signs of fear of public speaking

Fear of public speaking prevents a person from living a rich social, personal and professional life.

Fear of public speaking is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • Increased pressure and increased heart rate;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Feeling hot or chilly;
  • Trembling in the limbs;
  • Legs become "wadded";
  • Feeling of lack of air;
  • Feeling of tension in the body;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Obsessive desire to visit the toilet.

The outward expression of fear of public speaking is as follows:

  • Feelings of anxiety and anxiety at the mere thought of the need for a public speech;
  • Avoiding those situations that can draw attention to the person;
  • Specific involuntary shaking of the head;
  • Feeling confused;
  • Broken and trembling voice;
  • Confused, slurred speech with pauses and coughs;
  • In some cases, trembling in the body, nausea and physical inability to speak are possible.

Ways and Techniques for Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

I have prepared specific recommendations for you on how to overcome your fear of public speaking in three steps:

  • How to prepare before the start of the performance;
  • How to behave during a public speech;
  • How to behave after a performance.

Before the performance

  • Explore not only the main material, but also alternative points of view on the problem. You need to be prepared to answer possible questions from the audience.
  • Take a piece of paper and write on it short outline your speech, so that in case of a hitch, use the hint.
  • A great way to make your presentation more vivid and understandable for the audience is to prepare an electronic presentation. As you thumb through her slides, you will always remember what to talk about next. If you stumble, invite participants to pay special attention to the slide. This gives you time to remember the speech.
  • Practice giving your speech in front of a mirror. Pay attention not only to WHAT you say, but also to HOW you do it. Facial expressions, gestures, posture, breathing rate, posture, facial expression - all these factors together have a great impact on the perception of speech by listeners.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder and rate it critically. Highlight points that could be improved. If you wish, you can give a listen to this recording to a loved one for additional advice.
  • It is possible several times practice speaking, having gathered in front of him several relatives or friends. This way you will be more confident in your speech every time. At the final stage, imagine that a very stupid person is sitting in front of you, or a one-year-old child. Your task is the most accessible way to explain to a fictional listener the key points of your speech. If you succeed in this assignment, therefore, you will be able to perform well in front of a large audience.
  • You can practice performing, going up on stage during rehearsal … If you are not performing on stage, it is enough to be in the hall for a while. Carefully inspect the room, pay attention to all the details: what curtains hang, how the chairs stand, what color is the paint on the ceiling. This method will help you feel more confident while performing as you will be performing in a familiar environment.
  • A few minutes before the performance do some exercisethen stretch as if you just woke up. These exercises will help you raise your blood pressure slightly and help you relax.

During the performance

  • Be prepared for the audience to perceive your speech ambiguously. This does not mean that the audience criticizes you as a person: they only express their opinion about the information you are speaking. A negative opinion also has a right to exist. Even if the audience disagrees with you, don't be upset. the question you raised touched them "for a living" and pushed them to think, which is good in any case.
  • Build your speech in such a way that it is convenient for you to pronounce it. Use short and succinct statementsbetween which pause in a few seconds. If you suddenly feel anxious, these pauses will allow you to breathe and collect your thoughts. It will seem to the audience that you are specifically speaking in such a way as to convey to them the maximum of useful information.
  • Follow the previous advice even if you are used to speaking quickly in everyday life. The faster you speak, the more often you breathe. Over time, you may feel short of breath, which can lead to fear and self-doubt. When speaking, it is better to say fewer words, but put more meaning in them. If you are in a hurry to give a lot of information, listeners may eventually lose interest in your speech.
  • Our breathing has a huge impact on the quality of speech and the state of the body. Breathing calmly and deeply will relax you and make your voice more confident. This is why this method should not be underestimated.
  • If you are very worried about the reactions of others, try not to look them in the eye. Your the gaze should be directed "above the audience", for example, at the level of the hair of the assembled people. Turn your head from time to time, as if you are looking at people in different parts of the room. Surprisingly, the audience will not notice your cunning. They will feel that you are addressing each of them personally.

After performing in public

  • Be sure to praise yourself for speaking, as you did a great job and ultimately overcame your fear of public speaking.
  • Correct your mistakes by analyzing your speech. This will help you improve your public speaking skills in the future.
  • Ask a friend or loved one to be present during the performance and produce his filming, on the basis of which you will be able to:
  1. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of speech;
  2. Assess the timbre, speed and emotionality of your speech;
  3. Assess the features of your behavior on stage (posture, gestures, facial expressions, pauses in speech).
  • If you feel like you are lacking in public speaking skills, consider enrolling in a public speaking course.
  • It would also be nice to study in a journalism club or theater studio. By interacting with different people, you can learn very useful skills that will be useful to you in different life situations.
  • Many public people actually have a fear of public speaking. Nevertheless, thanks to self-improvement, they were able to achieve success in their activities.
  • If you are afraid of public speaking, have the courage to face your fear and overcome it.
  • The most effective way to deal with your fear of public speaking is to speak in public as often as possible.
