Why Do I Live Or How To Find Your Meaning Of Life?

Video: Why Do I Live Or How To Find Your Meaning Of Life?

Video: Why Do I Live Or How To Find Your Meaning Of Life?
Video: MEANING OF LIFE - Jordan Peterson | Find Your Meaning 2024, April
Why Do I Live Or How To Find Your Meaning Of Life?
Why Do I Live Or How To Find Your Meaning Of Life?

Questions about the meaning of life are raised in most cases in situations where people are not satisfied with something. If everything is in order and goes on as usual, no one asks such questions. The question of the meaning of existence arises when a person is in a state of deep psychological discomfort or existential crisis, which may be accompanied by life crises - job loss, divorce, birth or leaving the family. During such periods, the question is raised about what to do next and how to live. Often a person wants to completely rethink his life. So how to find your meaning of existence?

All questions about the meaning of life ultimately boil down to finding yourself, feeling your worth and enjoying life.

To solve these problems, you can set goals and achieve them, however, if they do not fall into the value line of a certain person (Vasya and Petit did it, and I want it so!), As a result, the crisis will worsen even more, the person will not get satisfaction from life, and will again ask questions about the meaning of existence. Why? Because by and large we all want to be happy, and the question of the meaning of existence can be reformulated - "How to become happy?"

Thus, if you look at life in such an existential way, you need to understand that there is only one outcome for any person - a small “dwelling” for the body, located somewhere 2 meters underground. That is why only the quality of life and emotions matters, for some people - the quality of communication, contact with others. In general, every minute of existence should be filled with emotional outbursts.

Psychologists recommend breaking down all the meanings of life into 3 main categories:

- material;

- emotional;

- spiritual.

The first category includes the ability to make a certain amount of money in a chosen way. By itself, money cannot be the meaning of life, otherwise a person would not ponder over such questions. In a material sense, for many, the skill that is pumped while making money, the very process by which this material benefit is earned, is of great importance. Money and security are the foundation of our life, an important and integral part. Where to live and what to eat are the main tasks, without the satisfaction of which it is simply impossible to think about something else. Thus, the satisfaction of the simplest but vital needs is the first step towards understanding the meaning of existence.

The emotional meaning of life is the whole depth and totality of human experience. Emotions, the ability to enjoy every minute of life, to be here and now, to receive moral satisfaction from all your actions (even from pain), the knowledge that this pain can be shared with a person close in spirit, that this is an integral part of life.

The spiritual meaning of life can be called the most important, because it is without it that the material component quickly loses its value. This is the ability to withstand all the difficulties and troubles in life, change, benefit the world, develop, become stronger and wiser with every painful situation and crisis. Also, a significant part of the spiritual meaning is serving and helping people. On average, 99% of people find it important to be useful to society. It is important not just to enjoy your actions, you need someone to notice, to someone it was useful, pleasant, interesting. Thus, people feel better, it inspires and makes them move on.

The spiritual path can be not only external, but also internal, but in any case, a person feels how he is growing and becoming better. From this point of view, without spiritual and emotional meanings there will be no material satisfaction and vice versa. All this is closely interconnected, so you need to perceive the meaning of existence as a holistic 3D picture.

In general, if we talk about the meaning of life, for many people it is life itself, enjoying every minute lived, the process of work and dedication, improving their spiritual qualities, the ability to withstand difficult life trials and emotional stress (crazy joy, grief, difficult experiences), continuous personal and professional development.

How to understand the meaning of your life? It's simple - you need to understand what a person gets pleasure from, this will fill his life with meaning.
