How To Enjoy Your Work? Stream State

Video: How To Enjoy Your Work? Stream State

Video: How To Enjoy Your Work? Stream State
How To Enjoy Your Work? Stream State
How To Enjoy Your Work? Stream State

I very often hear from clients (both in therapy and in career guidance) about how difficult it is for them to complete work tasks. How hard they force themselves to do something, constantly postponing and experiencing exclusively boredom and disgust. No pleasure. And as if the only way to cope with this is to lie down and slowly die, because "I loved my job so much before, what happened now, it's terrible."

In modern society, the pleasure of work looks like love at first sight. In the sense - "chemistry" either happens or not. Cupid turns out to be a skilled marksman or not. Hence, a huge component of fortune appears in the concept of "professional vocation" as something that does not depend on us. Depends on luck, karma, Cupid, parents (who once criticized your first drawing). From anything, just not from ourselves.

The renowned psychologist Mihai Chikesentmihalyi views the pleasure of work through the concept of a "state of flow." Surely each of you experienced it at least once in your life. The state when you are immersed in activity, do not hear or see anything around. When you are incredibly passionate about the process, so much so that you can forget to eat and take time to do other things. Sometimes you even lose your sense of time, completely surrendering to this flow. So much so that you can "wake up" after three hours with the feeling that only an hour has passed.

As you can see, flow is the exact opposite of boredom and discouragement. Most scientists made their discoveries through the flow, and artists painted their best pictures. But what is really there - every manager secretly dreams of an employee with "burning eyes" - employers still often indicate them as a requirement for a candidate in job descriptions.

The flow state is not a random lottery. And there are a number of factors that can cause it. So, in order to start enjoying your work, you need to:

  1. Find a feasible task … Moreover, it is feasible. If the task is too easy, it can be boring. Like, for example, a department assistant who has long outgrown this position. If it turns out to be too difficult, it can cause a feeling of one's own incompetence. As in the situation with a third-grader, an excellent student, whom we suddenly send to study in the 11th grade. Feasible tasks cause us a "wow" effect and force us to look for new solutions, relying on the knowledge that we already have. Think about it: you may not feel like working right now because your tasks are too simple or difficult for you. It may be worth talking to your management about this.
  2. Focus … That is, strain your own attention and concentrate it on the implementation of a specific task. And in this we are all unique. Someone is not at all distracted even in a noisy lowered space for 100 people, while someone needs solitude for concentration. Someone helps to concentrate music, and someone - only complete silence. It is also important to remember that our attention is activated by volitional effort. That is, even if you love to draw immensely, it may take some effort to sit down at the easel. Our concentration is sometimes like an airplane taking off - much more effort is needed precisely in order to take off. Then everything is much easier.
  3. Formulate a goal … Scientists interviewed people who survived the horrors of the World War II concentration camps. It turned out that those who had a goal remained alive. They were all different: someone dreamed of a family, someone wanted to finish a book, someone wanted to build a house. Goal helps us get through difficulties, and aimless activities are often demotivating. Therefore, if you go to work just to go to work, try to find the most desirable goal for yourself. And maybe the work will take on new meanings.
  4. Get Feedback … Ask your manager about the quality of your work, clarify your strengths and weaknesses. Show your paintings to your friends. Try interviewing to see an independent view of you as a professional. Our self-esteem is shaped by how others see us. And the more people give you feedback, the more objective it will be in relation to the real world. Moreover, positive feedback and recognition of your strengths usually increases our desire to work and develop.
  5. If all this doesn't work, check if you are doing … Perhaps you have dreamed of dancing all your life, and your parents have seen you as a lawyer since childhood. And they made a lawyer out of you. At the same time, your need to dance remained unfulfilled. In finding yourself, the advice of a qualified career guidance specialist can help you - together you will find the most optimal strategy for changing the field of activity. Finally, you will start to enjoy your work.

I wish you to enjoy life as much as possible.;)
