Human Psychology, Worldview, History. Or What Makes A Person A Person?

Video: Human Psychology, Worldview, History. Or What Makes A Person A Person?

Video: Human Psychology, Worldview, History. Or What Makes A Person A Person?
Video: The Psychology of Worldviews | Artur Nilsson | TEDxLund 2024, May
Human Psychology, Worldview, History. Or What Makes A Person A Person?
Human Psychology, Worldview, History. Or What Makes A Person A Person?

Human's psychology. There are several questions that I am often asked. Including: "What makes a person a person?" and "When did you feel interested in psychology?" Since they are interrelated for me, I will answer them in one article.

For me, a person is made a person not only by the famous "hominid triad": upright posture, the use of tools and a large brain that allows us to think and articulate. When I visited psychiatric institutions, I saw many upright people, able to make tools, think and talk, but behave in an animal manner. Visiting boarding schools and nursing homes, I saw deaf and dumb people with cerebral palsy and cripples without arms and legs, who thought and created, giving all their strength to people and the development of the world around. Therefore, for me it is not only those human inclinations that we have from birth that are important, but how we apply this in practice in our life; how we realize our chance not only to be born, but also to become human.

For me, people are not so much born as they become, over the course of their lives, consistently removing from themselves the most odious signs of animality.

A person acquires his human essence only by observing examples of human behavior. At the same time, asking questions about who the person is; what is the meaning and purpose of his life? By assimilating that knowledge and that morality that contribute to the maximum asking oneself and others these questions, publicly discussing the answers received.

Let me explain how it was in my own human life, which led me to study psychology. I had an interest in psychology, at first in history, from the fourth or fifth grade, from about ten or eleven years old. Was deeply impressed by the book "Fight for Fire!" Joseph Roney Sr. I thought a lot about how terrible it was for man to live in the era of primitiveness; how he was defenseless in the face of Nature: predators, diseases, elements and other threats. More about what fine fellows were the ancient people who, through the efforts of their intellectuals and workers, once were able to move from animal life to Civilization. From that moment on, I avidly read all the books that described the life and psychology of people in various historical times.

But my moment of truth happened around the age of fourteen (1985). Once, with a group of friends, classmates, we watched at home the popular in the USSR film-series "Seventeen Moments of Spring". If someone has not seen him, let me remind you of the essence: Soviet illegal intelligence agent Maxim Isaev, introduced into the secret service of Nazi Germany as SS Standartenfuehrer Max Otto von Stirlitz, is playing a complex intelligence game, carrying out important missions in Moscow. Being under the suspicion of the Nazis, risking his own life, he not only collects and transmits to Moscow valuable messages about the negotiations between the Hitlerite elite and the United States, but also saves the lives of other intelligence officers and just civilians who did not accept Nazism.

Personally, I was entirely for Stirlitz, sincerely worried about him. But one of my classmates suddenly said: “This fool is Stirlitz! No one was watching him anyway. He would have worked like an ordinary fascist, would not attract attention to himself, would have no problems. Moreover, there is nothing to save others! I would have thought of myself! About my wife, whom I have not seen for several years … I would have lived the last year of the war for my own pleasure, nothing would have changed. We would have won without him … After all, everything in this world is already predetermined!"

He was supported by another comrade: “There is only one life! More joy, less risk! Let the fools take risks who cannot normally arrange a well-fed and calm life for themselves …"

Both of my grandfathers fought in the Great Patriotic War, plus my grandmother on the line of my mother was a nurse at the front. Therefore, I was sincerely indignant and said: “And nothing that thanks to these, as you call“fools”, and people who cannot normally arrange a well-fed and calm life for themselves, who fought for the Motherland in 1941-1945, our parents and we are alive and well now ?!"

A heated debate began. The forces turned out to be equal: me and my classmate Alexander against two Olegs. It did not come to a fight, but they quarreled strongly. Then, of course, we made up. However, I still had an unpleasant aftertaste on my soul … I kept thinking: “Well, how can I go into battle with such friends ?! It's good if they just run away, or even they might betray …"

Then, I thought hard. “Why is this: peers, approximately from the same social environment, live the same life, study with the same textbooks, read the same books, watch the same films, but the values in life, the psychology of thinking and behavior are fundamentally different ?! What is the most important thing in a person? What exactly determines his inner world, his personality, his life path?"

Thinking about it, I became more and more fond of "pure" psychology. Reading textbooks and popular science literature, I found out that to explain the differences in people's behavior, several factors of influence appear at once:

- gender and age differences, congenital specificity of temperament;

- human genetics: those inclinations and features that were passed on to him by relatives, from appearance to abilities;

- standard of living: the social environment that determines his attitude, suggests self-determination: who is he; who is he with; where and why should one move in life;

- social circle: specifically those people who influenced him from birth, offering their view of the world and human life;

- a unique set of significant events that happened to him in childhood and adolescence: books, films and stories that shook him to the core; change of places of residence; conflicts and stress; victories and recognition, etc.;

- the basic values of society, which are broadcast by the main channels of propaganda and ideology: from school textbooks to the media;

- religion: it can correspond to the basic values of society, as it has formed them, or contradict them;

- adult life as a kind of Reality, entering which (like a stormy river) a person quickly or slowly realizes what is useful, useless or openly harmful to him from the baggage that was formed by him in his youth from all of the above. After which he can make adjustments, often very serious ones. True, most often, all the same on the basis of the information that was placed in his memory years earlier …

According to psychology textbooks, all this taken together determines the final personality of a person: intellect, activity, will and morality; life goals; values and their priorities; the strategy and tactics of his movement in life; the unbending rigidity or plasticity of it all.

What does “all this taken together” mean in practice? This is the general picture of the world in our consciousness, which is called worldview. It is formed in the brain of each of us, like a huge puzzle, from the totality of those fragments that life throws at us, being completed and rebuilt every day. At the same time, preserving that supporting structure, those guides that constitute the very core of our consciousness, our Personality. And this our Personality, not only preserves itself, but has the ability to deny the counter pressure on the life around us.

Worldview is how we imagine the world around us and ourselves in it, our interaction. After all, we always imagine him somehow, even from early childhood! Even an adult animal does not and will not have a general idea of what its habitat looks like and what laws govern it. Behind the trees, it will never see the forest as a whole. Even killing and eating other animals, the predator has no opportunity to comprehend either the meaning of death or the idea of its inevitability and personally for himself. But already a child of three or four years old, listening to fairy tales and watching TV, has at least the most general idea of what is around; What is good and what is bad; how people live and die.

Our worldview develops as we grow older. Year after year, we are more and more comprehensive and detailed represent the world and society around us. We imagine something like studying a floor plan of a building, going up, floor by floor.

In order to better navigate the levels of the worldview, from school I took the table of cases of the Russian language as a guideline. Let me remind you:

Cases Help Word Questions

  • Nominative Is Who? What?
  • Genitive No Who? What?
  • Dative I give to Whom? What?
  • Accusative I see Whom? What?
  • I am proud of whom? How?
  • Prepositional Thinking About whom? About what?

Hence, personally in my building of the worldview there are six conditional "floors".

Here they are:

Ground floor or nominative: Who? What? On this level of the worldview, a person is determined by who he is. Animal? A sentient animal? An animal endowed with intelligence and, thanks to this, able to escape from its animality, to become fundamentally someone else? Child of His Majesty Chance or alien forces? Creation of God?

Another person is trying to understand what is happening around him, locally and globally. For some, there is a battle of divine and devilish forces on our planet. Or alien, with an unclear purpose. For the second, the struggle between good and evil is in full swing. For the third, nations compete, proving to each other who is stronger and smarter. Or states and governments. For the fourth, ideas created by intellectuals are fighting among themselves: liberalism, socialism, communism, cosmopolitanism, nationalism, etc. For the fifth, special services, secret societies and even more secret world governments are fighting for power and wealth. For the sixth, nothing of the kind is happening globally: different resources are shared by individuals, both at the level of local villages and at the level of states. And this has neither a planetary scale, nor a great influence on the future, which is formed by itself.

Second floor or genitive case: Who? What? On this floor, we find out who and / or what we lack for Happiness in our life? Faith in God? Love? Families? Sex? Children? Material resources? Fame? Impact on the world? All at once? Or, on the contrary: peace and quiet ?!

Third floor or dative case: To whom? What? On this floor, we determine who and what we serve, or wish to serve in our life: our personal stomach, self-interest and ambition; to the people; the state; to humanity as a whole; your own or someone else's idea, etc.

Fourth Floor or Accusative: Who? What? Why is everything arranged as it is at the time when you live? Who is to blame for what is happening in human society, on our planet Earth, in the Universe? Whose laws work in the world around us: Nature, society, reason, universal reason, God? Does this suit you as a person, as a representative of your social group, your people, your civilization? Is it possible to somehow change this and in which direction?

Fifth floor or instrumental case: By whom? How? Where will we live or what in our life? Will we be able to realize our Personality? Will we be able to achieve any significant results? How do we achieve this? By whom: with the help of other people whom we will motivate or lead in some other way; Or will we ourselves go after those people whom we trust ourselves? Do we do it voluntarily at the behest of the heart and / or mind, or involuntarily? What: what material resources and what approaches to business, what principles and mental tools? And for whom our results will be significant: only for us; for our loved ones; for the entire human society or a narrow part of it?

Sixth floor or prepositional case: About whom? About what? Who and what do we think about when we perform our life actions, especially those that are highly risky? Are we aware of our responsibility to ourselves, family, people, history, our world, to the future as a whole? In what image will we appear before ourselves at the Last Judgment or our own judgment of Conscience or Honor over ourselves?

Briefly, the worldview floors look like this:

1. Who are you? How does the world around you work? what is the essence of what is happening in it?

2. What do you specifically need in life for Happiness?

3. Why do you need it? Why did you come to this world? What is your personal activity aimed at and why is it so?

4. Why is everything in this world as it is during your life? Can this be changed? If so, where? Which way?

5. How will you bring to life what you have in mind? And who will you remain after this, or will you become during this?

6. Who and what will you think about while living this life?

The roof in my building of the universe is general questions about what the universe is, etc.

To be completely honest with you, for me:

Worldview is not a question of who we are, but of what awaits humanity in the future in our understanding and what is our personal responsibility for this.

Answering these two main questions, a person will inevitably answer himself and the question of who he is. Because if humanity has a human future - reasonable, kind and directed into space, then we are people. If the future smiles at us with an animal grin - with violence, death and wars that keep us on our planet, then we are animals.

If we are responsible for this future, then we have an active role in influencing the world, and we are people. If we cannot influence this future in any way and / or we don’t give a damn about it at all, then we are passive hostages of the world around us and we are animals.

I believe that the essence of man and humanity is defined by one word: History! For only a person has history, that is, the ability to change the image of the past and create the future, materializing those images that have drawn individual or collective consciousness. Where the collective, or public consciousness is the image of a high-rise building, which turned out to be the most demanded and popular in society, in every period of its existence.

Therefore, a person's worldview is his personal history and his personal responsibility for history! Responsibility for those who have already lived before us and responsibility for those who will come after us. The history of mankind and the history of personal responsibility for their actions of each person is the basis for the worldview. For a holistic view of the world where a person came from the moment of his birth. And what he can change in him; for whom and in the name of what; what risks and methods.

That is why we are so moved by the rethinking of any history: personal, family, country, and the world as a whole. After all, behind it, as a rule, two parallel processes are hidden: on the one hand, it is from the rethinking of history that the rethinking of one's own values and one's own worldview begins; on the other hand, changing our values and outlook, we retrospectively revise history in order to justify ourselves, to refer to the fact that it has always been like this, we just did not know it … Therefore, once I reacted so violently to the fact that the life of a Soviet intelligence officer was considered a fool. After all, with this begins the justification of their own cowardice and the tendency to be an opportunist. And for someone's cowardice and opportunism, other people always pay … Including - in blood.

In general, the worldview is always questions, questions, questions. Questions to yourself, people around, the world around you and, of course, history. Questions that in the course of human history are carefully passed on to each other by generations of people. Successively passing through these floors, built before him by other people, questions of the formation of his worldview, applying the knowledge gained and conclusions drawn by himself in practice, a person acquires those individual traits that are guiding his Personality, bearing elements of the house of his personal worldview. For:

The individuality of a person is the totality of his personal questions to himself, society, the world and history, the totality of his personal answers.

Unfortunately, not all people have the desire and courage to climb all floors of the building of the worldview. Someone stops on the first or second floor, someone on the third or fourth. There are those who have not even gone through the first floor; just stood on the steps of the entrance and went back to nature, where nothing depends on them. There are those who are not allowed into this house by life circumstances: poverty, the peculiarities of religion and culture, the lack of an education system where they live, the lack of skills to ask basic questions, etc.

At the same time, the education system itself, to which they came in the most developed countries, through the study of literature, history, social science, economics, etc., is precisely aimed at ensuring that the majority of citizens have the opportunity to get as much of that data as possible. that will shape their worldview. But, as I said above, not everyone uses this opportunity.

There is also a problem in the fact that there is still no basic concept of “correct worldview”. Because the criteria for the "correctness" of the worldview can be very different. "Correctness" for those who want to manage people is very different from the "correctness" of those who want to conduct an equal dialogue with others, and from the "correctness" of those who generally chose the path of a loner for themselves. And within the framework of even these three variants of the "correct" worldview, there are many sub-variants. For example, those who want to manage people can do it in selfish personal and / or group interests, or they can try for the people themselves (both by asking their desire and not asking).

But the fact that there is no single criterion of "correctness" is not so bad. Because in itself the alternativeness of evaluating individual actions of a person and group actions of society in history creates the psychological basis for asking those questions and getting those answers that create worldviews and promote the history of mankind. It is important to maintain this alternative. Because, stopping to argue or stoning the disputants and burning them at the stake, humanity always returns to the dead end of authoritarian animal behavior, where the leader is always right, because he is the leader.

I will return to the very formulation of the questions in the article. How I came to psychology, you already understand: through history and attempts to understand how in different periods of the past people became people. Carried away by the search for an answer to this question at the age of ten, I continue to be a psychologist forty years later, at almost fifty. But what makes a man a man? What have I come to? My answer is simple:

The worldview makes a person a person! The desire to understand how the world around him and himself is arranged. And on the basis of this knowledge, to be able to change everything for the better! For the best for everyone, at least for the majority. The symbol and the way of existence of the worldview are questions! Who, what, where, when, why, why and why. It is only by regularly asking these questions and getting answers to them that we differ from animals. Who, even living a long life and being well adapted to the world around them, still do not understand who they are, where they live and why.

Further, everything is even easier. There are only two dozen basic ideological questions. There are only a few answer options for each of them. Mixing with each other in different combinations, this gives several hundred worldview options. But this is, in theory. In practice, people are grouped into about a dozen types of worldview, from heroes and commoners to opportunists and practically animals in human form. They group themselves, at any stage of their life, having the opportunity to change their ideological group. Change with questions, answers and action. As the saying goes, "the offer is valid throughout life." We know from history that even the rarest scoundrels sometimes drastically changed their lives at the end of their days and tried to somehow compensate the world for the pain that they had borne him for many years. This is the strength of the human worldview: after all, in the animal world, a bear will never return a stolen barrel of honey to a village, and wolves do not compensate the shepherd for a sheep eaten by a brought antelope.

This is what these basic worldview questions look like and the basic answers to them. I arrange them for you in the same way as I did it in my youth for myself, in accordance with the cases-floors.

Questions for the development of the worldview:

1. How did our universe come about?

  • A. It was created by God;
  • B. It was created by some intelligent Forerunners from the past Universe.
  • Q. Cosmic particle fluctuations have occurred, giving rise to the Big Bang. The details are not yet known, but humanity will definitely find out.
  • D. It is possible to investigate this, but why ??? The sciences are better off doing more mundane things.
  • D. It is unknowable.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

2. What is the future of our universe?

  • A. Being created by God, she is the first, only, forever.
  • B. Having managed to create our Universe, alien Forerunners can destroy it. Therefore, nothing is clear.
  • Q. It is not yet known whether our Universe is forever or whether it is finite in time. However, having solved the secrets of its structure, humanity will be able to become its owner, to exist forever. In this case, everything that people on planet Earth do, cognizing the world and influencing it, has meaning and perspective;
  • D. Our Universe is cyclical and just another in the endless chain of its births and collapses.
  • E. Regardless of whether the universe is cyclic or not, it is the first or forever, we will never get accurate answers to this question.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

3. How did life originate on our planet Earth?

  • A. Created by God.
  • B. Created by alien intelligence.
  • C. Life is immanent in the Universe. It arose naturally on Earth. Surely, in some forms, it still exists in many places in the Universe. But most importantly, people themselves, one day, will be able to design new forms of life.
  • D. Life on planet Earth has arisen by itself, but is a miracle and unique to the Universe.
  • E. The answer to this question will never be found.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

4. How did intelligent man come about?

  • A. Created by God.
  • B. Created by alien intelligence.
  • C. Man is the result of evolution, the realization of those possibilities that are inherent in life and higher nervous activity. Human intelligence is a logical development of those tendencies towards complication that are characteristic of a life that does not want to die. If a person had not appeared, sooner or later, some other kind of intelligent beings would have appeared anyway.
  • D. The human mind is a unique phenomenon of the scale of the Universe. We are alone in this endless world. It is impossible to repeat this.
  • E. Reason is unknowable.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

5. Does a person have a soul and what is it?

  • A. There is a soul! This is a divine miracle that persists even after the physical death of the body.
  • B. There is no soul, but the cosmic Intelligence (aliens) preserves the consciousness of deceased people in a special analogue of a digital "cloud" in order to use it for something. For example, in bodies on other planets, etc.
  • C. The soul is the ability of the consciousness of a reasonable person to go beyond serving only the interests of the body and create something that is not in the material world. Consciousness is still mortal, but the images created by it thanks to culture can already be immortal. Consciousness in the future will become digital and then it will be possible to talk about the physical immortality of the soul.
  • D. Soul - the divine ability to be aware of oneself in the world, which, thanks to karma and samsara, is transmitted from one living being to another.
  • D. All living things have a soul. What it is will never be known.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

6. What is the function of human society?

  • A. Serve God Collectively.
  • B. To carry out those Missions for which the aliens invented us.
  • C. Originally, human society had the same function as herd-flocks of animals: simply to prolong the life of individuals and to help collective survival. However, thanks to reason, people can themselves invent and implement any functions of society: to ensure socio-economic Progress; create conditions for the realization of the positive potential of any person; make the world more just, etc.
  • D. Human society is a tool for managing people in the interests of individual citizens or entire social groups. These interests themselves can be very different.
  • E. Society is just a herd where everyone is for himself.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

7. What is the source (cause) of changes in the history of mankind.

  • A. The Plan of God.
  • B. Plans of alien intelligence.
  • C. The activity of people to cognize and transform the world. A complex set of objective and subjective circumstances, planning and spontaneity. Throughout history, humanity is learning more and more accurately to predict, plan and purposefully direct its own development.
  • D. Changes in human society are chaotic and unpredictable. And nothing can be done about it.
  • E. The cause of change is human vices: laziness, ambition, vanity, greed, etc.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

8. Is human history progress-improvement or regression-deterioration?

  • A. Humanity is in clear regression, as it violates the laws of God and moves further and further from the original simple standards of being.
  • B. Thanks to alien control, progress is being made.
  • C. Thanks to the rationality of a person, development as a whole is directed linearly upward in the direction of Progress, from simpler to more complex. However, due to the fact that in
  • man is struggling with the mind and animal models of behavior, and periods of stagnation and even regression are possible.
  • D. As people become more and more cruel and cynical, there is a clear regression.
  • D. Everything is very relative: progress in one, regression in another.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

9. What is the essence of what is happening in the modern world?

  • A. There is a battle between divine and devilish forces.
  • B. People are puppets of conflicting alien civilizations.
  • C. Human humanism and animal selfishness are fighting for the possession of the resources of the planet and space. Some people strive to develop humanity to the level of security, immortality and omnipotence in the interests of everyone, others - in the interests of themselves and a narrow group of relatives and their own kind. The struggle permeates everything, and goes on at the level of ideas, states, governments, secret societies, etc.
  • D. There is competition between different peoples: their elites, state structures, special services, etc.
  • E. World politics and economics is a quarrel of individuals who share everything that can be appropriated to themselves, according to the scheme "man is a wolf to man and everything is against everyone."
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

10. What determines the individual biography of a person?

  • A. From the Destiny predetermined by God.
  • B. From Destiny, which is programmed by aliens.
  • C. From a large number of objective and subjective factors, but the will of the person himself and the decisions he makes are of decisive importance.
  • D. From genetic factors of heredity.
  • E. From karma, stars, numbers, hand line and other exoteric factors. (astrology, palmistry, horoscope).
  • E. From His Majesty Chance.

11. What is the meaning of human life?

  • A. To obediently do God's will.
  • B. To fulfill the Mission assigned to him by aliens.
  • IN. Initially, biologically, a person had no meaning of life, except for biological survival. However, thanks to reason, a person became able to come up with any meaning of life for himself. The meaning of life is to set goals and achieve them.
  • D. Go down in history.
  • D. Have fun.
  • F. Improve your karma for the next life.

12. What is the meaning of human existence?

  • A. To obediently do God's will.
  • B. To complete
  • C. So that through the collective efforts of people to reach such a level of Progress, when people become immortal and conquer the Universe for themselves.
  • D. There is no common humanity, there are separate states and peoples, the meanings and goals of which may be fundamentally different from each other.
  • E. Humanity has only one meaning - to live well and have fun.
  • E. It's not interesting to me at all.

13. What does a person need for Happiness (specifically for you?)

  • A. The knowledge that in the afterlife you will go to paradise.
  • B. The confidence that thanks to some technology, in the future you will be revived.
  • C. To live so that thanks to you the world becomes better: more developed, kind, well-fed, safe, etc.
  • D. To maximize your creative potential, having achieved your personal goals, to gain public recognition.
  • E. Become the master of the world: swim in luxury, command other people, fulfill all your whims, etc.
  • E. Just to live in peace and prosperity and not to be touched.

14. What should a person leave behind?

  • A. Reputation as a good believer.
  • B. There is no answer, since we do not know the goals of the aliens who created us.
  • B. To improve society, make it more developed and kind.
  • D. Nothing should change, they just have to remember me for centuries.
  • D. I do not care what will happen after me, just to live comfortably myself and provide for my relatives.
  • E. If my children and grandchildren remain after me, it will be good.

15. Why does a person need moral principles?

  • A. To follow the Bible (or other) commandments.
  • B. In order not to deviate from the Mission given to us by aliens.
  • C. To be different from animals, to coordinate the actions of millions of people and ensure the progress of society.
  • D. To reduce the number of your risks and conflicts in life, do not break laws and not be persecuted.
  • E. To be the object of exploitation of other people without principles. Therefore, it is better not to have them.
  • E. To better educate children.

16. What are you willing to go for in order to achieve a goal that is meaningful to you?

  • A. One should live and go to the goal only according to the canons of faith.
  • B. You need to act according to the circumstances.
  • Q. For the sake of others I can do anything, for myself - there are many stopping factors.
  • D. If no one learns anything and there is no responsibility, you can do as you want and I am ready for this.
  • I have no limits, for the sake of a goal, I am ready for anything.
  • E. In a calm state, I am not ready for radical actions, but in the heat of emotions, I myself do not know what I am ready for.

17. Who should be an ideal for a person - a standard for imitation.

  • A. God, his Messiahs and Saints.
  • B. Cosmic Intelligence.
  • C. Those people who by their labor improved the world, contributed to the Progress and humanism of society.
  • D. The rich and famous, regardless of the morality of their behavior.
  • E. Those people who live as they want: they enjoy life and do not strain.
  • F. Most successful parents, relatives, friends.

18. People who died for the sake of other people, who are they?

  • A. Martyrs, if they acted according to the biblical (or other) commandments.
  • B. Puppets of aliens who honestly played their part.
  • C. Heroes who make the world a better place.
  • D. People who became hostages of the situation and did not have a choice.
  • D. Naive fools who were used by someone for their own purposes.
  • F. Martyrs to be honored.

19. Could you yourself accept death for the sake of other people or an Idea?

  • A. I can, for the sake of faith.
  • B. I can, if I am guaranteed that I will be revived in the future.
  • IN. It is very scary, but for the sake of your loved ones, your country, your principles and your Idea, it is quite possible.
  • D. I can at the time of an emotional breakdown, but not.
  • E. I will never do this, since my life is priceless.
  • F. It is difficult to think about it outside the specific situation.

20. Why is the family created and exists?

  • A. In accordance with the covenants of God.
  • B. To ensure the reproduction of the human population.
  • C. To have a reliable partner in life to achieve common goals and have children.
  • D. To take care of someone, and someone took care of us.
  • E. For someone to provide us with comfort and sex.
  • E. So that it is not scary alone.

21. What will you be proud of when you die?

  • A. By His fulfillment of divine precepts and knowledge of God.
  • B. The very fact that I have lived in the image of a person.
  • Q. The fact that my life not only brought me a certain number of pleasant moments (and my family), but also benefited human society as a whole.
  • D. That I managed to gain respect in society, to become a famous person.
  • D. That there was a lot of luxury and pleasure in life.
  • F. When you die, it makes no difference at all how you lived.

This is just an approximate list of those ideological questions that are important to ask yourself periodically in order to:

  • - to know who you are, to clarify your own idea of yourself;
  • - make yourself who you want to be; to have a reference point for this, by which you can adjust your life and yourself;
  • - to understand how others can evaluate you;
  • - to better understand what could be the reasons for your problems in life;
  • - it is better to decide with those people with whom it is better for you to communicate and it is better not to communicate;
  • - to hide something or stick out from their personal characteristics;
  • - not to be sad at the end of your days that you wasted your life.

There are hundreds of such questions you can ask yourself. And it is thanks to the differences in answers to various worldview questions that people are grouped into different worldview types. Conventionally, I single out the following.

  • 1. Lone Hero;
  • 2. Hero - the spokesman for the interests of the team, group, society;
  • 3. Selfish loner;
  • 4. Egoist - the spokesman for the interests of the collective, group, society;
  • 5. An ordinary person striving to become a lone hero;
  • 6. An ordinary plus, striving to become a hero - an expression of the interests of the collective.
  • 7. Just a man in the street.
  • 8. Everyman minus, striving to become a lonely selfish;
  • 9. An ordinary person striving to become an egoist - an expression of the interests of the collective.
  • 10. A person who has not yet found himself, but is looking.
  • 11. A person who is simply undeveloped as a person due to the specifics of his childhood, his life in general. (He still has a chance to find himself)
  • 12. A person who consciously lives immorally, behaving like an animal. (There is a chance to become a human).
  • 13. Man, not of this world. (A very diverse set of behaviors).

I will not deeply analyze these types, since the article is already long.

I just strongly advise you to consistently conduct yourself on the questions and answer options I have proposed, by your own analysis of the results of this "test" referring yourself to one or another worldview type. This can be beneficial for you and your life! I wish you success in it! You have one!
