Is Excess Weight Out Of Your Head?

Video: Is Excess Weight Out Of Your Head?

Video: Is Excess Weight Out Of Your Head?
Video: Why Weight Loss Is All In Your Head | Drew Manning on Health Theory 2024, April
Is Excess Weight Out Of Your Head?
Is Excess Weight Out Of Your Head?

After working for a year in one of the famous weight loss clinics, I clearly learned the rule: excess weight - from excess food. And here, it would seem, everything is simple - if you want to be slim, like a cypress, eat less.

But in practice, not all people agree with this rule, some argue that they do not have any excess food in their diet, and they eat 1.5 times a day. And another category of people completely agrees with the rule, but they don’t eat this very extra food, well, it just doesn’t work - it just jumps into the mouth.

After analyzing all the data, I wondered - maybe the excess weight is out of my head? And how does it get from the head into the stomach and other parts of the body, in other words - how is psychology related to weight? Before proceeding with the answer to this question, let's analyze an approximate typology overweight people:

Common gluttons

This category includes people who directly and openly assert - "I love to eat." Their overeating is completely transparent and frank - rolls, cakes, fatty, salty, smoked … (who likes what) and in large quantities. Such people simply adore the taste of food and cannot refrain from eating it, even if they do not feel hungry - at a party, in restaurants, at home or on the street. The result is excess weight.

Gluttons are irregular.

Here we are talking, as a rule, about very busy people who do not have time to eat during the day - work, business, circumstances, family, children. But at home, a feast begins in the evening, and everything that can be found in the refrigerator flies into your mouth. It turns out that during the day hunger accumulates and in the evening turns into a real zhor. The result is excess weight.

Hidden gluttons

In general, it is difficult to call people from this category gluttons. These are people who say that they practically do not eat anything, and what zhor is, they know only by hearsay. Only now imperceptibly somehow seeds, half a cookie, a glass of milk, a cheburek at a bus stop, a bottle of beer with chips in front of the TV get into their diet … It's very easy to forget about all this. And the truth is - is this food, is it possible to recover from this? The problem is that it is possible and very easy. All of these small snacks can provide far more calories per day. So, for example, 100 grams of seeds is almost half the daily calorie intake, but this is not food?.. The result is excess weight.

Emotional gluttons.

This is where we come closest to the topic of how it is - excess weight out of the head. People in this category tend to seize on their emotions and experiences: stress, frustration, loneliness, boredom, fatigue, anxiety, anger. Tired at work - you need to rest at home and have a good meal. I am worried about the child - I will go and have tea with buns. Loneliness and hopelessness stifles - there is the best way - to eat … The result is excess weight.

In fact, as a rule, among the reasons for gaining extra pounds there is always a psychological factor - not only for the fourth group, but also for the other three. Why or why do people gain weight?

Fat is an armor that “protects” a person from the outside world

This is about the problem of not knowing how to set boundaries with other people. People who are overweight very often do not know how to say the words “no” and / or “stop”. They "drag" the whole weight of this world on themselves, everything depends on them - family, material well-being, children, husband, parents, comfort in the house … They cannot entrust anything to their loved ones, fearing that they will not do well enough. Friends of such people can also use their kindness of soul, periodically hanging certain obligations. And then the fat man takes on all the problems and drags one. And I would like to say - “stop. that's enough”, but can't. And it's getting harder and harder to drag. And even if only someone saw, but no, no one notices. Then he becomes more and more overgrown with his fat "armor". Maybe at least she will protect, save, help? How can you not eat an extra bun if fat is a safety issue and the only way to become “thick-skinned” …

Way out: learn to say no

Food is the easiest way to “love” yourself.

This method is used by those people who really do not know how to take care of themselves. The same people who don't know how to say no, for example. When will they take care of themselves if they need to take care of everyone around? And food - what is it? She is always available. She will not run away, she will not refuse, she is always available … and most importantly - it brings the desired pleasure …

Way out: learn to take care of yourself, make gifts to yourself, relax. Then food will cease to be the only pleasure in life, and it will become possible to refuse excess food.

Being overweight has hidden benefits

In fact, it usually takes not a single session with a psychologist to realize these hidden benefits. This is usually very painful, and you don't want to know. Here are some examples of hidden benefits.

  • Never get married, because no one likes fat. Here lies the fear of a serious relationship, in principle, because there was a bad experience. Or because the girl from childhood saw how unhappy her mother was in marriage. Or because she does not want to have children, but wants to pursue a career … a million options.
  • Not being a full-fledged member of society. So, for example, a man who weighs over 200 kg is unlikely to be invited to dig up potatoes. And if they call him, he can always work half-heartedly, referring to being overweight.

By the way, people who have hidden benefits from excess weight really suffer. And, of course, they do not realize their benefits. But, nevertheless, they have them and successfully use the position.

Way out: look for hidden benefits in working with a psychologist, since it is almost impossible to find them on your own.

Inability to cope with emotions.

This option is simple, but quite common. A person simply cannot cope with emotions and tries to "overshadow" them with pleasant sensations from eating food.

Exit: Deal with emotions and their causes and master ways of coping with feelings.

Thus, it becomes clear from the article that excess weight is really out of the head. And it can be very difficult to cope with it, limiting yourself in food, because without eliminating the cause, this leads to constant breakdowns and a new set of kilograms.

Make up your mind and sign up for a psychological consultation if you want not only to gain harmony, but also to keep it!
