Are You The Master Of Your Life?

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Video: Are You The Master Of Your Life?

Video: Are You The Master Of Your Life?
Video: ОДИН ДЕНЬ ИЗ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ👻 2024, April
Are You The Master Of Your Life?
Are You The Master Of Your Life?

Who is the master of his life? Are we born our own masters? Are we able to change our lives the way we want? And for whom is the final word? For us, circumstances, chance, luck or God

Signs of the master of your life:

  • Responsibility. The master of his life takes responsibility for his reactions, emotions and feelings. That is, in any of the situations, such a person will not say, it was me who was brought up, but he will say that it was I who reacted to your such behavior or words. And the key here is that I reacted this way. This person understands that no one without his will can make him feel something, somehow think, and do anything.
  • The owner of his life changes his behavior, reactions, forms of manifestation. That is, he is not static, but changeable, but not so changeable that every five minutes, it is not known what to do, but simply understands that changes are an important sign of development, that it is worth behaving differently with different people, that in different situations it is necessary and different forms of manifestation.
  • The master of his life knows his personal boundaries. That is, he knows how others can deal with him, and how not. And if someone's behavior towards himself is not acceptable to him, he speaks about it openly. He defends his right to do what he wants and not do what he does not want, regardless of who asks him: a relative, friend or colleague. He always decides for himself whether he is ready to do something for another from his personal understanding of the situation, and not because of the concepts of good - bad, fair, or not very good.
  • The owner of his life knows that he cannot change other people. Therefore, he simply accepts someone's manifestations, or breaks up with a person if he cannot accept them. At the same time, he accepts his right to change himself in relation to someone.

That will inevitably have to go through those who are ready to become the master of their lives

  • Take responsibility for the entire situation in your life. This means that you stop blaming your parents for your childhood grievances. You accept the fact that they couldn't be perfect. And if you were born in this family, then you had to go through this very experience and in this family. And now, realizing all this, you take responsibility for your reactions, problems, relationships with others and with yourself. You generally stop accusing anyone of something, because there are simply no guilty ones.
  • Work through your psychological trauma. At this stage, a psychologist can help, since it is impossible to independently see their manifestations in oneself. There is simply no knowledge at all. And for those who are interested, I recommend Liz Burbo. "Five traumas that prevent you from being yourself." In working with trauma, it is very important to understand that it is impossible to stop being psychologically traumatized once and for all. But working with trauma will clearly improve well-being and, as a consequence, a person's life. There is no person without injuries. Very often our behavior is dictated only by the trauma, the pain it causes. Until you realize your trauma, absolutely any person, especially loved ones, will always involuntarily touch her, and the pain from her will bleed. Here it is important to remember that only those people who have the same injuries as ours are attracted to us.
  • Face your fears. Any fear has an important function - protection. Fear often blocks our actions, just so we don't experience more painful feelings. For example, a man is afraid to talk frankly with a woman, only because the pain that he will experience from her response may be unbearable for him. And, therefore, fear protects him from possible pain. But the paradox is that without trying you don't know for sure. Therefore, first you dig out your fears, any: fear of relationships, fear of becoming a beggar, fear of not being realized in the profession, fear of a high position, etc. Then you look at him and say: “I see you. I accept you. But I am no longer a child, I am an adult, and no matter what result I get, I will be able to give myself sufficient support."
  • Working with self-esteem. And specifically with those beliefs that a person has about himself, about others, and about the world. Swap Beliefs for Beliefs: Beliefs change with different techniques, constellations help, affirmations. Beliefs can be conscious and unconscious, many of them were laid down by our parents.
  • Accept yourself and accept others … Acceptance, in my opinion, is a very vague characteristic, not clear for the majority. And many understand it in such a way that absolutely everything must be accepted. But, no one obliges you to accept a bad attitude towards yourself and not to rebuff the offender. To accept is to agree that now everything is as it is, that's just how it is. For example, I am currently having problems with work and need to solve them, I am annoyed by my mother-in-law's behavior, or I am now furious. Others we can accept only, and only after we accept ourselves with all our emotions, weight, or physical disabilities. And only after acceptance is there a chance and an opportunity to change something.
  • Stop dividing everything into good and bad. Surely many have noticed that something is happening and we regard the event as negative. The man learned that he was going to have an operation. Or fired from work. Or thrown by a loved one. And then it turns out that you found the job even better. After a while, we looked at the ex, who was imprisoned for fraud and pursued by bandits, and you understand that it’s good that I didn’t marry him then. And illness is always a signal that you are doing something wrong in your life, here it is worth overestimating a lot, and continue your life as a happier person. Sometimes it happens with pleasant events. A sense of acceptance and understanding that everything is always for the best helps not to share. And if you don’t see or accept something now, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. The event endows our brains with a plus or minus based on our past experience.
  • Don't save anyone! On the weak, who do not want to get out of their swamp, you will only waste your energy. And the strong themselves will ask you for help, or they will look for a way to solve their problems in any way.

The choice always remains with a person, whether to believe in the inevitability of Destiny, or to change himself and become the master of his life. There are very few cases where we have no choice. There is a choice, and if now you have chosen not to choose anything, then you have already made a choice!

Author: Darzhina Irina Mikhailovna
