Tell Me How You Were Born And I Will Tell You How You Will Live

Video: Tell Me How You Were Born And I Will Tell You How You Will Live

Video: Tell Me How You Were Born And I Will Tell You How You Will Live
Video: Dua Lipa - IDGAF (Lyrics) 2024, April
Tell Me How You Were Born And I Will Tell You How You Will Live
Tell Me How You Were Born And I Will Tell You How You Will Live


I would like my father or mother, or even both of them together - after all, this responsibility lay equally on both of them, - to reflect on what they are doing while they conceived me.

If they had properly thought, how much depends on what they were doing then - and that the point here is not only in the production of an intelligent creature, but that, in all probability, his happy physique and temperament, perhaps his talents and the very mentality of his - and even, who knows, the fate of his entire family - are determined by their own nature and well-being - if they, having properly weighed and considered all this, acted accordingly, then, I am firmly convinced, I would a completely different position in the world than the one in which the reader will probably see me … But I was conceived and born on my own mountain … "This is from the English classics. XVIII century. Lawrence Stern." The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman."

Every moment of our life is not only interwoven with the necessary link in the general chain of existence, but also reflects, like a hologram, everything that was, is and what will be. It is impossible to hide from the natural inlays on which social impacts are layered. What a person learns in contacts with other people depends only on his character.

Why do some endure disappointments from the same situation, others - joy, and still others - a lesson for the future? Only because it is for this that a certain internal complex of inclinations and preferences sets them up. In short, character. And the character begins to form from the first seconds of existence, even earlier - during childbirth.


These processes are being studied by a completely new science - neonatal psychology (from neonatus - newborn). Within its framework, a rather limited period of time is considered - from conception to birth, and it is believed that both moments associated with the course of pregnancy (threat of termination, toxicosis, etc.), the birth itself (features and complications), and behavior at this time of the parents - first of all, of course, of the mother.

It turns out that this is important - what and how affects a person in the womb and during childbirth. It is believed that the very transition from a safe intrauterine existence, when it is warm, and soft, and food is given constantly, to the cold and the dangers of life outside the closest contact with the mother, is a colossal stress for any organism.

And if additional negative factors were imposed on these conditions, then no good should be expected. Some stimuli are deposited deep in the subconscious, on the basis of which complexes are built, intertwined into habits, and then into character … So even if neither the fetus nor the newborn can communicate with us, they still do not understand what is happening, their subconscious already contains time mines.

Remember: in folk medicine it is believed that a pregnant woman should not look at a fire - a redhead will be born, she should not see cripples and freaks - a child can be born the same. If he sees a mouse, then the baby will have a hairy birthmark, if he collides with a black man, then do not protect himself from a birthmark in half his face or half his back.

There are about a hundred such prejudices, and many of them have been confirmed more than once. But, as it turned out, there is a rational grain in people's observations. Most often, the experiences of pregnancy and childbirth are blurred or generally almost invisible against the background of other, stronger and more constant influences on the psyche of a growing and already grown person. But in some cases, it is the very first baggage of the subconscious that creates the original, or skewed, or even distorted character.

In such cases, it is worthwhile to figure out how it all began, and conduct psychotherapy or self-hypnosis, including the so-called affirmations - slogans-appeals to oneself. They can be said silently or aloud in front of a mirror, at work, on the road - wherever you have free time to tune yourself for the best.

Childbirth as a result of stimulation

The simplest and most common case for our time. Weakness of labor activity is quite common among urban women, and so that the child does not suffer from prolonged contractions, the woman is injected with specific stimulants. But we know that in this way we help a new little man to be born, and for his subconsciousness everything can look like some kind of violence: I am not ready yet, but they are already driving me out …

Since childhood, such people are lacking initiative, helpless, do not know how to make decisions, shift responsibility for the future and for what has already happened to others. They cannot start a new business for a long time, they need a push, but at the same time they do not tolerate if help becomes too active.

Even creators born as a result of stimulated childbirth do not believe in their abilities until the last moment, postponing the manifestation of creativity until the last moment: they write poetry in a hurry, create formulas on a piece of paper, draw in the intervals between strips of complete idleness, etc. It is possible that the bohemian lifestyle of writers, artists, painters and other creative personalities is not a tribute to fashion, but a consequence of the earliest impressions of the subconscious.

An affirmation is possible like this: they helped me to do better. I myself know how to make a choice. They don't rush me, they help me. It is safe and pleasant to choose. I forgive my mother for rushing me to this life.


The child, on the contrary, is exposed to more severe and prolonged stress, because the passage through the birth canal is accompanied by compression of the whole body and especially the head. The blood flow to the brain decreases, blood circulation, digestion, and the work of almost all internal organs slow down. In the future, such people may have problems with being in a confined space (claustrophobia), shy away from large groups, and are prone to loneliness. They can be creators, although their creativity in any field of activity is clearly depressive in nature.

Women have migraines, dizziness, men have early hypertension. In an intimate sense, both are conservative, constrained, although the opposite is also possible: trying to overcome oneself, a person rapes his psyche and burdens his body, starting numerous novels, of which he cannot stand anything except a new attack of loneliness and fear of relationships with the opposite gender.

Love for one's own children (especially among women) can be extremely possessive: overprotection is combined with a reluctance to release an adult and completely independent young man into life.

Appeals to myself are built according to this plan: I stagnated at the start, but now nothing holds me back. The huge world around me loves me. I live in safety. People and I are very similar, I feel good with them.


Another common case is that a previous pregnancy ended in abortion. The fetus, while still in the womb, feels that it is in the place where someone has already died - and is afraid that this will happen to him. Even if this pregnancy is desired, and the mother has no intention of terminating it, the fear of death may remain in the depths of the subconscious of the born child. In the future, this is manifested by increased anxiety, distrust, inability or unwillingness to establish close emotional contacts, lack of need for love.

In this case, the affirmations are aimed at strengthening the need for life and communication: I am alive - and therefore I am not afraid of anything. Life is safe. I love and they love me. I am interested in people and phenomena. I forgive my mother for terminating that pregnancy, because she saved me.

If the previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage or there was a threat of miscarriage during this pregnancy, the fetus feels the mother's increased anxiety, her heightened sensitivity to what is happening, her increased care for the unborn child. Hence, selfish inclinations, the need for admiration from others, especially parents and relatives, are possible. A person can be completely helpless without a constant stream of warmth and care coming from the patron, which is most often the mother.

For such people (if they feel that their habits make life difficult for them) the following appeals to themselves are applicable: I am independent. I can do whatever is required. I am independent. You can help me, but you don't need to replace me. I forgive my mother for being too protective of me.


But the case does not seem to be at all reflected in the course of pregnancy and childbirth, but sometimes dramatically changes a person's life. It would seem that the process of pregnancy does not depend in any way on the sex of the fetus, but psychologists believe that even in utero, the fetus catches the mother's inner desire and is filled with guilt for not "matching" her aspirations.

Such children more than others show character traits of the opposite sex. Women choose "male" professions, compete for the opportunity to show that they themselves are no worse than THESE, who are in pants … At the same time, they hardly believe in the feelings of men, sometimes they are prone to lesbian relationships. Men are soft and indecisive, like women in disguise. They are quite potent, but they give the partner the initiative in sex (as well as in life in general).

Finding marital happiness for both can be very difficult. The subconscious mind makes a demand: since EVEN your parents did not want you to be born a boy (girl), then you also need a spouse so that she does not see a man in you. But consciousness often prefers loneliness to such a compromise.

If you feel that the problems can come from the described experiences, try these affirmations: I am what I am, and this is great. My sex is the best. My parents fell in love with me in the field that is, which means that everyone else will love me like that. I forgive the parents for wanting a child of the opposite sex - after all, they were not aware …


Disruption of the natural process of childbirth as a result of a cesarean section is also not the best option for birth. Although the operation is not done just like that, and there are strict indications for it, the child does not go through the birth canal, it turns out to be outside the mother instantly, without any preparation.

In the subconscious, this can be postponed as a feeling of uselessness (taken and thrown out) or violence (forced to be born, and I was not ready). Therefore, such people easily fall into a state of stress, they are able to redo the same thing over and over again, supposedly improving the results, but in fact only repeating and repeating all the same way of creation, which is subconsciously given the features of the generic process. They do not tolerate other people's interference in their affairs. And although they can consult with different people for a long time and thoroughly, they will choose only the solution to which they were initially set up.

Realizing that you yourself make life difficult for yourself, try to address yourself with these words: I am right. I will find an easier way. It's safe to finish what you started. I forgive my mother for the operation - it was done for me.


Breech delivery (when the baby does not go head first, but with legs, or one leg, or knees, or pelvis) is more protracted than normal, the fetus suffers more and longer from a lack of oxygen. At the same time, when the whole body has already been born, the head remains for some time in the softness, darkness and safety of the mother's womb.

The course of labor in breech presentation is insured by the obstetrician, who for some time restrains the progress of the fetus, pressing his pelvis with his palms. If the legs go forward, then the doctor restrains the progress, as if forcing the fetus to squat down. All this is done to improve the course of childbirth, but only an obstacle on the way to light and life, as well as disagreements in sensations from the body and head, can remain in the subconscious.

Therefore, the nature of such people is often contradictory: they often change their minds, even if they realize that it is not good for them. In addition, some do not tolerate touch, and most bodily contact is difficult, only out of necessity. Of course, this leaves an imprint on general relationships with others, and on intimate life. Such people are also characterized by stubbornness, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.

A conversation with oneself may contain such phrases: my decision is the best, there is no need to change it. My soul and body are in harmony. Obstacles can be bypassed. Not all things require persistent pressure.


According to some psychologists, premature babies are born in order to shorten the waiting time for the mother, and also, if she has doubts, whether she will be able to give birth at all or give birth to such a BIG child. Such super-early concern for another person forever forms the need to be needed, the need to be protection and support. The absence of a person to take care of leads to over-hassle with dogs, cats, or even inanimate objects.

The fear of being alone makes such people very vulnerable, and premature birth forever becomes the basis for increased attention to the passage of time. Happy people learn to live in accordance with their inner rhythms, while losers constantly catch up and lag behind. This leads to stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, nonspecific rheumatism, that is, diseases that are not in vain called psychosomatic.

Statements like: the best place for happiness is HERE, the best time for happiness is NOW. I am always where I need to and I do what I need to do. I’m not in a hurry - I’ll still be in time. Everyone needs me, and first of all - myself.

But post-term children seem to doubt whether they should be born. It seems to them that they are not particularly expected. At any age, such people postpone the execution of some deeds until the last, especially if deeds are imposed on them. They may be lagging behind in development, although their intelligence is not impaired. They choose and make a career for a long time.

They fully realize themselves at an age when their peers have been achieving success for a long time (however, the career of the former post-term is often even more impressive, but, as it were, overshot at the start). At the same time, they almost do not lend themselves to change, education, distrustful, constantly late or unconsciously confuse the place or time of dates, meetings, etc.

Just like premature babies, babies need to be harmonized with their inner rhythm. Then they very quickly understand that any lateness is only an internal process, that they are late only TO THEMSELVES.

The affirmations for such people are as follows: it is better to start early, it is safe. It took me a while to realize that my mother really wanted me. I always have time to do everything. I realize myself not too early and not too late.


Children who have little love throughout childhood are unwanted, accidental, unplanned. Feeling unnecessary and even rejected, they realize even in the womb that they will not bring happiness to their parents. Therefore, the main idea of their life is this: they did not want me, I am not worthy, I do not deserve love.

Hence the problems in life - they either please the object of love in every possible way, trying to prove their necessity, then, on the contrary, they reject the most sincere love and do not believe in devotion. In addition, they have a general distraction and dislike of plans and schedules. This complicates personal life and becomes a barrier to career. But some of the unwanted ones compensate for their peculiarities so much that they go to the other extreme - they turn into pedantic performers, for whom everything is planned for years to come, all actions are laid out on the shelves.

The idea that they are unwanted spoils the unplanned for a lifetime. Now the most important thing for them is to understand and accept in themselves that in their own life they no longer depend on the wishes of their mother, that they can and should both love and be loved.

Affirmations can sound like this: I deserve life - like anyone else. I'm a welcome man (woman) It is my right to be loved and loving. My life belongs only to me.


Before giving birth, the obstetrician tries to correct his situation. This is due, firstly, to violence against the mother and fetus, and secondly, to the uncertainty that the procedure will work out. The mother's anxiety, the touching of the doctor's hands - through an obstacle, but very unpleasant in terms of the impulse of intentions emanating from them - form a completely specific nature.

Such people are constantly growing above themselves, are always busy with vigorous activity, but for some reason the wrong one, not about that, not so … They cannot determine the right direction (even when moving along the street), they do not understand where they can get information or skills, do not have their own opinion about things that are more than 2 moves away. At the same time, they can be extremely fussy, agile, restless, intrusive, but behind this there are no achievements and progress.

Physically, an incorrect position in the uterus can lead to problems with posture, figure, and movement. Pain in the spine, joints, internal organs, in the complete absence of any pathology. Sometimes such complaints are regarded as a manifestation of depression, neurosis, suspiciousness, but this is only part of the general type of nervous response.

It is worth repeating to yourself more often: I like my body. I'm safe. I know what I'm doing. I firmly know where I'm going (going). Whatever I do, I am doing the right thing. I forgive the midwife who hurt me - it was for my benefit.


It is possible that children who at the end of pregnancy or only during childbirth had an umbilical cord entwined around their necks are the happiest, but also the most offended psychologically. They were lucky enough to survive, but the constant feeling of a noose around their necks for life leaves an imprint on emotional experiences. Often they (especially women) are prone to hysteria, and the first sign of an impending attack is a feeling of a lump in the throat, which makes it difficult to breathe or swallow.

Men hate ties or tight turtlenecks. The subconscious habit of living on the brink of death leads to the fact that such people are prone to adventures, extreme situations. At the same time, the initial reaction is panic, but at the moment of making a decision, they behave as if they foresee everything from start to finish, and do the only right, but almost suicidal actions.

It's the same in personal relationships: constant contact with partners who are more likely to harm than support; entanglement of the situation in a tight knot and sudden resolution of the situation.

Attitudes can be as follows: I live in complete safety. Life is pleasant and safe. I will handle the situation without leading to a crisis. I want and can be loved and loving. No one is to blame if difficult situations happen to me. I forgive my mother for not taking care of herself and me during pregnancy.


Children born with twins can experience either extreme love or extreme bitterness for each other, depending on how the pregnancy proceeded and whether they had enough oxygen and nutrients. In addition, it is of great importance how simple the choice was - to whom to be born first. Identical twins, as a rule, are located in the uterus so that the question of the order is decided long before the onset of labor.

Therefore, from the first minutes of life, such twins clearly show the traits of a leader and a follower, and in the future, these relations between the twins and with others practically do not change. But fraternal twins can arrange real battles for the right to be born first. Echoes of this conflict find their expression in character traits.

Born first in an identical pair can be aggressive, especially towards the second twin. These are echoes of a passive struggle for the right of the first exit, which unfolds at about 6-7 months of pregnancy. The birth is still far enough, and therefore the babies are lazily trying to sink lower in order to take a strategically important position for childbirth.

Sluggish shocks, pushing away lead to the formation of some dissatisfaction with each other, latent aggressiveness, especially in the former. Moreover, the former can also show this latent aggressiveness to those living creatures that he regards as younger, for example, small dogs (but not cats of the same size). At the same time, the former is able to take on the burden of making decisions or completing a difficult task. Often, in an identical pair, the first is a strategy developer, and the second is an excellent executor of the plan.

The first in a fraternal pair often turns out to be such as a result of an active displacement of the fetuses just before childbirth. Pregnant women know that shortly before the upcoming birth, the uterus seems to descend, it becomes easier to breathe, the head of the fetus (and in this case, the first fetus) is pressed downward. During pregnancy with twins, especially fraternal, such lowering of the uterus may not occur or occurs in the very last days before childbirth.

We can say that all this time the twins cannot agree on which of them will be the first. And if their dispute drags on, then the lowering of the uterus may be preceded by active stirring of both children - they solve the problem by forceful methods.

Hence the cocky character of the first and in a fraternal pair. If it turns out to be a boy, he can become simple and pugnacious, but narrow-minded and open. If a girl is the first, then she may have great ambitions, but in achieving goals she will use not only open moves, but also unlawful tricks, intrigues, politicking, etc.

The second in an identical pair is initially good at the place of the performer, but practically not inclined to creativity. Frequent problems with the intestines and liver, since from birth (and even earlier) the second was used to pinching himself, straining, giving way. In life, the second often experiences difficulties in choosing the general line of development, although the implementation of small plans is given to him without difficulty.

The second girl is prone to creating confusing situations from which she herself gets out with difficulty, although at first it seems to her that everything is developing according to her own plan. The second boy (if the first was a sister) may have a penchant for older women, and his relationship with other boys is in the nature of subordination or management on the principle of "gray eminence".

If both the first and the second turned out to be girls, both are imbued with an inner vision of each other. Their connection sometimes looks like psychic contact, and achievements and mistakes practically copy each other. There are more twin girls than ordinary sisters, there are times when they share one man. Moreover, if the first brought him to close acquaintance with the first, then the second becomes his mistress from imitation and feeling of the follower. If the man at first belongs to the second, then the first subconsciously considers him to belong to her in the same way as to her sister.

For gaining your own, individual existence, affirmations of the type are useful: my life belongs only to me. They can imitate me, but I - nobody. People are interesting in and of themselves. My health is amenable to correction. I forgive my parents for not being born alone (not alone).


The presence or absence of intimate relationships between parents during pregnancy can have a different effect on the formation of the subconscious, depending on the characteristics of the relationship and the desirability of sexual contact.

Some women, with the onset of pregnancy, lose all sexual desire (a kind of instinctive protective mode), while in others, on the contrary, arousal becomes strong and obsessive. But sex life is not always based on the condition of the pregnant woman. Some women do not receive sex because they were intimidated by doctors with the threat of miscarriage or the husband is afraid of harming the child (which is impossible in principle). Others, on the contrary, have intercourse, following the sexuality of the future dad.

If a woman restrains her desires, is in a state of heightened sexual arousal, then a born boy may have spontaneous, natural erections practically from the first days of life. In the future, such men are more likely to have accelerated ejaculation, and the very excitement during sexual intercourse occurs very quickly - at the slightest touch of a woman or even with fantasies associated with a particular woman.

Girls have early falls in love - first in girlfriends (without a homosexual connotation!), And then erotic fantasies that are 1-2 years ahead of the age range. In addition, representatives of both sexes are distinguished by increased excitability in all areas of life - from instant reaction to danger to prolonged chewing of an already past situation.

Adult men and women are prone to diseases associated with stress and delays - constipation, gallstone disease, hemorrhoids, etc.

For the release of subconscious complexes in this situation, affirmations of the type are quite suitable: my life flows smoothly, without tension. I relax easily. It is pleasant for me to rest without doing anything. I have nowhere to rush. I forgive my mother for not being able to relax.


If a woman was not disposed to sex during pregnancy, but participated in intimate contacts, then the fetus may feel her removal from the situation. A child, and then an adult, will subconsciously regard sex as something aggressive, assertive, not always pleasant, or even completely unnecessary and unpleasant.

Boys are alienated from the opposite sex, either because girls scare them, or because they are afraid to harm the girl in some way (they themselves do not know what and how). Adolescents and young men may not have sex for fear of hurting the girl (especially if they know that she is a virgin).

An adult man, more than others, will be prone to the development of neurotic impotence, because at each contact he fears "not meeting" the needs of his partner. Girls grow up as bully (acting out on the boys the forced obedience of their mother), they are tomboys not because they are masculine, but in order to become "their boyfriend" who will not be forced to anything.

Girls cherish their virginity with extraordinary care - almost to the point of obsession. In adult ladies, a penchant for pedantry is combined with explosions of complete licentiousness, when things are happening without looking back, a little later causing sincere amazement: and this is all me ??? Both sexes can have attacks of somatized aggressive defense: in response to mental or physical coercion, an acute attack of some kind of disease develops - from appendicitis to bronchial asthma. In this case, we are often talking about real physical changes, and not just self-hypnosis.

Affirmations in such cases are as follows: I am independent. I am in control of myself. My body is my friend, we work together. I forgive my parents for not being able to improve their relationship during pregnancy.


A large difference in the age of parents, according to neonatal psychologists, can also play a role in the emergence of psychological complexes in an unborn child. If the husband is much older than his wife, then her attitude towards her husband as a subconscious symbol of her own father is also passed on to the child, who assumes part of the "guilt" for cohabitation with the "dad". From this, the fetus may lag behind in growth, will be immature by the time of normal childbirth, its organs and systems (especially the hollow ones - the stomach, bladder, etc.) are prone to the development of spasms (as if from fear of punishment from a formidable SYMBOL).

In relations with others, a girl or a woman is constrained, fears that she will not enjoy success with her peers, and therefore seeks recognition among older men. Although the sexuality of such ladies is quite mature, they are ready to live with an old man, if only to have confirmation that they remained as attractive in the eyes of the "symbol" as in those days when it was only a question of a fetus, and even of an unknown gender.

Boys, men, born in such a pair, are often feminine, spoiled, selfish. With the blood of their mother, they absorbed her respect, admiration, fear of their husband-father, unconsciously transferred this attitude to themselves, and now they believe that they themselves are as majestic and exalted as their father in the eyes of the mother. Males may have digestive problems, they easily develop stomach ulcers, allergic reactions, up to very pronounced ones. But at the same time, we are not talking about bronchial asthma or dermatoses - for such diseases, men do not have enough self-dislike.

The affirmations are: wisdom is not wrinkles, but mind. In love, the main thing is the relationship to each other. Those who grew up together understand each other better. Fear and superiority are unknown to me. I forgive my parents for intergenerational contact.


This is often accompanied by her maternal relationship to her husband. And accordingly, the young husband also treats his "half" with subconscious (and even conscious) filial reverence.

A pregnant woman feels her fetus as another child who will be adored and pampered. At the same time, there is also a certain amount of guilt for "taking away" a man from his peers, establishing a relationship, as it were, with his son. Hence the psychosomatic characteristics of children.

The boy will be embarrassed by manifestations of tenderness, especially from the mother, and in the future - and women (especially if they are older than him). At the same time, his erotic aspirations will invariably be associated with mature women, even older ones. In childhood, these children often have a tendency to bruise, although they are healthy. With age, there are more frequent attacks of headache, flatulence, unmotivated redness of the face and neck. In an intimate sense, such men are more prone to ejaculation disorders - from premature to complete absence of ejaculation.

The girl carries a bit of maternal "guilt" that can make her in adolescence too pliable, ready for intimate relationships for the sake of a man. Women often have constipation, mastopathy, cholelithiasis. Mood (especially after 40 years) can be changeable, and it is completely impossible to control it. Actions taken at such moments bring more grief than trouble to anyone. After all, a subconscious complex will not allow a woman to upset someone: I am already guilty, you should not increase this guilt …

Appeals to oneself are designed to strengthen independence and responsibility for oneself and the world around it: each person makes his way in life himself. I am the one and only, I should not be offended. I always have something to do. I forgive my mom for patronizing dad.


I would like to emphasize that childbirth is childbirth, and so far no one was born in another way. Each and every case has its own peculiarities, and the combination of various conditions can form confusing options, in which signs of various influences of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, parental relationships, the state of the mother - both physical and mental - coexist to varying degrees.

For example, a baby is born with its face either forward or backward. Other options are practically excluded due to the peculiarities of the woman's anatomy. So, children born facing the mother's belly (i.e., TO THE WORLD) are distinguished by curiosity, courage, some adventurousness, a desire (and ability) to subordinate others to their will.

But children who are born with a face facing back (i.e. FROM THE WORLD) can be detached, individualistic, more busy with their inner world than the surrounding reality.

But both are completely normal, although each has its own characteristics of behavior, physical and mental health. It is worth talking about presentation during childbirth only if the characteristics of the individual go beyond the scope of social acceptability and bring trouble to the person himself and his environment.

Therefore, it is necessary to resort to affirmations when you yourself see (or others without saying a word, but very amicably suggest) that you have such character traits, such health features that threaten to ruin your life, and possibly your loved ones. It can be difficult to understand the interweaving of the neonatal period and the characteristics of a born child (and even more so - an adult). Indeed, as already mentioned, in addition to pregnancy and childbirth, the consciousness and subconsciousness of each person is influenced by millions and millions of stimuli that reinforce or weaken each other, give a completely new meaning to a long-known one, or make the exotic everyday.

But at the same time, affirmations can be applied without even being sure of what kind of prenatal and ancestral past you had. After all, self-appeal to oneself is nonspecific, does not require special training or the presence of a strictly defined situation. Every person who finds himself in a dark forest, a scary closet, an abandoned house, persuades himself: "I'm not scared, not scared, not scared …". Likewise, any man or woman who understands that the same changes are happening to them (albeit due to different reasons) can pronounce the same affirmations, which will certainly help - including overcoming the original cause of the violation.

On the other hand, I would like to warn against the unjustified application of the principles underlying neonatal psychology. Try not to transfer your knowledge to others JUST SO out of boredom. First, the conclusions may well turn out to be very superficial, but rather incorrect. Secondly, you run the risk of ruining your relationship with any acquaintance by putting it on the shelves. So in relation to yourself - please, in relation to others - is prohibited.

Just like any change should start with yourself, so you should spend the formation of your character and improve your health only for yourself - and you will soon realize that only you became the master of your destiny after birth.
