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Video: A nutritionist's guide to understanding — and stopping — emotional eating 2024, May

However, it happens that the problems lie a little deeper, in the psychological plane, and after some work in this area, stomach problems "magically" disappear, despite the fact that the quality of the products in the next store remains the same. True, it should be noted that after such psychological work, a person usually increases the ability to take care of himself, and he becomes more selective in eating, more and more inclined to "healthy food", loses passion for fast food and various snacks, stops overeating.


From the point of view of psychosomatics, many eating disorders originate in early childhood, before the year when the child has neither consciousness nor, accordingly, any idea of the differences between the psyche and the body. The child lives and remembers everything pleasant and unpleasant with his whole body. For his physical survival, food is needed, and for normal psychological development, love and care. Therefore, in the unconscious, emotional "feeding" and food are equalized - the child receives food and love from the mother at the same time. Primary pleasures are concentrated around the mouth and feeding area. Therefore, in adulthood, there are echoes of such states - people in a state of stress, if they do not receive sufficient emotional support, they seem to provide it to themselves - they eat, drink or smoke a lot (some even call large bottles of beer "boobs" or "nipples"). Increasing anxiety due to some kind of stress can also have the opposite effect - since food also symbolizes the feeling of basic safety acquired by the baby in the mother's arms, the person's appetite is impaired and he cannot eat if he feels unsafe. For example, many girls get so anxious on their first dates that they can't swallow a bite. This happens with various losses, for example, during divorces and partings, a person is deprived of emotional "feeding", which was so important that it cannot be replaced by a physical one. These people also often develop gastritis and ulcers.

Natalia was 28 when she addressed the problem of overeating in stressful situations - the vicious circle of "losing weight - gaining pounds back" has been a torment for her for several years. During her psychological work, Natalya was able to identify that the main cause of stress for her is anxiety in a situation that threatens her sense of security. Any conflicts for her were such situations.

Growing up in a family where parents were constantly on the verge of divorce and quarreled loudly, not embarrassed by the presence of a frightened little daughter, Natalia was always especially sensitive to the volume of her voice and intonation. Since no one even tried to console her in childhood, she never learned to seek support and sympathy from loved ones, and since then she found comfort in food - an inanimate and controlled object that could always be relied on. Her favorite product was Olivier salad, a symbol of the Soviet holiday, and buns similar to those that her grandmother made for the holiday, the only more or less peaceful member of the family. These products reminded Natalia of the time of the holiday and at least some semblance of a peaceful family life.

Problems with the intestines symbolize a slightly later stage of development, starting from the year when the child is potty trained, demanding to control his excretory functions in connection with social norms. For this he is either praised "well done, he did everything right," or they shame him - "he got dirty again."Therefore, symbolically, these functions are associated with control, achievements and the ability to give or hold. Therefore, adults often have a "bear" disease before serious events, where it is necessary "not to screw up" (often and abruptly words are used). People with chronic constipation often have problems with the ability to receive something from the outside world and other people. Trust issues cause tendencies towards increased control and clinging to what little a person has. Their attitude, as psychoanalysts say: “It is unlikely that something of value can be obtained. I have very little, I do not intend to give anything. I hold on to what I have."

There are also more severe eating disorders already associated with problems of perception of one's own body and appearance - this is anorexia (obsessive desire to lose weight, almost complete refusal to eat, often accompanied by a compulsive desire to look at, smell food and feed others with it) and bulimia (constant vomiting after eating). Such severe disorders, often life-threatening, are also based on the lack of adequate warmth, love and acceptance on the part of the parents, but not in the form of praise or support in any stressful situations - rejection is expressed by the parent in relation to the child's body in the whole. This leads to the fact that the much-needed perception of his body as valuable and attractive by the child is not absorbed, and doubts, anxiety, and sometimes hatred and disgust for his body prevail. Like the witch's poisoned apple that almost kills Snow White, food-love is not held in the body, but on the contrary, charged with maternal negativity, seems to be a poison that spoils its own body. A huge emotional hunger for love, warmth and support remains chronic and unbearable, prompting desperate action. Such disorders require long-term psychotherapeutic treatment.


It is important to remember that our true, childish part is always bodily, emotions originate in the body (and they are the main signals of what is happening to us), all experiences and desires are stored in it. Any stomach problems are "messages" from our inner child, who may react to different situations in a completely different way than our part of the adult is supposed to. Due to the "difference in mood" of our internal components, a person does not always realize why he behaves or feels completely different from what he would like in a given situation. To understand and understand what is happening with oneself, it can be useful to establish an internal dialogue with your child's part - if you imagine your inner child and give him a name (your diminutive, or "sun", "bunny", etc.), then you can contact him and ask what is happening, what he / she feels, what he wants and how and to what he reacts.

Marina, a 34-year-old PR director at a large company, broke out in a cold sweat and suffered from "bear disease" before massive public appearances. Three days before the performance, she could not swallow a bite. "What's happening?!" - she wondered, - "I know the topic perfectly, I speak well, I have spoken more than once, and again everything is the same!" “I can handle it, I can handle it, everything will be okay,” she repeated like incantations a variety of “positive affirmations” that did not produce the desired effect … When she introduced her “inner girl”, she introduced herself to her huddled in a dark closet sat, shaking with fear and not wanting to get out. Now it was necessary to establish a new dialogue with this girl - from self-urging in the spirit of "well, get yourself together, now we will tear everyone!" Marina moved on to trying to come to terms with her inner child in an amicable way (as they never agreed with her, the strict military father constantly asked her harshly about her homework and grades at school, and it was painful to give him a report): “Now, Marishka, we will perform with you, do not be afraid, I’m with you all the time, and then we’ll go buy something nice for the girls and ice cream as a reward”. Over time, she was able to imagine that she was taking her girl in her arms and hugging, and the excruciating fear, accompanied by an upset stomach, passed - since there were no more reasons for the upset.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract are one of the most common in psychosomatic phenomena. They can be temporary in stressful situations, in which case they can be easily dealt with with simple and all available medicines for such disorders. Efforts to recognize your emotional needs for support and participation, and seeking such help from loved ones, are also helpful. It is very useful to find a person with whom you can share your emotional experiences and gain sympathy and empathy, and it is equally useful to learn to be sympathetic and caring for yourself, instead of constant criticism, self-restraint or attempts to anesthetize yourself with food. The problem requires a special approach if such disorders become chronic and cause serious damage to health. In this case, psychotherapeutic help is often needed - such disorders usually respond well to such treatment.
