Skin Reaction - "Mom, You Don't Love Me"

Video: Skin Reaction - "Mom, You Don't Love Me"

Video: Skin Reaction -
Skin Reaction - "Mom, You Don't Love Me"
Skin Reaction - "Mom, You Don't Love Me"

One of the causal factors for the onset of dermatosis is a violation of the relationship between mother and child at an early age, therefore, in 91% of cases, its onset occurs in the first two years of life. The baby's skin is the main means of contact with the mother and expresses his emotional state. Children who are in constant close physical contact with their mother gain weight faster, develop psychomotor skills, are less likely to get sick and are calmer. This contact provides the child with a sense of confidence and security. Babies who are denied physical contact with people stop developing, degrade and eventually die. Thus, the physical connection in early ontogeny is equivalent to the emotional one. When there is a lack of physical contact with the mother, the child begins to react with the skin. Rashes and diathesis appear. Subsequently, this response can become fixed and turn into chronic dermatosis.

GI Smirnova indicates that more than 60% of children suffering from allergic dermatoses were artificially fed, and about 30% were late applied to the breast.

According to E. Panconesi et al., About 100% of children suffering from atypical dermatitis were rejected by their mother. A number of researchers working within the framework of the psychoanalytic paradigm believe that the source of the distorted formation of the boundaries of the child's inner world with the environment is the absence of emotional and physical contact with the mother in early ontogenesis, which subsequently leads to psychotic, psychosomatic and neurotic disorders.

In a study by D. Smerest, it was shown that prolonging lactation by five months helps to reduce the risk of neurodermatitis, despite the hereditary predisposition. YM Saarinen, as a result of a 17-year study, showed that breastfeeding without the use of breast milk substitutes for 6 months or more leads to a decrease in the incidence of atopic dermatitis.

N. Pezeshkian, among the factors provoking skin diseases, called the dominance of the mother, the detachment and coldness of the mother as important.

In the Spitz research, two significant factors for the onset of the disease were found. Children had mothers with an infantile personality structure who showed hostility towards them disguised as fearfulness, mothers who were reluctant to touch them, reluctant to care for them and systematically refrained from skin contact with them. The child, for his part, demonstrates an innate predisposition to increased skin reactions, which lead to an increase in the skin representation of perceived psychological conflicts, which in psychoanalytic terminology is referred to as "libidinal loading of the skin surface." Of particular importance is the mother's ambiguous behavior: what comes from her does not correspond to either her internal attitude or her actions in relation to the child. The author illustrates the pathogenic emotional environment to which the child is exposed with the following example: the mother avoids contact with the child, referring to the fact that she does not want to harm such a delicate, fragile creature; thus, rejection and hostility are hidden under the guise of caring.

E. Slany also paid great attention to the relationship of a child with atopic dermatitis with a rejecting mother. N. V. Perezhigina et al. investigated the early rearing of children with atopic dermatitis and concluded that parents in their families are emotionally cold. To attract the attention of the parents, the child is forced to use the bodily language of the expression of emotions.


1. Pavlova O. V. Fundamentals of psychodermatology / OV Pavlova.- M.: Publishing house LCI, 2007.- 240p.

2. Pezeshkian NP Psychosomatics and positive psychotherapy: Per. with him. / Pezeshkian N. P.- M.: Medicine, 1996.-- 464 p.

3. Perezhigina NV On the nature of alexithymia in children with bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis / NV Perezhigina, OA Tyutyaeva // Vestn. Yaroslav. state un-ta them. P. G. Demidov. Ser.: Humanities. –2008. –No 4. –С. 39–43
