Is A Crisis A Problem Or An Opportunity?

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Video: Is A Crisis A Problem Or An Opportunity?

Video: Is A Crisis A Problem Or An Opportunity?
Video: See Problems As Opportunities | Mona Patel | TEDxNewBedford 2024, April
Is A Crisis A Problem Or An Opportunity?
Is A Crisis A Problem Or An Opportunity?

I want to tell you a little about crisis conditions. In psychological terms, a crisis is a mismatch between the needs of the body and the capabilities of the environment. Simpler: Between what I want and what I can, in fact, in this particular period. And how do I deal with it.

Crises are different. There is an age crisis, there is a situational and existential crisis, there is a developmental crisis and a multiple crisis, and there is a systemic crisis (of family, group and large social systems). The crisis, in which, in the light of recent events, the overwhelming majority of people in Ukraine find themselves today, is systemic. True, this does not in any way exclude the presence in a person, for example, of an age crisis, or any other on the list. Or all at once.

Any economic and political crisis that does not suit me is a set of circumstances generated by other people, structures, paradigms, as a rule, in the absence of efforts made by me. The less effort, the greater the depth of the crisis.

The crisis is not the end of the world. In China, the word crisis has two characters. One is translated as a problem, the other as an opportunity. About opportunities in a crisis: what seems to us to be paramount, in the usual process, in a crisis, naturally dies off, release from ballast gives us a place for new ideas and energies, thereby acquiring resources for much more promising projects. This is an opportunity to assess whether I, somewhere, overestimate the costs, whether I am doing what I am doing, whether I am looking through the perspective enough. The opportunity to revise the goals and objectives, both actual and strategic, and having renewed, conscious and energetic, move on.


1. "It so happened that the events of recent months have hit our entrepreneurs very hard. The dollar is growing, sales are falling. Naturally stress. Where do you need to start in order to at least somehow return to normal health? Maybe it's worth taking a vacation - an option? But, some cannot quit the business, as they will lose contracts. They will have to fight anyway. How to keep a sane mind while doing this? !!!"

First, don't panic. In such a situation, after a certain series of measures aimed at solving critical issues, and removing, as far as possible, the enterprise from the risk zone, it would still not be bad to return to yourself and pay attention to one most important thing - a person who does not make efforts on himself, it is not enough who understands about himself, lives functionally - sooner or later, as I said above, he becomes a victim of the proposed circumstances. Here I mean not so much external efforts as efforts aimed at working internally with oneself. This is where the presence of that very internal and external resource that you realized in "peacetime" and acquired, if, of course, realized and, of course, acquired, comes to the fore. It is important to be able to switch and understand that your business is not your whole life. If on the contrary, then it looks like a problem. If business is Life, it is, unfortunately, a crisis that, sooner or later, becomes permanent. Leisure, resources, socializing with family, regularly switching to something unrelated to business that is enjoyable. Healthy sleep and a healthy lifestyle, sports - nobody canceled endorphins.

If everything is in order with external and internal supports (family, reliable partner in personal life, interest in yourself), then you will get out of the crisis with the least losses. If there is a problem with this, for any reason, then an intelligent psychologist can become such a support, for a while. He can help and acquire this very inner support and will tell you in which direction to look for your own resource, on which you can later rely, without fear of overstraining sooner or later. One way or another, a person needs support. Real and sincere. At worst, professional. For a person who does not have anything or someone to rely on, and it often happens that surrounded by a huge mass of people, a person feels lonely, it is much easier to break down and not cope with the situation than a person who has the same support.

2. "Quite often there are quite serious disputes among partners. One says that we need to raise prices, our income has become minimal because of the dollar, the other says that it is impossible to raise prices, it will kill the business! Which is the correct option, of course, is difficult to understand, but here how to conduct such disputes and not get nervous? How to solve such problems from the point of view of psychology? !!!"

True, everything is very individual, both in the context of specific people and in the context of a specific business. Partners often invite a third, independent person to resolve the conflict (psychologist, mediator). A fresh, unbiased view of the situation is always not superfluous. It is important to always remember that the goal of negotiations with partners, if they are, it is true, partners, one is not only to preserve the business, but also to make it viable. Seek compromises. Do not create confrontations in which only one person is right. I cannot hear a partner if I cannot hear myself. This is an axiom. The ability to take responsibility and, if necessary, delegate it to a partner often depends on the availability of these very internal resources. Their presence gives the feeling of a foundation, a foundation underfoot. Psychology, on the other hand, calls for being sensitive to yourself, to your needs in any situation. Hear, see and feel yourself and your partner. This also applies to the very efforts that are necessary so that I, sooner or later, do not become a victim of circumstances.

3. "Problems at work, in business often cause problems at home, in the family. One of the spouses is bad with business, brings negativity home and naturally there is tension? How to make sure that problems at work remain outside the doorstep?"

Problems at work, in business, only then cause problems in the family, if there is no healthy relationship in this family. Then this is a question, either to yourself, or to yourself and to your spouse. Tension arises where there is no trust, clarity and articulation. Leaving all the problems of a business outside the doorstep is not realistic. If in the house with acceptance and closeness everything is in order, then in a healthy manifestation my problem can come to my house, perhaps for support. And get it there. In what form is another question.

If about a specific recommendation of what to do so as not to …, then again - sports, regime … for example, after work - not immediately home, but through the gym or a long walk and more often to do something joint and enjoyable in the family:)))

Think how close your problem will come to a denouement if you transfer all its negativity into your own home? From constant reflections on her, she definitely will not dare, now the whole country is in great uncertainty, this is a marathon, a long-distance race. You need to save energy, protect yourself from exhausting thoughts. The crisis is, among other things, the time of energy accumulation. You need to be able to clearly distribute areas for work and rest. The ability to find balance is the key to your success, as well as the key to your comfortable psychological and physical condition.

4. "In addition to problems with business, there are a lot of external irritants. Television, the Internet. There is continuous negative. On the one hand, you need to be aware of all events, especially entrepreneurs, on the other hand, this information only makes it worse! How to be, do not read the news don't watch TV?"

Wouldn't it be a bad idea to be aware of what events a particular entrepreneur needs to be aware of?

It is important to know that today, in the media, there is a tough information and psychological war. To begin with, you need to clearly understand that it is aimed precisely at forming a certain opinion in a certain category of people. If you are one of those people whose opinion is formed from the outside, then a natural question arises about the quality of your leadership.

A person at the screen in Odessa and trying to monitor the situation, for example in eastern Ukraine, is in a more stressful situation than a person at the epicenter of events. The person who is near the TV screen completes the picture with his own fantasies. As a rule, the most negative ones. This is the psychological mechanism that a person uses on an unconscious level. What to do? Don't watch TV. Categorically. It's unhealthy. Today it is a means of influencing the masses.

On the Internet, go only to the resources that you trust, but here, too, your personal censorship and filter should be present. Strictly define - what kind of information is needed and exactly track it. Set aside several time intervals a day, and do not spend more of this time surfing news sites. Remember that the ether is clogged in order to sow panic, and therefore, the main thing is not to turn on. Tracked the dollar rate - and that's enough, what kind of administration was seized - dismissed - you don't need to know. Can you influence the situation or are these movements and the hustle and bustle of anxiety? What will this change in your personal life? Track what is most relevant to you.

Attention, love and sensitivity to oneself, respect for the manifestations of one's soul and body are the key to a healthy psychological state of a person. The crisis, like everything in life, is naturally polar. Its dangers are associated with regression, and its opportunities, unambiguously, with development and progress. It is very important with what kind of inner potential you enter into it. Overcoming the crisis is possible only when making efforts to bring your expectations from the outside world and the environment into line with the capabilities of your body, both physical and psychological. And this should be done "on the shore" and constantly. The more effort and attention to your psychological health in the process of life, the less painfully you will experience any crisis that falls on you.

Good luck and psychological comfort)
