What To Do To Make Money Come?

Video: What To Do To Make Money Come?

Video: What To Do To Make Money Come?
What To Do To Make Money Come?
What To Do To Make Money Come?

How can you rewire your brain to be positive or neutral about money so that finances can flow into your life more freely?

The first and most important recommendation is to act, do not dwell solely on positive thinking! However, if you act with some kind of negative attitude towards money, this in the end will only lead to the fact that you nourish your worldview and aggravate the situation. That is why first you need to "reconfigure the strings of your brain", relatively speaking, your neural connections, so that they work for you, and not against.

So, what to do to make money come?

Below are 5 recommendations (from least to most important) to help you change your attitude towards finance.

  • Eliminate from your vocabulary complaints about lack or lack of money, stop saying that you will never earn the desired amount - all this rejection of money! Money rejects you because you reject money, saying every time: "I have no money!" and, sooner or later, agreeing with it. So stop talking like that first.
  • What can you do to make you feel like money? Take the largest bill in your country, put it in your wallet and carry it with you at all times. When you open your wallet, say to yourself: “Oh! I have money! " Try not to spend money right away, you need the bill to stay with you as long as possible (20-30 days), and you constantly repeat: “Oh, there is money! Oh, there is money! " The technique will not work right away, but over time, a persistent sense of the presence of money will develop, and you will get used to it.
  • Spread money around the apartment in the most prominent places. You will often see bills and, thus, work out in your head the installation - there is money. There are and will be!
  • Recalculate money as often as possible, especially large amounts (when you received a salary or gave yourself a profit). Most importantly, it should be your money! In relation to other people's money, another attitude is formed ("My God! This is someone else's money … And I have no money!"), And, as a result, you fall into an oppressive, painful state. Always count your money with great pleasure and inner confidence that your income will increase (and even if you have only one hryvnia more this month compared to the previous one, rejoice!). After a month, two or three months, ask yourself when you are ready to count a large amount. This point is quite interesting - this is how we bypass the resistance in the "no, I won't have any more money" zone.
  • Analyze your beliefs about money (money is hard to earn; big money is only from scammers; money is the root cause of all troubles; the rich suffer a lot; earning a decent amount 24/7, I will lose my relationship; if I have money; the attitude of others towards me will change; money does not grow on trees, etc.). Indeed, there are no real money trees, but after all, not all people work hard to earn money.

Respect money! Many people either love money, or codependent on it, devoting their whole life to work (you need to earn more!), Or hate money (money only brings evil, changes people, etc.).

As with any codependent relationship, you need to develop a neutral attitude towards money - respect it, but treat it as a means, not an end. Money by itself will not make you happier, you cannot eat it, dress it, see wildlife and the beauty around you - you can only exchange it for all this. But you cannot do anything directly with a piece of paper in your hand - this is just a tool that you need for something.

If a person sets a clear goal for himself and clearly understands why he needs money, additional opportunities are found, and income grows. Remember, all possibilities are in our head! When we set ourselves a task (How can I increase …?), The answer comes. However, often a person thinks: “This is not for me! I will feel bad from all this … . Move away from these beliefs and develop new skills for yourself - How do I come to this? What do I need to do? Allow yourself to notice even small positive changes in your life. Do not think that after reading and implementing all these recommendations, you will receive millions tomorrow - this does not happen.

Magical thinking paired with determination, perseverance, firm intention to get what you want and hard work can work, but rational thinking and the right approach to beliefs will be more effective.
