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Video: The courage to trust yourself...listen to the nudges | Jo Simpson | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh 2024, April

“Trust but verify” - taught many of us in childhood. Most people in the world today have grown up with just such attitudes - attitudes of distrust. With the idea that you can't trust anyone. Mistrust is laid in us in childhood. The whole life of modern society is built on mistrust, mistrust has become the basis on which the lives of most people are based. Trust is equal to love, distrust is equal to fear. Fear drives society and people today. Fear of not surviving, fear of being left without a roof over your head, without money, losing income, a loved one, respect for society, recognition, fear of losing face, losing the image created in the eyes of other people, fear of expressing yourself, fear of voicing your opinion, fear of having your own opinion in the end. Fear to love, fear to manifest, and, of course, fear to trust. Society is shackled with chilling fear, which leads to a deep freeze of people's feelings. People turn into insensitive robots, performing their duties, living out of a sense of duty, the main word in their life is the word "must". Can a person be happy in deep freeze? Can a person be happy while under anesthesia? And what kind of harmony can there be at all?

Most people perceive the world as a dangerous place to attack and defend. Fight for survival, pulling a piece of bread from the throat of another person, participating in a fierce competition built on the hatred of a person for a person. Fight for survival. Women are fighting for men, men - for positions and money, men and women are fighting with each other ….. If you survived, "won" - start accumulating material wealth in order to impose on yourself from all sides, build a fence around yourself from unnecessary trash. The more - the better, the more material benefits you have consumed - the happier you are, advertising and the media tell us. Then there are two options: sit quietly and do not stick your head out, so God forbid something happens. Or vice versa, show everyone and demonstrate what you have achieved and acquired. Be proud of your "achievements", showing what a hero you are, often demonstrating even what is not. Many choose not to be, but to appear, demonstrating deliberate luxury, bought with their last money or borrowed. Not worse than the neighbor's. Or to be jealous. Envy is a black funnel that sucks in a person, formed on the feeling of one's own inferiority and lack of self-sufficiency, nurtured on the feeling of scarcity. To cause envy - does someone really think that this is the way to happiness? Envy contains a tremendous amount of pain.

Why is that?

Basic trust is formed in an infant during the first year of life. If his needs are met immediately, then the little man becomes aware that the world is a safe place in which he has everything he needs. Through the love and care of close people, a friendly picture of the world is formed in his mind. The world loves you and cares about you - a child receives such a message. And his future life is built from this conviction, because what you believe in is what you get.

What is happening in our reality? Generations of people born in Soviet maternity hospitals, where their babies were taken from their mother immediately after birth, in order to bring only for feeding several times a day, given to grandmothers and nannies in the first months of life, brought up by the notorious Dr. Spock - who does not know - the doctor wrote that the baby's needs need to be left unmet for some time, you need to give the little person "roar" and only then give him what he wants (by the way, Dr. Spock, his own sons handed over to a nursing home, where he died all alone) …Such an attitude towards a child in the first days and months of life forms a feeling of fear; the world is hostile, nobody needs me, they don't love me - it is formed in the mind of a little man. What will happen to such a child next? An adult will grow out of him, who has not formed a basic trust in the world, and another robot with suppressed feelings comes out into the world, living out of fear, seeing competitors and enemies in the world around him and in all people. And in the same fear and mistrust, he will then build relationships, give birth and raise his children …

A person who does not trust cannot be happy. He lives in constant fear and expectation that something "bad" will happen to him. And it happens. After all, what you expect is what you get. Such is the law of the Universe. Such a person is always dissatisfied with everything and everyone, it is almost impossible to please him. He sees a catch everywhere, expecting nothing good from the world and those around him. The world for him is a hostile space, where he needs to defend himself against external enemies. The best defense is attack, and a person becomes aggressive, not only defending himself, but also attacking other people.

The ability to trust is one of the most important skills that must be developed on the path to a happy life. This is a difficult and time-consuming process, because the roots of mistrust are deeply rooted in most of us. But, having learned to trust, we change our outlook radically, our present changes, the future changes for the better. The whole life is changing. Having learned to trust, a person becomes like a bird boldly flying up to the heavens, confident that the sky is friendly, because a bird was born to fly.

So is the person. We are all born for a happy and harmonious life. But without the ability to trust, we are like the same bird, afraid to spread its wings and fly. So the majority of those born to fly crawl on the ground. Over time, their wings dry up for uselessness, and they are no longer able to fly. Nature is wise - what we do not use is taken away from us. That is why it is so important to learn to trust.

What is trust? Trusting life does not mean lying on the couch from morning till night and doing nothing, piously believing that the world will take care of us, and all our desires will come true by themselves. To trust is to sincerely believe that the world is friendly and abundant, and that everything that is necessary a priori is already in the world for each of us. At the same time, wanting, wanting, planning, setting goals and taking the necessary actions is imperative for our movement. We do our best in the chosen direction, and we trust our result to the world.

To trust is from the word to believe. Faith - is this not what all religions of the world teach us, namely to believe no matter what? To trust is to believe that you are part of the world. Beloved daughter or son of the Heavenly Father. And each of us is unique, important and valuable for the world, each of us is a part of it.

To trust means to understand that by and large nothing depends on you in this world. And at the same time, if not everything, then a lot depends on you. As paradoxical as it may sound, it is exactly so.

How do you learn to trust? I will describe some effective techniques that I used and apply myself:

  • Give thanks. Do gratitude practices regularly, preferably every morning. Find what you are grateful for in your life. Write down a list of your strengths, the longer the better. Give thanks for everything you have. See how many good things you already have. Everyone has something to thank for. Find, thank, the more often the better. The practice of gratitude turns the consciousness from a state of lack to a state of abundance.
  • Consciously letting go of your control. Controlling everyone and everything is as much a habit as being unhappy. We have already spoken about the habit of being unhappy. Just as the habit of being happy can be developed, so can the habit of trusting be developed. Go into trust consciously. At the same time, do not forget to take responsibility. Only our responsibility, and not the responsibility of other people unnecessary to us or the responsibility of the Creator. The mantra on this path can be: I trust the world. The world is beautiful and abundant, and I am an integral part of it. Everything that happens in my life is for my good. I trust. I trust. I trust.
  • See your mistakes as experience. Unpleasant events on our way are nothing more than signs that we are not going our own way. Think of them as signs of destiny. If something stubbornly does not work out and does not add up - do not insist, let go. Do your best in the desired direction, and let everything happen by itself. What is yours will be yours in due time and will not leave you anywhere.
  • Practice. For yoga practitioners, the solution may be to work with the first chakra Muladhara, which is responsible for basic trust in the world. For the more adventurous, I would recommend tantric practices, especially tantric practices with a partner. After all, whatever one may say, our partners are also part of a single world, and learning to trust the world without learning to trust your partner will not work.

In conclusion, I would like to say that anything is possible. There are no unattainable goals, unsolvable problems, hopeless situations. And learning to trust is absolutely real. Choose happiness!
