The Method Of Family-systemic Constellations As A Psychotherapeutic Phenomenon

Video: The Method Of Family-systemic Constellations As A Psychotherapeutic Phenomenon

Video: The Method Of Family-systemic Constellations As A Psychotherapeutic Phenomenon
Video: What is Family Constellations? 2024, April
The Method Of Family-systemic Constellations As A Psychotherapeutic Phenomenon
The Method Of Family-systemic Constellations As A Psychotherapeutic Phenomenon

The systemic family constellations method is a psychotherapeutic method aimed at understanding the deep processes that affect our lives. It is systemic (that is, it works with problems of a systemic nature - organizational, family, generic) and short-term (to achieve a result, much less meetings with a psychologist are required than in traditional psychotherapy and even more so psychoanalysis. In fact, often to solve one problem, one constellation)

The emergence of the method of family-systemic constellations

The Phenomenon of Constellations

The constellation method is phenomenological. This means that although its effectiveness has been scientifically proven, scientists still cannot fully explain its mechanism of action. And indeed, when you are present at the arrangement (participate / conduct), the feeling that some kind of miracle is happening does not leave. And at the same time - that everything is logical and the way it should be. It's hard to tell: constellations are the very case when it is better to see once than hear a hundred times!

You can read reviews about systemic constellations according to Hellinger: most of them are positive, clients note that they were amazed by what was happening and describe their impressions in this way - “shock and surprise”, “some kind of mysticism,“magic”. Negative reviews are often associated with distrust of the facilitator, that is, the presenter (everything is simple here - change the specialist, maybe you “don't fit” each other, which is not so rare among psychologists and clients) or with the fear of revealing yourself in front of the group (here already I would advise either to carry out the constellation alone, without a group, or just to relax - this fear is present in any group forms of psychotherapy). That is, as you can see, negative aspects, by and large, are easily eliminated, and positive ones clearly prevail.

What can you work with using this method? Consignors are approached by both ordinary people who want to solve their psychological problems, and entrepreneurs concerned about the future of their company. In both cases, constellations show a situation or event - the root cause of the problem, then - the ways out of this problem and further prospects. In the course of therapy, after pronouncing permissive phrases, the true (natural) state of affairs is restored. Note that it is not the constellator who gives the solution - the constellation itself shows what and how it should be. Tempting, right?

But in what areas can systemic constellations be the best help?

Scope of the method of system constellations:

1. Relationships between a man and a woman - problems of loneliness, difficulties in building relationships, "love triangles", betrayal, repeated ineffective behavior patterns in relationships.

2. Family relations - crises in the family, infertility, abortion and its consequences, family conflicts, the difficulties of remarriage, the consequences of divorce.

3. Parent-child relationships - “difficult” children (disobedient, aggressive, dependent), difficult relationships with their own parents or children, adopted children, single-parent families, various “acute issues” (incest, parental abuse of a child, etc..).

4. Destructive behavior - addictions of any kind (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, love addiction, etc.), aggressiveness, suicidal tendencies.

5. Health problems - frequent accidents, diseases (including diseases transmitted from generation to generation).

6. Losses - the experience of death of loved ones (including unborn and early dead children), unfinished relationships with the dead (resentment or guilt associated with a person who is no longer alive).

7. Dealing with family problems - repetitive negative family scenarios (difficult fate in the family, loneliness, suicide, etc.).

eight. Professional self-realization - choice of profession and field of activity, problems with building a career, conflicts with colleagues and superiors.

9. Business arrangements - any issues related to the organization of business, making a profit, finding clients, recruiting personnel.

10. The problem of choice (in any area of life).

You will say: “How is that ?! Almost any problem fits into this list. Yes, you got it right. For systemic constellations, there are practically no restrictions and insoluble issues. At least I have not yet met them during my practice. And this is another plus of this method of work.

By the way, systemic constellations can also be used in the Skype consultation mode - if there is no constellation psychologist in your city, you can always find a specialist on the Internet and ask him to conduct a session with you using Skype! The diagnostic and therapeutic effect is the same as with personal, lively participation.

Well, I wonder? In the next articles I promise to tell you more about the method of family-system constellations!
