How To Leave Groundhog Day

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Video: How To Leave Groundhog Day

Video: How To Leave Groundhog Day
Video: 3 Things About "Groundhog Day" (1993) You Never Realized 2024, April
How To Leave Groundhog Day
How To Leave Groundhog Day

Recommended for reading on the way to work on Monday morning, Sunday evening, and also when you want to throw a pile of papers off the table, clasp your head in your hands and ask the question "Where am I going?" and "What am I doing here?"

Groundhog Day is an expression that has become a household name. In a figurative sense, it means a monotonous lifestyle in which every day, like a carbon copy, resembles the previous one. The expression is firmly entrenched in the circles of office workers, most of whom, as a rule, are bogged down in rat races and impenetrable routine day in and day out.

Why is the life of a groundhog dangerous?

Groundhog day is often equated with being boring and aimless. In its extreme manifestation, groundhog day can turn into a lifestyle, take root in the mind and provoke depressive personality disorders.

When a person makes his creative insides spin in a mechanism that is smeared with bonuses and vacation pay, he seems to be saying to the innate instinct of the discoverer: "Nobody cares about us, buddy. There is no way out. We are nobody, we are a small screw in the system." As a result, the "marmot" is laid out at work and does not take the initiative at home. This annoys his household. It destroys families.

Since each of us is an individual, trying to fit into a template can be destructive. For the “groundhog” personally, monotonous life can come back to haunt both a state of apathy and a gray existence on autopilot, and suicidal thoughts.

Why does a person choose this?

Society encourages the life of a hamster in a wheel by nudging us with the template of a successful person staring at us from billboards. We are encouraged by the prospect of material gain. A cozy home and financial freedom create a sense of stability in us - and we willingly fulfill our role in the pursuit of carrots.

How to leave the race?

There are two steps to take here:

1. Understand that stability exists only in our thoughts.

2. Stop considering any action through the prism of material gain.

As long as you look at any of your actions in this world from the standpoint of “whether it will bring me income,” you doom yourself to a joyless existence. Financial goals change one after another, and a person realizes that the receipt of a salary is followed by a month of hysterical panting at the work machine. Such stability.

The more money we can get in the future, the more important this project is for us. Therefore, if a significant deal fails, we experience pain and disappointment: in our work, in the world, in the environment, and most dangerous in ourselves. We sink into a swamp of guilt and an inferiority complex. We believe that we are flawed.

If you are motivated solely by the availability of money, and not why you need money, let me tell you that you are unlikely to achieve spiritual harmony and freedom.

At the root of every person's well-being is the desire to feel calm. It makes sense that our minds are looking for a way to provide themselves with peace of mind. We believe that having millions in the bank will save us from a dysfunctional life. We hope that if we receive a lot of money, it will give us a sense of comfort. However, ironically, the practice of Western millionaires shows that islands and yachts do not provide satisfaction from life. Spacious mansions and personal gyms make life certainly more comfortable, but they do not promise what we dreamily call “simple human happiness”.

Try this. Try to get rid of the sense of value in your work. Do everything as well as possible, but remember: if your application is not bought, and the startup burns out, humanity is unlikely to disappear from the face of the planet.

Throw away the points called "how much can I earn". Put on glasses titled: "How interesting is this work to me." Fill your day with tasks that will bring you more pleasure than ephemeral stable, written financial peaks with pitchforks on the water.

The whole benefit of this method is that you can start right away. Sitting on the couch, feeding a loaf of pigeons on a bench or jumping up to heaven in a minibus. After reading this article, I want each of you to ask yourself: what do you want to do today?

What will make you one iota happier today?

What are you interested in doing?

How can you make your work more interesting for yourself today?

(And don't let money influence your decisions.)

Fill your day with activities that make you happy. The secret to this thinking is that by giving up on seeking monetary reward in every second of your work, you will receive a much more valuable reward from life: ease, freedom, and satisfaction.

Don't look for material gain in every job

Do you like to write? Rivet an article for your blog - you've dreamed about it for so long!

Want to show the world what your intriguing fall makeup looks like? Shoot a video about this and upload it to YouTube, finally!

After all, no one is forcing you to quit your main job. However, wedging in more joyful activities every day - which may not fill your wallet, but fill your soul with happiness - you will feel a surge of strength and, possibly, make a breakthrough at your main job.

Dedicating just half an hour a day to your favorite business, you will generate a tremendous amount of energy that will transform you from a sleepy marmot into a majestic eagle, a charming tigress or an inventive dolphin.

The choice is yours!
