Video: Sesame Street: Ed Sheeran- Two Different Worlds 2024, April

The title is from the category - "Notes of a Madman".

But no. Each person has his own world, through the prism of which the perception of the surrounding reality goes.

The world of a person is made up of his experience, key values and needs, knowledge, parental experience inherent in childhood, gender identity, channel of perception and transmission of information, and much more.

Even on such seemingly elementary things, like the color of buildings or cars on the streets, walls in apartments, the size of objects, two different people may not agree. And what to say about the issues of relationships, money, information - each person perceives this through his WORLD.

For example, in the smoking room, Tanya heard her work colleague Kirill tell everyone about his brand new car, which he had just bought, and his vacation, in which he managed to visit several countries. In Tanya's WORLD it is not customary to talk about their successes, because my mother taught from childhood that bragging is not good and in general someone can "jinx", and then nothing will work out at all. Tanya perceives Cyril's story as bragging, or "show-off." And for Cyril, in his WORLD, it is quite normal to tell others about his successes, because he wants the approval and admiration of others, which he did not receive from his parents in childhood. Throughout his childhood, he tried to earn the approval of his mother, but praise from her was extremely rare.

And in general, judging by gender, in the world of men, the level of dignity is determined by success and achievements.

"How can you not find the same green among ten green trousers ?!" - Oleg shouts indignantly. In his WORLD everything is simple and clear - there are green, red, brown, blue and other colors. He does not understand the expression "wrong color".

Sveta and Kostya want to get divorced. They believe that, among other problems in relationships, they do not understand each other at all. "I don't know how to explain to him that you have to clean up your things, wash the dishes! How to explain this ?! It's all useless! I come, but the house is a dump! But for me it's a disaster!" - Svetlana screams in fury. "What is so-and-so? Just think, things are out of place … I love you so much, we are well together" - Konstantin wonders. In the process of work, among other things, it becomes clear that Sveta perceives information as a visual (i.e., the leading channel for perceiving information is vision), and when she sees disorder, it is a terrible pain and irritation for her. A clear order of things reigns in her WORLD, everything should be laid out "on the shelves." And Kostya perceives information as a kinesthetic (that is, carrying a channel for perceiving information - through the senses), comfort is important to him, and he simply "does not see" scattered things. In his WORLD, relationships are measured by a comfortable sofa, delicious food, sex and hugs.

I ask a simple question - Konstantin, what will you feel if you lie down in bed, where crumbs of bread or cookies are scattered? Kostya frowns, says that this is the worst thing that can be imagined … I continue, - Kostya, now imagine that every time Svetlana sees a mess in the house, then for her it is the same as for you - to go to bed on crumbs … Konstantin pondered …

For people with mental disorders or diseases of the brain, a different WORLD of perception may exist in general, it is not possible for them to prove that the Napoleon he sees does not exist! A person sees Napoleon, moreover, he can even touch and smell him.

This is how our brain works!

These are just a few examples from experience, by the way, all names are fictitious, customer information is strictly confidential.
