Confuse Everything, Confuse

Video: Confuse Everything, Confuse

Video: Confuse Everything, Confuse
Confuse Everything, Confuse
Confuse Everything, Confuse

Each of us wants something. Some, for example, want big and pure love. And some want to go to the hayloft in the evening. And it is good for those people who correctly understand, correctly realize what they want.

And it's bad for those people who actually want to go to the hayloft in the evening. And it seems to them that they want great and pure love. Or vice versa: it seems to them that they want nothing more than to visit the hayloft, but in fact that hayloft did not give up to them.

It is about this that the famous and brilliant anecdote about Christmas tree toys was laid down. Which are completely similar to the real ones, there is only one difference: they are not encouraging.

A man thinks to himself that he needs a beautiful and very expensive car, and kills a couple of years of his life for this. And then he gets one, finally, and discovers: he is not happy.

Because, in fact, he wanted to be praised and said "Well done!" And he doesn't really need a car.

Or, for example, a person sits and discusses successfully on the Internet. Leads long arguments. Weaves them into intricate chains. Shows the opponent the fairness of his point of view.

But in fact, he wants to tell his opponent: "I don’t like you! Get out of here and don’t bother!" And so that the opponent would take and leave. And slam the door behind him.

There are a huge number of such examples from various spheres. They will be united by the fact that it seems to a person that he wants something. But in fact, he wants something else.

How does this happen?

At the first stage when a need arises in a person, when it just begins to excite him - the person still does not know what exactly he wants.

At this stage, a person still feels only this very excitement. Of a very vague quality, so indefinite … Which is perfectly conveyed by the popular joke aphorism: "I want something, but I don't know whom." And another aphorism: "I sat down - I want to lie down, I want to go to bed - I want to get up."

This makes a person, of course, uncomfortable. And the person begins, so to speak, to turn his head in all directions. In search of something that would turn up such a hand to relieve this tension.

And he who seeks will always find. And sooner or later a person finds around him something that can be used in order to live peacefully on.

And it is at this moment, when a person discovers something like that, he has an understanding of what he wants something. That is, such a click should occur here - the general agitation should find some useful object - and the person will understand: "Oh! I would drink beer!"

The easiest way to trace this mechanic is to babies. One baby, when hungry, immediately begins to yell. Or it would be even more accurate to say: he is not yelling. And it yells at them. A baby does not require a breast, as we adults think. He doesn't understand what he wants at all. He just feels that he is not high, and discharges it with whatever he can - screaming. But here mamma poked at him with her breast - he was prettier. Second time. The third. And over time, he already understands: a titty does me well! I want a titty !! Submit here quickly, so that I feel good !!

And so gradually, year after year, we understand the life around us and begin to understand what is here and how can satisfy our needs.

And it would be and thank God. But, let's use the programmer's word, bugs accumulate. And the further, the more.

Once drawn conclusions, once found ways to satisfy their needs are no longer relevant. A person changes, life around him changes. And a person does not revise his usual ways, his usual understanding of the question. And he hammers and hammers into the same point - often into the one into which he hammered 20 years ago. Here I made some conclusion 20 years ago. Was that a good conclusion? And then, excellent, very pleased! Well, he uses it out of habit. And already the situation is completely different, and the person is not the same, and life around has changed …

So, for example, a 16-year-old person, like any teenager, wanted to be accepted in a team, preferably at the very top of the hierarchy. And he knew that he would approve of the puberty team: if you turn some awesome young lady on, and if you turn on 10 young ladies, the team will be pale with envy and delighted!

And now the person is already 40, and he knows the same sure way to get the approval of the team, he forgot to think and somehow take a closer look at the updates in life and in himself. Well, he chases after skirts, although his puberty is no longer the same, puberty has worn out over the years. And it looks like this occupation is even somewhat strangely somewhat. For the surrounding society, then.

And that's why an interesting thing turns out: the more actively he uses the once correct way to gain the sympathy of society, the more society looks at him in bewilderment.

And because the person did not sit down, and did not think, and did not understand that in fact he does not want 25 women, but for the society to be happy, looking at him. And the method he used earlier was suitable for this - the need was qualitatively objectified - but now this method often leads to almost the opposite result. And it would be nice to find some other way.

And there are many examples of such bugs. But a useful conclusion can be drawn even now: sometimes we are not very well aware of what we really want. We use old methods to get what we are looking for. And we have a result that seems to be and should please. But that's not happy.

And it makes sense to think over and, finally, to disassemble all this old rubbish in the attic, so to speak.
