Why Is It More Profitable To Develop Strengths?

Video: Why Is It More Profitable To Develop Strengths?

Video: Why Is It More Profitable To Develop Strengths?
Video: Building Muscle Vs Building Strength - What's the Difference? 2024, April
Why Is It More Profitable To Develop Strengths?
Why Is It More Profitable To Develop Strengths?

Writing has always been easy for me, and I began to dream of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. We lived then in the North Caucasus, in Nalchik.

At the end of the 9th grade, my dad died of a heart attack, and he passed away on the day of the Republican Olympiad, where I took 1st place for my essay. The word "write" took on an unpleasant connotation for me.

Exactly one year later, after the prom, my mother said that she would not let me go to Moscow:

"You will enter any Moscow State University!"

And I went to enter the Stavropol Pedagogical Institute.


During their studies, all students worked part-time as best they could. I also got a job, went to a bakery as a cleaner, from where I flew out with a bang a couple of days later for professional unsuitability.


- And where does the girl's arms grow from? - the director of the store was indignant after me.

Once my report in the institute's large circulation got into the youth newspaper of the Stavropol Territory, and I, unexpectedly and unexpectedly, received as much as twenty-two rubles! Sometimes I began to write notes for the "youth group", for which they paid then 20-25 rubles! For the end of the 80s of the last century, it was very decent, but I never took this matter seriously.


Immediately after graduating from the pedagogical institute, I turned to psychologists, to deal with my complexes. I believed that my relationship was not working out for me, because I was catastrophically unlucky with my appearance, despite the great efforts to become slimmer, I was always a little overweight.

It was the “scribbling” that helped me to pass the big competition for the retraining department at Moscow State University. This was an essay about why I want to become a psychologist.


Three years later, I met my husband. By that time, I already "knew my cockroaches by name" and learned to feel beautiful, which did not hesitate to affect the exponentially growing number of my cavaliers. Having several Muscovites in my arsenal, I chose a guy from the Moscow Region town of Elektrostal, the determining factor of my choice was one circumstance. My future husband graduated, longed for and out of reach for me, the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University!

My husband often tried to devalue my literary abilities, in which I did not really believe myself, and psychology was not in demand by the broad masses for a long time.


For several years she worked as a psychologist at the children's library. She loved her job, I was often invited to perform at schools and even on the radio, only a monthly salary was enough. in order to buy groceries for exactly a week, and then the dream of graduate school had to be postponed for many years, there was nothing to pay for the education.

The nineties of the last century passed, many publishing houses were reorganized, my husband was laid off, and I had to go into sales.

I had to love them to be successful in sales. It was not difficult because I have always been interested in people.

When we moved to St. Petersburg, I went into real estate as a temporary job. However, "there is nothing more permanent than temporary"!


She stayed in this area for a long time, rose to the position of HR Director. Most likely, this happened because first buyers flocked to my ads in the newspapers, and then one of the owners of the largest real estate agencies really liked my resume, and my psychology degree from a prestigious university played an important role.


I conducted trainings “with a bang”, because it was always easy for me to compose interesting cases and exercises for each specific situation.

And when I started my private practice. I began to write at first unpretentious and honest notes, the first of which was a cycle

Articles followed them in a timid flock, clients reached out, new and modified techniques and exercises began to be born.

Today there are so many clients that I can afford to choose those with whom I want to work.


And even later, many, many years, I again aimed at my dissertation and the desire to write helps me in this.

Now I feel in my place. I love this site very much for the opportunity to implement two directions I love - psychotherapy and journalism!

And, as I already wrote, once, I live according to Confucius.
