Why Achieving Harmony Is A Myth

Video: Why Achieving Harmony Is A Myth

Video: Why Achieving Harmony Is A Myth
Video: Balance Is A Myth - Harmony Is A Must - Lisa Nichols 2024, October
Why Achieving Harmony Is A Myth
Why Achieving Harmony Is A Myth

In the latter case, you should rather think about whether the person was carried too much into such, you know, “pseudo-blissful spiritual blindness”, when he, with a sleepy smile and half-closed eyes, dissolves in the fog of “harmony”, tries to gain a foothold in this state, freeze in it, and does not notice external and internal problems and issues that clearly require solution. Here it would be better for him to turn to a psychologist or psychiatrist so that he would be returned to reality. Sounds harsh, maybe, but that's the way it is.

Why? Because the achievement of harmony in the way and by those means, as it is said in most modern sources, is a myth. Based on the existing knowledge about harmony and the methods of achieving it, you can always strive for it, in any way get upset that you cannot find it or stay in this state, continue to strive further or forget about it in the end. Moreover, harmonious people and life do not exist, this is already something of a fantasy series.

It would be a stretch to say that a person and his life are in balance if this person is a hermit living deep in the forest. Nothing and no one bothers him, he leads a contemplative life, it is quite easy for him to control his mood, reactions, actions, and so on. But we live in society, every day we go to work, constantly interact with people, participate in social processes, we do not always react “harmoniously” … in general, people often tend to react “inharmoniously”. And this is completely normal! There is no need to be ashamed and suppress your reactions, thinking: “Oh, I’m striving for harmony, but here I did something nefeng shuy”.

The Universe is a living complex system, in it ALL processes are constantly in motion, change, in metamorphoses. There is nothing that remains in a state of rest or balance, because it is akin to death. What happens, for example, if you cut off a river tributary from the lake? The water soon stagnates and gradually the lake will evaporate. And we came to this world to develop, live, gain knowledge and experience and move on (if this is exaggerated). We solve a problem or a question and, oops, another problem or question immediately arises, or everything from the same opera, but of a deeper level. Because we saw the tip of the “iceberg”, and below there is still another continuation … and so on until the end of life, as a rule, if we talk about personal development in all areas. This is also normal, because if a person is loaded with the entire “iceberg” of a problem or task, he will immediately be crushed by all the weight so that there will be no living space left.

Suppose a person SUDDENLY found harmony, then he would leave the physical world rather quickly. What is he to do here? All the issues that he came to solve have been resolved, the internal components of his personality are balanced with each other and synchronized with the outside world.

Therefore, the best advice in this case is RELAX and just live without a constant hunt for balance, do not be shy about your reactions and do not blame yourself for them, be able to see reality and have the courage to notice problems and solve them!

In fact, speaking in the language of the Universe, harmony is movement and constant changes, but with the observance of integrity, internal and external coherence. Therefore, if on the way to harmony you are unable to stabilize, you are periodically blown in one direction or the other, do not be discouraged - this is one of its conditions. We came here to develop and change, ideally it should be like this all our lives.
