Alcohol Addiction Test

Video: Alcohol Addiction Test

Video: Alcohol Addiction Test
Video: शराब का test ,Alcohol Addiction CAGE test - Dr Rajiv Sharma Psychiatrist in Delhi 2024, October
Alcohol Addiction Test
Alcohol Addiction Test

Unfortunately, the number of alcoholics and drug addicts in Russia is only increasing every year. However, this does not mean that we should be more tolerant of this. In no case! Practice shows that many alcoholics and drug addicts, having begun to have love relationships and planning to start a family, knowing their problems well, temporarily quit using alcohol and soft drugs (it is impossible in principle to quit such hard drugs as heroin, cocaine and desomorphine without special medical care), alcoholics are coded. However, in the future, having started a family, many of the representatives of the categories "man-problem" and "man-trouble" return to their pernicious passion. If your partner turned out to be just that (oh), I strongly advise you in no case to meet such a person, not to play "understanding"! Moreover, do not feel sorry for this person, giving him many years to fight with him. Severe life practice shows that all these methods are completely useless!

With alcoholics and drug addicts, the method of "good persuasion"

does not work at all. Direct pressure required.

I will also add the following. Even the occasional use of so-called "light" drugs (such as marijuana, popularly "shoals", or even hookah smoking mixtures), which many do not even consider to be drugs, with a high degree of probability leads to the birth of children with genetic, physical and mental disabilities (hence such a high percentage of such children at the present time). In chronic alcoholism, the situation is similar. Therefore, if you do not want to deal with a problem child all your life (not guilty that his parents once did not have enough intelligence), throw all your strength into eliminating this problem. Do not believe that alcoholism or drug addiction "will pass by itself", "will dissolve", the person will "grow up and go mad". As soon as it becomes clear to you that your family partner is an alcoholic or drug addict, immediately force him (her) to take appropriate treatment, up to and including placement in a narcological dispensary. Otherwise, refuse to live with such a person under one roof, drive him (her) out of the house if the apartment is yours. Leave yourself if the owner of the apartment is a drug addict or alcoholic. My long-term professional observations clearly show:

The irreconcilable attitude of the "other half" to alcoholism

and drug addiction partner, gives

up to 70% cure for alcoholics and up to 40% for drug addicts.

As you can imagine, as a result, for this harshness and even cruelty, the cured alcoholics and drug addicts themselves, in the end, will only be grateful to their "halves". I know thousands of such examples. Moreover, if your partner openly deceives you, continues to use alcohol or drugs, and shies away from treatment, feel free to file for divorce. File for divorce without even wanting to finally break up with your spouse. File for divorce just by knowing my stats:

Half of alcoholics and drug addicts agree

for treatment only with a real threat of divorce.

Therefore, your filing for a divorce does not mean the divorce itself. But, on the other hand, your problem "half" will be able to clearly see all the decisiveness and uncompromising attitude of your attitude and … all the same, take up your mind and go to be treated.

Well, if you yourself are a chronic alcoholic, but at the same time do not believe in it, when your relatives and friends tell you about it, I will inform you that the characteristic signs of alcoholism are the following:

Seven hallmarks of chronic alcoholism:

  1. Systematic (for several months in a row) drinking more than three times a week.(Hence - the so-called "beer alcoholism", which, in fact, is no easier than all the other options).
  2. Despite the state of alcoholic intoxication, the commission of such acts for which you, then, ashamed, you are again ready to drink alcohol literally a couple of days after what happened. At the same time, indulge yourself with naive illusions that "this time I will definitely know my measure."
  3. Knowing the dissatisfaction of others about your frequent drinking, you nevertheless cling to any opportunity to drink: friends invited, a holiday at work, family conflicts, just a bad mood, etc.
  4. You form a special "alcohol budget", hide alcohol at home in a "secluded place", make "stash" for which you can buy a bottle or two, or sit in a bar or restaurant. In general, prepare for breakdowns and binges in advance.
  5. You can drink alcohol alone, and this does not bother you at all.
  6. In the morning after drinking alcohol, you definitely need to "hangover", alcohol has already become a part of the physiology of your body, without it it manages and breaks you like a drug addict, you are addicted to it! (Here there is a line between a person who just drank heavily yesterday and an alcoholic. An ordinary person just got poisoned with an excessive share of alcohol and the smell of alcohol in the morning just turns him back, he cannot physically hangover, he does not want this. For the body of an alcoholic - a share of alcohol habitual and therefore the body in the morning requires continuation of the banquet. Hence, it is obvious that the habit of hangover is nothing but alcoholism and, at the same time, its sign).
  7. You can drink alcohol hard for several days or weeks in a row. You are very embarrassed afterwards, you swear that this is the last time, and then everything is new.

If you have at least one of these signs, you can rest assured that you are either already an alcoholic (quiet or violent - it already depends on your temperament), or you have come dangerously close to this diagnosis. If two or three - congratulations, you are already there! And it doesn't matter whether you drink cheap beer or elite cognacs and whiskey: a terrible line is already under your feet. It is dangerous to cross it: very few return to normal life.

Therefore, without wasting time, ask yourself: does this diagnosis triple you and your loved ones? If not, immediately contact a specialist: narcologists, psychotherapists or psychologists. The sooner you do this, the better for you and your family. The sooner you will get out of the status of "Man of Trouble" or "Man of Problem".

If you are a teetotaler, but your "half" - alas, no, let her (him) read this list of signs. Perhaps this will still prompt a person to fight for himself and his family Future.
