Resource Morning Is The Key To Success In Life. My Secrets

Video: Resource Morning Is The Key To Success In Life. My Secrets

Video: Resource Morning Is The Key To Success In Life. My Secrets
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Resource Morning Is The Key To Success In Life. My Secrets
Resource Morning Is The Key To Success In Life. My Secrets

Have you noticed that often the success of the whole day depends on how the morning begins?

I noticed for a long time: if I got enough sleep and I have time for my little morning rituals and joys, then in the afternoon there will definitely be strength and mood for great things and plans.

What happens when the morning begins with a rush and lack of sleep?

After a desperate dash and trying to start the day energetically, I personally fall into such a depressive and viscous state that I want to lie on the couch and hide from the whole world, so before diagnosing yourself with depression or social anxiety, make sure you sleep well and feel good.

Fatigue is not a pleasant feeling, right? I learned to turn it off. Trying different techniques and approaches, I found a simple and understandable algorithm for starting a measured and effective day, without emotional "swing" from panic to apathy.

It's easy for me to be energetic and stay in the resource if:

- go to bed no later than 23:00 - so I feel good, waking up even before the alarm clock, which often happens to me, I can open my eyes at 5 or 6 and no longer fall asleep, even if I went to bed at 2;

- if the day was hard, stressful, I cannot relax and fall asleep, then soothing tea and the "Whiner's Diary" help me. If you write down all the accumulated thoughts, pretensions, desires and emotions in this diary, it will help turn off the word mixer in your head, get rid of negative emotions and calmly fall asleep. If the stress is very high and nothing helps to establish sleep, then a psychologist's consultation will help.

- make a plan for the next day - so sudden important and urgent matters do not unsettle me. Scheduling your own time is a way to take control of your life. A simple diary easily saves you from forgetfulness, overload, and also helps to correctly prioritize;

- I drink a couple of glasses of water on an empty stomach, I do not deny myself a jog and a contrast shower, accompanied by cheerful, groovy music. This makes it possible to maintain the body in a beautiful shape, and is also an excellent prevention of physical inactivity, excess weight, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other diseases of civilization.

But even if the morning is not easy, do not despair. The day is still up and there is a lot that can be fixed:

- if lethargy overtook the morning of the day off, and there are no urgent matters ahead, give yourself the opportunity to rest and be lazy - perhaps the body needs to recuperate. If you don't allow yourself to rest, your body can get sick. It will still take its legal hours to rest, but without your consent, and will add more interest. Healing always takes more time and resources than just resting and recuperating.

- if for a long time every day you literally pull yourself out of bed by the scruff of the neck, then surely something is wrong, and you are going in the wrong place. This suggests that it's time to do some spring cleaning in your life.

There are no lazy people - there are uninspiring goals and lack of motivation. So think about what you really want? What makes you tired and exhausted? And after a while, you will still thank your morning fatigue for the long-awaited changes for the better.

In my consultations, I help clients organize such a daily routine so that it allows them to effectively solve work and life tasks, while maintaining health and good mood.

The daily routine and lifestyle is the foundation for any professional success, health, youth, beauty and happiness.
