Technique For Working With Addiction. As Part Of Long-term Addiction Therapy

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Video: Technique For Working With Addiction. As Part Of Long-term Addiction Therapy

Video: Technique For Working With Addiction. As Part Of Long-term Addiction Therapy
Video: Three Approaches to Treating Addiction by Dr. Bob Weathers 2024, April
Technique For Working With Addiction. As Part Of Long-term Addiction Therapy
Technique For Working With Addiction. As Part Of Long-term Addiction Therapy

The technique is based on the "Elimination of Codependency" technique by Marilyn Atkinson.

I will demonstrate the practice with a specific, but conditional example.


Think of someone or something that you think you are addicted to (or what).

Lera (working with food addiction) brings the problem closer to herself, symbolically defines it as an image of a bright still life with an abundance of numerous, seductive dishes.


Imagine that your addiction is in the same space (room) with you. Walk around the "Other". Note how he or she looks. Touch it to see how the Other is to the touch. Feel how you feel when you are near him. Notice the feeling of being connected to the other. Now notice how you feel when you feel this close connection? Don't you feel like you are physically attached to each other? As if there is some kind of cord or other means of close and intimate connection between you? Notice how the connection occurs, where does it attach to your body, and where to the body of the “Other”? Many people feel this connection in their stomach, chest, or groin. Try to imagine the quality of this connection as fully as possible - how does it look, feel?

Lera feels the following: the seductive look of the festive table and its alluring smells envelop Leroux with many roundings, wrapping them in a common ball.


Now try to break this connection for a trial, for a short time, in order to note how you do it? This can be done if you imagine that your hand is a razor-sharp knife and that you can cut the cord, or dissolve it, or break the connection in some other way …

Lera imagines how with a sharp hand-hatchet she cuts the connection with a dependent problem. Immediately finding himself on the other side of dependence, at the turn of another space. Lera feels liberated. She wants to go even further …


Now ask yourself the question: "What do I really want from this problem, what would satisfy me besides a specific bundle?" Then ask, "What benefit will this release provide for me?" Continue until you have a really deep motive, such as safety, security, love, self-worth.

Lera answers: “I want (and receive) from this addiction comfort and delight … Perhaps I could provide this deficit in some other, more adequate, useful way. Liberation from addiction will bring me long-awaited ease …»


Turn right and create a three-dimensional representation of "yourself" that goes beyond your existing resources. It is the “I” that has gone several steps forward, which has already resolved your current problems, the “I” that loves, values and protects you. The “I” that learned what you wanted to learn in Step 4. Notice how your new “I” moves, walks, what is its facial expression and voice; touch this new self. If you fail to “see” this resource “I”, try to “feel” it. Some people feel warmth and glow around the resource "I".

Lera turns to the right and presents a certain alternative dimension nearby, in which her possible “I” lives - from the most successful and healthy future. Lera sees herself in the office of a new restaurant, which is about to open. She is the director of the restaurant. But it looks and feels differently than it does now. Future Valeria looks relieved, without any burdens. She is happy and calm. It does not belong to dependence - to itself. Protects itself. Takes care of himself. And she is able to control her life. Lera wants to step into this new dimension. Lera takes a step and finds herself beyond the line of another, wonderful space. There is no turning back. She is a participant in the best personal strategy.


Turn back to the attached "Other". Try to see and feel your old connection. Then sever that connection permanently and immediately connect to your “Advanced Self” just as you used to join the “Other”. Enjoy the feeling of interdependence with someone you can rely on, that is, with yourself. Thank this "yourself" for your cooperation. Feel how pleasant it is to receive from the new "self" what you wanted to receive from the "OTHER" or ERZATS. This "I" will go into your future, pave the best subsequent path, become your companion and intercessor.

Lera finally breaks off her unnecessary ties and establishes a powerful connection with her future self - autonomous, self-sufficient, mature, full of warm acceptance towards herself personally. Allegorically, this looks like an energetic attachment, demonstrated in the Avatar movie, by the type of establishing a connection with a desirable and powerful object. Lera feels - now she is finally on the other side, with a new, better perspective …


Look back at the "Other" (or Erzats) and at the broken connection with him. Make sure the other has the opportunity to rejoin himself. You can imagine where the Other would like to join. You can feel the “Other” joining his own “Advanced Self”. This feeling will help you to make sure that the “Other” or Erzats does not suffer … Pay attention to how much easier it is for both of you in a relationship of independence … Enjoy your freedom … Pay homage to each other for the past. Divide and move into the future along separate paths of divorced personal stories …

Lera looks from his “picture of the world” at the “old”, her still life looks festive and beautiful, he is ready to please a large number of people when the time comes, he is no longer dangerous for Lera - they are separated by separate pictures of the world. Both of them are comfortable in their spaces. Nothing more connects them. Lera is free! She thanks her past and retreats into a new dimension … Still life slowly evaporates, disappears - now it is only a memory, Lerina is an illusion, a dream …


Turn to your “advanced self” with whom you are connected. Enter this new “I” and from there look back at yourself. Feel what it means to be in a resourceful state and fill yourself with strength. After enjoying this feeling, step back into your real self, with new resources from the alternative self.

Lera opens up to her alternative “I”, enters into it, feeling merging with her healthy, beautiful “I”. She enjoys new sensations. Speaks them out. Further - from the position of the resource "I" he looks at himself-real. Smiles, accepts, blesses … Returns to the position of the present with the resources of the "advanced self". Lera is filled with positive emotions and pleasure … She is happy!


Check how much easier it is for you to live now, having new strength and resources. Imagine that you are going into the future in a company with your “advanced self”. See how easy your new self is to deal with complexity.

Lera imagines the near future. She is a participant in corporate events, holidays, restaurant feasts. But at the table he behaves with restraint, not overusing excess food. She is already happy and cheerful. She uses other sources, indulging herself in healthier ways … The future looks bright. Lera is very happy!

This practice is useful in working with any addiction (food, alcohol, love, etc.), as a separate element in the addiction therapy system. I wish you all joyful and easy freedom!
