Person No

Video: Person No

Video: Person No
Video: Bangla Drama Serial | Plural No 3rd Person | EP - 01 | Farhan | Polash | Priom | Ema | Bangla Natok 2024, October
Person No
Person No

George Gurdjieff gave an excellent classification of man.

When someone asked him about a person, he immediately stopped and said: “Don't ask about a person. First tell me the number. Person # 1? Person # 2? No. 3? No. 4? No. 5? Which person do you mean when you say “person”? " He had seven "people". And he was absolutely right. Nothing can be said about a person, because there is nothing like a person. Some people are # 1, some are # 2, some are # 3. These first three numbers are the easiest to understand because you belong to them.

The man who lives in his body is man # 1, you can find him everywhere. He lives for the body. He does not eat in order to live, he lives in order to eat. This is # 1.

No. 2 is an emotional person. He lives with emotions, always excited or depressed. Sometimes he feels very good, he is euphoric, and sometimes he is dull as death; sometimes he is in heaven and sometimes he is in hell; sometimes he laughs merrily and sometimes cries. This second type of person can also be found everywhere. You do not need to go far, he may be sitting in you. This is the second type of person: emotional, sentimental.

The third type of person is the intellectual. He lives by intellect.

He is all - only the head, he has no body, he has no heart. He is a great head controller. He is a scientist, an ascetic. This is a man of knowledge, memory, logic, philosophy. This third type of person controls the whole world. But these three types of a person are at the same level, their level does not differ. The third type exists more as a male, the second type exists more as a female, the first type exists as both. And all of these types are you; you will not find them in their pure form, they are mixed.

If you meet a person in whom all these three types are absolutely separated, then this is the fourth type: yogi, fakir, mystic. He divided his being into layers.

Now that he is in the body, he is in the body and he does not allow emotions to mix with him or control the head. When he is in emotions, he does not allow his head or body to interfere with them. He is not a mixture, he does not dilute it, everything is clean and clear in him. When he thinks, he thinks, he does not allow his emotions to interfere, because they do not allow him to think clearly. You rarely find a person of the fourth type, but among the yogis and Sufi mystics you can find a person of the fourth type.

The fifth type is even rarer. The fourth simply sorts the three levels, the three layers, and makes them function according to their own nature, without interference, without the domination of the outside. The fifth type person is aware of this. A person of the fourth type can act without awareness, he can work without a teacher, or a student, or through methodology and sort them out. It doesn't need a lot of awareness, just a little understanding. The fifth type is the person of awareness. He is aware of the phenomenon of universality. The fifth becomes an observer. It is very difficult to find a person of the fifth category. Ouspensky, the great follower and disciple of Gurdjieff, belongs to the fifth type. But he is only sometimes aware, awareness is sometimes present, sometimes absent. He cannot be constantly aware, because for constant awareness a unifying center is needed, which a person of the fifth type lacks. Ouspensky became a good teacher, but he could not become a Master, because the Master needs full awareness, awareness for twenty-four hours, even in a dream.

The sixth type is extremely rare. Centuries pass in order to be able to meet a person of the sixth type. The sixth type is one who not only realized, but became the center, who reached his center. The sixth type of man observes from the eternal center, he has reached the inner tower, his inner fire is unshakable.

And then there is the seventh type of person, about whom nothing can be said. Up to the sixth type of description is possible, but the seventh type of person cannot be described. You need to be close to the seventh type of person to get to know him, and the more you get to know him, the more you feel that much remains unknown.

The seventh type is an absolute mystery, it is extremely simple. Simple, but as mysterious as possible. Buddha, Laozi, Gurdjieff … they are of the seventh type. Nothing can be said about them. In the seventh type, all the possibilities of uniqueness are achieved. This is the highest peak, not defined and not cognized by the intellect. There is only one type of cognition of this human type. The Hindus call it Satsang: it is simply being in the presence of that person."
