How To Teach A Child To Kindergarten. 5 Tips For Adapting Your Child To The Garden

Video: How To Teach A Child To Kindergarten. 5 Tips For Adapting Your Child To The Garden

Video: How To Teach A Child To Kindergarten. 5 Tips For Adapting Your Child To The Garden
Video: Days Of The Week - ChuChu TV Surprise Eggs Learning Videos For Kids 2024, April
How To Teach A Child To Kindergarten. 5 Tips For Adapting Your Child To The Garden
How To Teach A Child To Kindergarten. 5 Tips For Adapting Your Child To The Garden

In this article I would like to raise a topic that is relevant to many: "How to help a child adapt in the garden." The topic is really important, because all good parents strive to ensure that the child is socialized, so that he enjoys communication and interaction with other children and people. And at the same time, so that his psyche is not traumatized. Let's talk about how you can help your child adapt in the best possible way to society.

I will give you 5 basic and most important tips for your child to easily adapt in the garden.

So, the first most valuable advice is - "Introduce the child into the garden gradually", teach him gradually. At first, 2 hours with you, with one of the parents, with mom or dad, it is possible with both, because the first meeting is usually exciting for all three people, so the three of them can go. For a couple of hours for the child to see that it is safe there, the parents are nearby. After that, you can already leave for a couple of hours without parents, left the child there to play and left, come back in 2 hours. Now look at your child, if you notice that he successfully adapts, he feels good there, you can gradually increase the time, first 2 hours and lunch, then half a day and so on. In any case, look at your child, it is very important to look closely and be sensitive to the child, ask how he is doing, how he feels, whether he liked it, whether he liked it, so you will understand that the child is ready to stay on his own. Also look at how he reacts to your arrival, whether he runs with open arms or says "oh, dad, hello" and goes for a walk. If you have 2 cases, then this is an indicator that the child can already. In the first case, this may still be an indicator that the child misses you in the garden.

Second advice - "Be sure to talk to your child!" The day before, especially before the first meeting, before the first trip to the kindergarten. Tell the child in detail, in the smallest details, what will happen to him, for example: “Tomorrow we’ll have breakfast early or there in the afternoon, we will get dressed and go to the kindergarten, there will be children, there will be toys, you will play, there will be adults educators, they are in order to look after you, if suddenly something happens they will help you, they will play interesting games with you, etc. " Give the child a message that the educators are good, they will not condemn, scold, and so on. Ask the kid and see how he reacts, how he answers: “Then you will play, eat, do you like to play with the kids? Do you want to go play? Are you interested in this?"

Say all the phrases several times, in stages: we will go and do this, then we will do this, then we will do this, then mom, dad will take you away and so, every time for the first few months. Tell your child who will pick him up from the garden when. Of course, do not orientate in time, tk. the kid does not understand time yet, orientate on what he knows, for example: "you will have dinner and they will pick you up, you will have lunch and you will be taken away or you will play and you will be taken away".

The third tip is "Ask your child." Ask: what happens to him in the garden, has he played with someone with whom he played, with boys or girls, with whom he likes to play more? Or does he like to play in the little corner better? Did he play with the kids today, at what time, at lunchtime, in the afternoon? What did they eat, does he like what he ate? And in no case condemn the child if he does something not the way you would like it, not the way you expected, not the way you imagined what should happen to him in the garden. If you think that a child must constantly play with children, and he sits in a corner alone, okay, so he is comfortable, such is his socialization. Perhaps this is how he will continue in life, not scary, it is important for him that he is among people. Even if he sits in a corner, he still observes and collects information in the background, who lives how, who develops how, who is interested in what, etc.

Tell him: “okay, not scary, if you like to play alone - play, but if you want to play with the kids, I'll be glad or just play with the kids.” Or, on the contrary, the child plays with the children, but for example fights with someone, find out why this is happening? This can be good too, the child protects his borders, and it is important to be able to defend his borders. Or if someone offends him, and he does not protect his borders, do not scold him either, this is his way of living, ask why he did it? Of course, a small child, 2, 5-3 years old, is unlikely to be able to consciously answer the question “why”. But asking questions such as: you did not like what he did, he offended you, he pushed you, he looked at you badly, he took the toy from you, he did not take the toy from you, what are you offended or what are you offended ? You can find the answer to why he did this.

The most important thing is to have a desire to be interested in a child, and to find a common language with your child, I think every parent can, the main thing is to want. And in any case do not scold, do not condemn, because condemnation is the worst thing that we can do with our children. A child who was condemned in childhood will then condemn himself in the same way all his life. Not all things need to be redone, fighters sometimes achieve a lot in their lives, people who sit in a corner also achieve a lot in their lives. Let your child be who she is.

I propose to consider 2 more situations. The first is when you might notice some things that are happening to the child, he gets offended, angry, in general, in one word he is frustrated. For example, the teacher somewhere at the wrong time drew attention to the child, or some kind of rudeness towards the child manifested itself. Of course, see that this is within the permissible limits, if, for example, a child is greatly offended, then fight it. But I would like to raise the question about the fact that there are things that are not worth fighting with, that should be left as they are and give the child the opportunity to learn how to cope. Deal with your grievances and your anger towards the fact that the world is not always what he expected, the sky is not green, the sky is blue and it will be blue. Not always, not in all communities, societies, groups, they will treat him the way you do, circle around him, worry, etc. Look at yourself, remember, did you come to school circling around you? Not very likely. You came to work, did you really care if you were offended by your boss or not? Such situations with your child will also occur and it is better for him at 2, 5-3 years old to learn how to cope with the fact that the world can often be unfair, people may not be attentive enough, not caring enough, and so on.

Your task in this case is to help the child experience these feelings. To be with him, to ask: are you offended or offended by this, that, or that? The teacher offended you, she said bad words to you, did she scold you? Or are you a girl or a boy offended? Conduct a detective investigation, often ask questions where the answer implies yes or no. It is easier for a child to answer questions such as "yes, no" than to questions like how, why, why? Give the kid options and you will eventually be able to figure out what's going on. This is very important, because if you miss this moment now, your child will decide that the world revolves around him, for example: if you go with the educators to sort it out. Most likely you will quickly achieve your result, but this result is not what your child really needs. Your child needs to learn that the world can be unfair, that the world is not the way we would like it to be, this is important, it is necessary.

Your task is simply to stay with him, offended, but I sympathize with you, this happens, children are not all fair, children are cruel, you can do this or that next time, offer the baby several options. Tell him what he can do in this situation, let him learn to cope, this is very important. Because then, in your 40-50 years old, you will have that the child will kick you out into the street and say: my mother does not care for me, my floor of the apartment and I do not care where you live, this is mine. He or she will not be able to evaluate your contributions, he or she will consider that you owe him, you owe everything to him, and his family, social life will not work out. Do not, do not make it easier for yourself by adjusting the world for the child. Learn to cope with the feelings of your child, it can be difficult, it sometimes hurts, the heart bleeds, the soul hurts, but this is what your child needs so that you worry with him and for him, this is the most important thing.

Well, the last piece of advice about common situations. You all know that children can get sick when they go to kindergarten, especially when they are just starting to visit kindergarten. I recommend that you do not worry too much about it, this is normal, even if it is sick or nervous, or perhaps you may see some deterioration in the child's behavior. Do not worry too much, this is not a reason to take him out of the garden with the thought, let it be better to sit at home. Help your child to have a childhood, have a normal social childhood, and do not deprive yourself of free time. Be patient and not overly anxious. This is normal, you can reduce the dose of kindergarten, but keep going to the kindergarten. Of course, if you get sick, let him be cured, and then he goes back to the kindergarten. And here it is very important to instill in the child that the garden is good, that everyone in the garden is kind, everyone with the best intentions, no one wanted to offend you. Then the child will have less resistance to go to the garden, but for this it is necessary that you yourself believe that the garden is important for the child, if you think somehow differently, then I recommend that you figure it out, why is the socialization of your child for you, this is bad?

Perhaps you are depending on your child, for example, this can happen to people who have nothing else to do, sit at home, do nothing, so let's work hard with the child. Or with people who have not realized in their profession. This is your problem, don't make your problem your child's problem. It is important for a child to go to the garden, he will be grateful to you for this, believe me.
