What To Do Before Bed To Help You Fall Asleep Easily

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Video: What To Do Before Bed To Help You Fall Asleep Easily

Video: What To Do Before Bed To Help You Fall Asleep Easily
Video: Sleep | How To Fall Asleep | How To Sleep Fast 2024, April
What To Do Before Bed To Help You Fall Asleep Easily
What To Do Before Bed To Help You Fall Asleep Easily

The main thing is to create for yourself at least an hour of "buffer" time before going to bed. At this time, you need to limit mental and mental activity.

Switch the brain from daytime to evening to relax the nervous system. No analysis of reports or even crossword puzzles.

And no gadgets. Screens of smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. produce light with a short wavelength. This suppresses the production of melatonin. Your body thinks the day is not over yet and is keeping you awake.

About an hour before bed, move on to your rituals: brush your teeth, take a bath or shower. A comfortable temperature shower before bed helps to relax the muscular system - an excellent physiological helper for good sleep.

You can read books or listen to light relaxing music, meditate.

It is useful to take a walk in the fresh air before going to bed - in about 1.5 hours.

Sports, physical activity are also useful. But the workout should end no later than 2.5 hours before bedtime.

The only type of physical activity that sleep doctors recommend before bed is sex. During sex, hormones are released into the bloodstream, which help to relax.

What you can eat before bed

Avoid drinking alcohol, soda, tea or coffee at least 4 hours before bedtime. Doctors recommend drinking your last cup of coffee before 14.00. Caffeine disrupts the structure of sleep, making it more superficial.

If you smoke, the last cigarette should also be at least 4 hours before bedtime - nicotine excites the nervous system.

Don't eat heavy, spicy, or sugary foods. But you cannot fall asleep when you are hungry. A light snack in about 2 hours is helpful. You can eat:

unsweetened yogurt

low-fat cottage cheese



chicken or turkey meat

There are also foods that can help improve sleep:

Chamomile tea. Chamomile contains the flavonoid apigenin, which reduces anxiety. Basically, chamomile tea is a natural sedative without the side effects.

Cherries or cherry juice. Ripe dark cherries contain melatonin, a sleep hormone.

Walnuts. They contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is essential for the synthesis of melatonin in the body.

Kiwi. Kiwi contains a lot of serotonin, the "joy hormone" that helps you fall asleep. Two kiwi fruits are enough to improve falling asleep by 30%.

What poses are better for sleeping

On the back. Doctors call it the most natural. The load on the heart decreases, the spine straightens.

There is no need to sleep on your back for people who have respiratory problems and snoring.

On the side. It is also useful: the spine acquires a physiological bend, the back muscles relax. But during sleep, blood vessels and nerves can be pinched, which is why the hand becomes numb (left or right - depending on the side on which to sleep).

No need to sleep:

on the left side for people with heart problems

on the right side for people with heartburn

On the stomach. The most harmful: the load on the chest increases, breathing becomes difficult. In this case, turning the head to the side can disrupt the blood supply to the brain.

When sleeping on the stomach, the bend of the spine straightens, the load on the muscles and joints increases.
