Creativity Is Not Just For Self-expression

Table of contents:

Video: Creativity Is Not Just For Self-expression

Video: Creativity Is Not Just For Self-expression
Video: The Importance of Creativity: Finding Self Expression in our Daily Lives 2024, April
Creativity Is Not Just For Self-expression
Creativity Is Not Just For Self-expression

What is art therapy?

The main goal of art therapy is the harmonization of personality development through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge

In the 19th century, the famous Swiss psychiatrist K. Jung said that art therapy facilitates the process of individualization of personality self-development based on the establishment of a mature balance between the unconscious and conscious "I"

The very process of creativity can be viewed as a study of reality, cognition of new, previously hidden sides and the creation of a product that embodies these relationships. Art allows us to reconstruct a traumatic conflict situation in a special symbolic form and find its solution through restructuring this situation on the basis of creative abilities.

The goals of art therapy:

1. Provide a socially acceptable outlet for aggressiveness and other negative feelings (working on drawings, paintings, sculptures is a safe way to release "steam" and defuse tension).

2. Facilitate the healing process. Unconscious inner conflicts and experiences are often easier to express through visual images than to express them in the process of verbal correction. Non-verbal communication more easily escapes the censorship of consciousness.

3. Obtain material for interpretation and diagnostic conclusions. Artistic products are relatively durable and the client cannot deny that they exist. The content and style of artwork provide an opportunity to obtain information about the client, who can help in the interpretation of their works. Artworks provide the opportunity to obtain information about the client, who can help in the interpretation of their works.

4. Work through the thoughts and feelings that the client is used to suppressing. Sometimes non-verbal means are the only means available to express and clarify strong feelings and beliefs.

5. To improve the relationship between the psychologist and the client. Participating in artistic endeavors together can foster relationships of empathy and mutual acceptance.

6. Develop a sense of internal control. Drawing, painting, or sculpting involves arranging colors and shapes.

7. Concentrate on sensations and feelings. Visual arts classes create rich opportunities for experimenting with kinesthetic and visual sensations and developing the ability to perceive them

8. Develop artistic ability and enhance self-esteem. A byproduct of art therapy is the sense of satisfaction that arises from the discovery and development of hidden talents.

Art therapy also has educational value, as it promotes the development of cognitive and creative skills. There is evidence that expressing thoughts and feelings through the visual arts can help improve relationships with partners and increase self-esteem.

Art therapy can be both passive - when you "consume" artwork created by other people, and active when you yourself create creative products: sculpture drawings, etc.

Age restrictions:

// Art therapy is recommended for children from the age of 6, since at the age of 6, symbolic activity is still being formed, and children are just mastering the material and methods of image. At this age stage, visual activity remains within the framework of play experimentation and does not become an effective form of correction.
