Mom's Creativity Or Stages Of Creativity

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Video: Mom's Creativity Or Stages Of Creativity

Video: Mom's Creativity Or Stages Of Creativity
Video: The Creative Process (Five Stages) 2024, April
Mom's Creativity Or Stages Of Creativity
Mom's Creativity Or Stages Of Creativity

The most creative community is not architects and web designers at all. This is Mamie. I'll prove it now.

Mothers - who is this? These are young and not always experienced women who suddenly have a very demanding Client. He does not have days off, one constant strategy of behavior. The client is sudden, every time he comes up with something innovative, he has a lot of needs. He is defenseless and omnipotent at the same time.

If you are fed up with big guys who demand that you "play with fonts", try feeding a 4-year-old child with soup. Business negotiations will seem like a careless resort to you. By the way, great creativity training.

Naturally, with such a charming and at the same time complex Client, Mamies go all out. They negotiate, sometimes using heavy artillery in the form of threats and manipulation. The mothers dance and sing creatively, gradually stopping reality testing and finding themselves in the magical world of hippos and tomatoes.

The client, of course, does not give up, and what worked yesterday is not a fact that will work today. Nurses move on to the next stage of creativity, namely - frustration … And then how lucky. Either the Nurse with disheveled hair, clothes of an incomprehensible color and smell, and crazy eyes goes into the state of "What will, what bondage …". Or, accustomed to work from childhood, she stubbornly continues her difficult mission, repeating previous attempts like a mantra. And there are unique Nurses. By adopting frustration as inevitability, they magically produce the most creative solutions in human history.

What is the secret of these Mamoks?

We will not now consider the psychological aspects of raising children. Creative, extraordinary Mom's solutions very well demonstrate the ability to pass the stages of creativity in a quality manner. Moreover, in this process, they can easily give a lesson to other creative people. So what's going on?

Stages of creativity

1. Loading thinking. The first and very important stage before the changes. It is important to understand the problem on it and study it in as much detail as possible, analyze previous methods of working with it, ways to solve it.

At this stage, mothers try different methods of stuffing soup / cutlets / potatoes / pantyhose into their child.

2. Frustration or dead end of creativity. The very stage at which countless brilliant ideas die. This is the stage of stupor, when your brain is full of information, it seems to you that the solution cannot be found. The most important thing in this stage is to pass it. The most common non-constructive reactions to it are:

  • "And we already lived quite well." In other words, you give up your project and use old, non-working methods and ideas. Nothing changes, except the sediment in the soul. In this case, the mothers stubbornly continue their old attempts to shove something unpuffed into the child.
  • "And it all went!". You throw everything again, but at the same time you colorfully destroy everything around. It goes to the uncle, who only asked to "play with the fonts." In this case, the mothers break down. We all remember how it happens.

What is the way out? Oddly enough, he is like a cap of evidence. You need to know that this stage will definitely come. This is a signal that what you are working on is truly creative, new and unique. Therefore, now porridge is being cooked in your brain. Let it cook! For this, the next stage.

3. Incubation of a creative solution. This is the same magical stage when the porridge is cooked. We do not see or feel it. In order for it to be most productive, it is important to switch from the task at hand. How to do this, and what exactly, we will write next time. And now you can take an example from Mamok.

A poor Jewish family with many children has a wonderful mother. She constantly denies herself everything, never raises her voice to children, in short, all the best to children. But once a week she goes to the store, buys expensive delicious sweets and expensive delicious tea, locks herself in the room and …

- Mom, what are you doing there? the children ask.

- Sha, children, quietly, I make you a good good mom.

In other words, Creative Nurses sometimes take a break.

4. Illumination or inspiration. This is that unexpected "Eureka". A sudden decision isn't all that magic. In a nutshell, having stopped tormenting your left hemisphere in the previous stage, the right hemisphere joined the work. It was it that found those images in the outside world that can be integrated into your solution.

It is here that Mammas get out of the subordinate-obey duality, and find a third solution, creative, unplanned and unexpected, both for them and for the invaluable Client.

5. Verification by practice. Ah, if only it all ended with insights. Found fantasies remain so if they are not tested. And again the left hemisphere is included in the work. But now everything is easier. Plan, try, analyze. It will work - tadmmm, it will not work, well, all from the beginning. But it's worth it.

And Mamki, they are relentless. They try again and again. Fall and walk again. They have a sea of creativity and one secret. They love their Client very much. But about love for clients next time …
