Video: Childhood Trauma, Affect Regulation, and Borderline Personality Disorder 2024, April

Trauma is understood as a threatening event that goes "beyond the usual human experience", knocking the ground out of underfoot. A person finds himself in a situation that causes boundless shock and horror. Human life is not protected from the side of reality in which each of us can become a witness or victim of an emergency. Neither knowledge, nor science, nor faith, nor physical dexterity or intellectual strength can protect us, cannot protect us from shock when faced with this.

"Horror, writes A. Langle, is the incomprehensibility of the bottomlessness of existence." The feeling of horror can be expressed in the following words: “Is it possible? It can't be! And it still happens!"

Thus, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops as a result of extreme stress experienced. Being in the role of a hostage, being in a crashed vehicle, an explosion in front of a person that killed and maimed those who were with him, an attack by bandits or a mad animal - all collisions of this kind can cause PTSD.

PTSD is characterized by tension, combined with a general fearfulness, which was not previously noted in a person, he is haunted by repeated nightmares and obsessive memories of the experience of horror. Symptoms of increased excitability, uncontrollable anxiety, depression, emotional disorders with a desire to distance themselves from people, limit social contacts are typical. A person is often irritated on insignificant reasons, has difficulty falling asleep and concentrating. Some victims speak of their inability to recall their experiences at will (despite their vivid obsessive memories at other times), feelings of insensitivity, alienation, and decreased interest in daily activities. These symptoms can be joined by sexual disorders, suicidal thoughts, alcohol or drug abuse.

In PTSD, there are “themes” of experiences that are repeated in a cliché manner: the constant fear that a traumatic situation may occur again in reality or in dreams, the content of which duplicates the traumatic situation. A special symptom of re-experiencing is flashbacks - a sudden, for no apparent reason, revival with pathological certainty and fullness of feelings of the traumatic situation (the feeling as if the traumatic situation is happening again).

Quite pronounced is the symptom of avoidance - the desire to get rid of all reasoning, feelings and memories of the trauma. As a result, there is a feeling of separation, alienation from other people. Loss of interest in previous values in life is a common symptom. Victims talk about a sense of a shortened life perspective, do not want to plan anything. A common symptom is psychogenic amnesia. Traumatic memories are primarily stored in memory in the form of abrupt sensory fragments that are not semantically connected, and in the case of re-experiencing the situation, they involuntarily emerge in consciousness in the form of various somatosensory manifestations of various modalities, which include flashbacks. Victims become extremely vigilant, constantly anticipating danger and are in a state of readiness to take immediate action to avoid it. A special symptom is a severe feeling of guilt towards those who died (survivor's guilt). Autonomic disorders are often observed in circumstances that cause associations with the traumatic situation or are otherwise associated with it.

The problem with PTSD is that we are not talking about the process of suffering, but about the state of suffering. That is, PTSD is the inability to engage the painful yet healing process of suffering. On the way to relief from unbearable pain, there is more paralysis than suffering, similar to depression, which leads more to freezing in a state similar to sadness than to sadness itself.

Therefore, traumatic stress arises not from the processing of suffering, but from the inability to move forward in this necessary process, which can be provided by a timely started psychotherapy.
