"The Main Thing Is That The Suit Fits!" Constellations Of The Future

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Video: "The Main Thing Is That The Suit Fits!" Constellations Of The Future

Video: Fairy Tail Lucy and Aquarius Reunites (English Dub) 2024, April
"The Main Thing Is That The Suit Fits!" Constellations Of The Future
"The Main Thing Is That The Suit Fits!" Constellations Of The Future

Arrangements on figures, MAC, tarot. Master class at the International Tarot Festival 2018. Practice of "field fitting" of the future, transcript of client consultation.

About "correctness" and freedom of choice

Sooner or later, a helping practitioner, including a tarologist-psychologist, solves the issues of sharing responsibility between himself and the client. When there is therapy, habitual scenarios and patterns, the client is often at the point of choice, he is looking for a "new self"

  • How could it be otherwise?
  • What is the “right” thing to do in a particular problem situation?
  • What to choose?

I deliberately put “right” in quotation marks, because the “correctness” of the consultant may not necessarily correspond to the “correctness” of the client. Correctness, in principle, does not exist. But there is freedom of choice and its consequences, the responsibility for which will be borne not by the adviser, but by the one who makes this choice.

Fate is determined by our choices, not our luck.

What a professional can offer for consultation in a situation of choice is a technique for working with probability lines. In practice, it looks like a field trying on different options. We try on different “costumes of the future” for the client and help him to live all these options in the virtual field, to feel them emotionally and physically.

Remember, in Robert Zelazny's "Sign of the Unicorn":

… When I went to the left, The whole world would be different …

A client came with a problem of choice

And this is potentially a small trap for the consultant. When a person asks the question “What to do?” During a consultation, often at that moment he is in a state of loss of personal support. Also at this point there is a loss of energy: all doubts and hesitation take it away, wasting it on anxieties and fears.

“What will happen if I do this … or otherwise …?

"What will he / she / they do in return?"

If a person constantly wants something … and is constantly afraid of something. He worries about what might happen or what might not happen. Anxiety and worry are a great way to drain energy.

And if there is no energy at the Point of Choice, then how and where to move then?

Helping practitioners know: when a person's personal supports are shaken and there is a lack of energy, then there is a great temptation to delegate responsibility for oneself to someone “strong”. In this case, such an attractive figure can be a tarot psychologist.

But this is a path leading nowhere.

The helping practitioner must create such conditions under which the person himself will make the most "strong move". This is a good challenge.

For this task, practice "The main thing is that the suit is sitting."

"The main thing is that the suit fits." The geography of the paths of the future

There is a famous historical alignment "Choice", it is practiced by many tarologists, it entered the classics of the working case. The topography of the "The main thing is that the suit fits" layout is based on the topography of this layout.

There is a Point of the Present - and further, like diverging paths in a garden, the lines of probability scatter. There are at least two of them. The practitioner, together with the client, builds two matrices of the future, according to the methodology of systemic constellations.

In systemic constellations, we, with the help of people (figurines, or some anchors), put into the working field consultations of significant characters in the history of a person, his "hot" situation. And our client can live it on his own experience and in his body.

Usually constellations take us back in time and answer the question "Why?"

Here is another idea - the constellations of the future. That is, at first we go along the same line of probability, into one future, and very clearly outline it.

We should see the answers to the questions:

  • What kind of people will surround our client?
  • What state will the client and his environment be in?
  • What will be the feelings?
  • And, if a practitioner knows how to read the layer of field specifics, then what events will occur in this line of probability?

Methodical case of practice

For this practice we need:

  • tarot deck or MAC
  • tabletop "marking of the working field of the arrangement", usually this is the working tablecloth of the tarot reader;
  • field reading skills and professional counseling on the methodology of systemic constellations.
  • a set of figurines or other tabletop anchors representing human figures that are significant in this client story.

The last point is a little more detailed. Now we will work with figures from the set for the constellation, if the client is close to the style of individual constellations.

For work I will take a special set of figures, they are multi-colored: girls and boys (the first in skirts, the second in panties); they know how to stand, sit, raise their head, turn their arms.

This is one of the options for working in the style of individual constellations. You can also make arrangements on anything: on pebbles, on figures not only made of plastic, but also made of wood, and so on. Figures are object anchors to designate people in the working field of the arrangement.

Arcana Tarot in constellations

Let's get back to history and theory for a moment. How are Tarot constellations different from classic constellations? Both constellations and working with Tarot involve reading information, reading a field.

I am often asked what is a field? Today there is no strictly scientific definition, but the closest to me, my working definition: the field is a kind of Internet.

Where is the Internet? You may not answer right away. However, you turn on your computer, go online and find, receive, or forward the information you need. In working with the field, we encounter the same phenomenon. It's all about the access code.

There are certain features of working with the Arcana in field practices. And this is what distinguishes Tarot constellations from working with a group or figures. When reading information from the field, we get different "packaging" and nuances of information.

Conventionally, you can divide the field, this endless "Internet of a thin plan", into levels. More precisely, into layers - like stratus clouds in the sky. There is no barrier or clear boundary between the layers. However, there are layers, and information about the same event at each level is of different quality.

So, reading events and facts is different from reading the "life of the soul" and emotions. In classical systemic constellations, reading of feelings and states is assumed, usually about the life of our ancestors in the past. When a person stands behind the figure of a deputy, information flows through him. How did the client's Ancestor Figure feel decades or even centuries ago? Constellations work with feelings, facts are often left behind the scenes.

Facts and feelings are different information, different "places and levels" of the energy-informational field. Facts and events - historically and "sharpened" under this conventional layer tarot, as a mantic practice. However, each assisting practitioner reads the field because of his "access code" and the concept in which he works. Psychologists joke: "Clients of Freud's psychoanalysis have dreams according to Freud, clients of Jungian analytical psychology have dreams according to Jung."

Through the Arcana of the Tarot, we can read information about feelings-states and facts-events. In my opinion, this is an interesting job.

The scheme is as follows: you have a working field, a tablecloth and there is a moment “here and now” - the Point of the Present. You can work on cards and figures. Usually in my work, figures mean specific people, and tarot arcana - feelings, states and situations.


Start - from the Point of the Present (theory)

The master class "The main thing is that the suit fits" will be for you in two parts. Theoretical and practical, that is, this is a consultation: I have a client, a client has a request.

When the practical part begins, if someone does not see the consultation from the hall and someone wants to come closer and take a closer look, I can invite you to the stage.

Here I go through a circle. This is a special feature, the audience does not need to go over it. What is there: me, my client, the desktop is our working field.

The client and I will build two versions of the future, where the characters of this version will be, where the client himself will be. And we will find out how he will feel at the same time.

So, there is a Present Point, and our client is here. I put a figurine here. If there are no figures, I put the Arkan. Then, on the working diagram, on the demo board, I draw a dotted line.

… This is one option for the future, and another dotted line is its second option. If you keep more options in your field, clearly distinguishing between the first, second and third, then you can build them all.

Here we put one matrix. What happens if, for example, our client / our client goes to live in one country or goes to one job? Who will surround him? And how will he feel at the same time? I build the matrix from figures and Arcana.

Then we return to the Point of the Present to separate ourselves from this virtual field.

Then we build the second line of probabilities.

I usually do it this way: first, here, at a distance, I put the desired event matrix. The client looks from the Present Point at this matrix: how is it for him?

But this matrix still needs to be reached.

And here, on this path, expensive insights are usually accomplished and the necessary information comes. Was this how the client envisioned what they wanted? "And what will the people around me, those close to me, do if I choose this path?"

A person has the ability to feel it through bodily experience. He can touch every figure from this matrix and feel what is happening. Then - a return to the Point of the Present, from there - we go to the other side and build another matrix there.

On this path, various interesting details can appear, when suddenly answers to the questions "why?" Why don't I go that way? Why am I standing still? Why is it frozen? What are the doubts, what can help me, what can hinder me? This is all a joint work of the master and the client.

Client consultation, transcript


Alyona: How do you? Good. So, now we will start working. If someone wants to go up - now I will walk in a circle. You can stand outside the circle.

I only work with constellation ideas on the Book of Shadows deck. This deck is dedicated to the pagan tradition of Wicca, with deep patterns and passages, it is most suitable for this practice.

Eve: My choice is to choose between two paths: the first is a social choice, the place where I have been working for many years, where everything is clear and normal. The only moment: I understand that a little more - and there I will no longer be able to cope.

The second option is to work out of interest, to organize pagan conferences. It is clear that this must somehow be supported financially, most likely, more injections will be needed, but there will also be more emotional return. Now the question is which way to spend more energy, while not disrupting the emotional return that I get from organizational meetings, and without losing the financial component, which is important. Therefore, what path is the most beneficial to follow now, is it high time?

Alyona: Specify what the request is?

Eve: Where should I invest more energy? Accordingly, what to devote more time to - the usual work, less to the organizational aspects, or vice versa?

Alyona: We started to work. Here are the figures, take your pick. Please hold the selected figure in your hands, feel it and tell it: "Please be me." I know that the question is that now there is a lot of knocking on the field - and this is not a hobby, but … how to say?

Eve: Lifestyle. This is the direction of the pagan tradition.

Alyona: Can I tell about you for our audience? Eve is a representative of the pagan tradition, which is conventionally called Wicca - very conventionally. This lineage is from the founder Gardner, who founded and discovered Wicca in the middle of the 20th century; he is the founding father, and the transmission from coven to coven has reached Russia. Gwiddon (Eve's husband) is the first, and Eve is the second official dedicated to the Gardnerian tradition in Russia.

Now, basically, the Wiccan followers are followers of the books: here and there, then "read something." And this is good, but if we talk about the transfer of tradition from Teacher to student, then Eve is the first woman in Russia who can consider herself a Wiccan priestess. Of course, it obliges a lot, gives a lot. And as if something needs to be done. This is the main motivation for which I chose you as a client.

I correctly feel that this is not a matter of choice, but a matter of energy distribution? That is, one does not cancel the other?

Eve: Yes, that's right. That is, it is difficult to refuse the social path, from “making money for a living”. It is possible, but difficult. Therefore, the question arises about the redistribution of energy.

Alyona: Please draw out a map that will mean where you are now. And which way are we starting now? Let's first outline the path where you are now spending a lot of time on your regular work. And now - another way, where Eve invests more in the development of the Wiccan tradition in Russia.

Actually, she has already invested a lot, since the First Pagan Conference in Russia recently took place. And one feels that even more is needed.

So, first we take the cards. And I draw out one general Arcanum, which will show the general state. What would happen if Eve gave more of her energy to social life. Please explain to me what you see and feel: what will happen if you give most of your energy here?

Eve: More time will be spent looking for new clients, new projects, more financial returns. There is very little energy left for the rest.

Alyona: And tell me, please, are there people there who are still interested in the situation?

Eve: Yes.

Alyona: Men or women? And they know, among other things, what else are you doing? (we put them in the field with figures)

Eve: Guess.

Alyona: And seek help? This can be seen in the field.

Eve: Yes. (laughs)

Alyona: That is, they know that you can "benefit" from you not only as an employee, but also as a specialist in a certain tradition. Is there someone else significant who will be affected by the situation?

Eve: Yes.

Alyona: We return our attention to the Point of the Present and transfer your attention here (another line of probability). We stand the second matrix of the future. How much, in percentage, can you pay attention-energy here?

Eve: Sixty-seventy percent.

Alyona: And now how much attention-energy do you pay?

Eve: Of the total mass - twenty percent.

Alyona: What is this activity? Speak to her.

Eve: Continuing the conference on a regular basis and organizing your own coven. Training, dedication.

Alyona: Okay, and who are the significant people here? (we put significant people as figures)

Eve: Of the significant people - Guiddon. Morgana is my high priestess. She is in Holland. Colour? Let it be red.

Alyona: You know, I will also put those who will be next to you here. Let's call them conditionally “consumers of your activity”, of what you do in this line of probability. Followers, enthusiasts. Other women and those who want to come to your coven, somehow participate in this and do something. And this is very interesting - I see them.

You can now touch the figures to understand them; understand what they want. They are already there. There is interest, there is greed, there is such an orientation towards you. I have a feeling that it is coming from there: come on, come on, come on … Of course, this line now sounds very strong in your field.

We open cards. I am doing a "simultaneous translation" of the Arcana regarding this particular situation: the Seven of Air in this deck means in this case the union of male and female, and this is possible only from your union with Guidon. And the financial component too.


I open the map of the first option of the future - this is the Nine of Fire card. In this deck, she means the heavy planet Pluto: the inhibition of life and the pressure load.

And I open the card of the second option - I will even show it to everyone, in this deck this is one of the cards that means magic - this is the Eight of Water, the Celtic sorceress Kerridwen. Here we see the cauldron: the cauldron as part of the process in which transformation takes place.

I will move, and you will tell me …

Eve: Now the heartbeat has increased … Now the heartbeat is absolutely normal, but there is something in the solar plexus … There is a lot of air influence and the feeling, like before jumping from a bungee …

Alyona: This is where the topic of money comes up. As we move towards promoting creativity, carrying out the Wiccan tradition, the figurine of our heroine feels a lack of energy, wants some resources and wants help. The topic of finance comes up again and again. Finance is the landing and it is some kind of support.

Here, as you rightly said, there is a lot of Air, and I feel a lack of the energy of the Earth, material. And yet we can walk this path to the end and see where it leads. Can you move? Good. How does your figure feel?

Eve: Emotions are very similar to the moment when I could not swim and jumped into the water. At first it's scary to take a step, and then - wow, I could!

Alyona: I turn you to my husband (to the Guiddon figurine). How do you see him in this version?

Eve: This is my life jacket. He is my support.

Alyona: Please touch his figure to feel what he will feel at the same time how he will be in this version of the future.

Eve: If I am like a charade, then he is like a library. A lot of knowledge. I am more of a conductor, more of a storage device.

Alyona: But it looks like you will do everything, organize everything yourself (Eve laughs).

Good. Is there anything else that can help you in this part of the future? I feel a lack of resources here. I feel the connection between you, you and Guiddon, and the connection is very harmonious. But there is a lack of resources.

And look at your Master - Morgana, who lives in Holland. How is she in this case? Is there any support from her?

Eve: I think more approval. Tips - yes. There is no support as such, because it already helps.

Alyona: I have one more word. Blessing. Let's rise a little in the field: from the social level a little higher - I think you understand what I'm talking about. About energy flows. There will be visible flows of energy at this level. I'm looking at Morgana now - and I'm a little embarrassed that she is small (a child's figure has been chosen for the role of the Teacher). Maybe put another figurine?

Eve: Yes, let's put another one.

Alyona: Morgana looks at Guiddon, she considers him the leader in your pair. It was immediately visible across the field. Interesting: in the Wiccan tradition, it is believed that God and the Goddess are equal, but the Goddess is "slightly more equal." It is strange that she considers a man to be the leader (provocative intervention of the constellator).

Eve: It's just that they have known each other for many years.

Alena: Energy, as I see it, flows to you, and then to her through him. How do you like it now?

Eve: Unclear…

(At this point, as a constellator, I silently restore the hierarchy in the system; in this case, in the Tradition system)

Eve: Now it is clear.

Alyona: I remember, I fix this option. Bookkeeping is also important (laughs). Now we return to the Present Point and I turn the attention of your figure to the other side - and we go there. Now you can touch your figure and feel how she sees from here that version of the future, the first.

Eve: This is a solitary path … That is, it is not interesting.

Alyona: We'll take a few steps, letting the figure move there … How does it feel when it goes there?

Eve: Nothing … She's bored.

Alyona: She is bored.

The question of money still hangs. What to do to make it better with finances on the desired path?

Eve: Look for some financial projects, develop conferences. But so far I do not see any financial benefits.

Alyona: Now I'm going to do this - I'll try to combine them in the field. And you will tell me how it is. Here it is, here it is more. But this is also you (there is an integration of the two paths).

Eve: Don't get any closer. I think so. This is OK for now.

Alyona: How will those who want and expect the development of the tradition from you react to this?

Eve: You know, when you put them like this now, they give support, not just expectation. Because what is in this card is very attractive.

Alyona: Where do you get your energy for the work and projects you do?

Eve: I have my assistants.

Alena: Draw out their cards. If they are different in fields and traditions, then each has its own card.

(Eve draws cards from the deck representing her assistants).

Alyona: Thirteenth Elder! A beautiful Arcana that reminds us of the time when Christmas was Yule - the birth of the sun king. The longest night is December 21, when "a new Sun is born" and the wheel of the year begins its new turn.

Other helpers are the Deuce of Fire. I will leave your figure for these cards, for the energy of your assistants. What do you think?


Eve: Much better, much bolder. Because somehow everything can be brought together.

Alyona: Is this a sufficient source of energy now?

Eve: I would be sure. This is what would be good for me. Because I want to live in peace, but I can't.

Alyona: There is no need for peace of mind - we will not fool them, assistants (we laugh).

Good. Now, please look inside yourself and tell me: what is the ideal combination of energy expenditure on the first variant of your activity? Energy percentage combination.

Eve: So that resources are not wasted - forty for work, forty for development. The rest is for yourself and rest.

Alyona: Let's then fix it in the field so that it is clear.

Thank you for your story.

I shoot the field and release the figures and Arcana from their roles. And life goes on the chosen path.
