Can A Teenage Conflict Have A Negative Impact On The Development Of His Cause?

Can A Teenage Conflict Have A Negative Impact On The Development Of His Cause?
Can A Teenage Conflict Have A Negative Impact On The Development Of His Cause?

At the all-Ukrainian festival of constellations "Rhodesvit", which took place in Odessa in June 2018, out of a dozen master classes, I also attended the master class of Zakabluk Tiana "Development of my Business", she gave an express diagnosis of the factors influencing the success of the Cause. Something that I would never have thought about, a certain teenage conflict slowed down not only my Business, but also kept some part of me in my teenage state, preventing me from growing, and therefore developing.

Returning home, I already understood what kind of conflict was being discussed, all this was 20 years ago, I did not suffer from memories, or anything else, just when my classmates invited me to the anniversary meeting, I tactfully refused. I decided to make the "Conflict" constellation technique. I formulated a request, decided on the figures and put them in the Field.

The first thing I saw was that all these 20 years I am still energetically connected with the conflict with my classmates. Part of my soul was kept there, and therefore could not grow, she was always 15 years old. Part of my strength merged into what had already happened and had long been forgotten 20 years ago.

I was the headman in the class, collecting money, a bunch of organizational issues, suggestions and ideas for a tea party or a red date or something else, I did all this. But it was not easy for me, classmates repeatedly offered the collected money (which, as you know, the parents gave) to spend at their discretion, and announce to teachers and parents that the money was lost. It was on this basis that the conflict occurred.

I started looking for a solution, the first circle and the Field began to move. Anger, sadness, fear, loneliness. What Paul showed was surprising, because in my subjective reality I was sure that I had lived and let go, and even more so I did not hold any evil!

But in Paul it was different.

It turned out that for all 20 years I turned away from this conflict, eliminating difficult experiences for myself, especially the fear of losing other people's money and loneliness. Therefore, the energetic thread stretched there, which had long ended and passed, but on the inner plane it still continued to live, to influence me, and as you know, everything that is excluded acquires its special strength, which becomes an obstacle, not a resource for moving forward. Moving from figure to figure, I felt more and more relief.

The decision was to finally look openly at the conflict, at classmates, admit my difficult feelings, fear of losing other people's money, abandon claims to adults who at that moment did not provide me with support, agree with what happened, and finally - then start growing, releasing strength and energy for what I need now.

In personal psychotherapy or supervision, it would take me weeks, step by step, slowly move towards a solution, and it is not a fact that my own illusions would not lead me astray. The solution in the unconscious is sought faster and the Field will never let you get lost in fantasies, only if you yourself do not decide - to stay where you are now, or to risk and open up to the truth.
