Video: What is True Femininity 2024, May

Oddly enough, femininity is directly related to responsibility. The responsibility that a woman is ready to take on determines the level at which her femininity is manifested, how she lives, how and with whom she builds relationships, what partners she attracts into her life.

The first level of responsibility is responsibility at the “girl” level. It would be more accurate to speak of lack of responsibility. She does not want to answer for anything and waits for someone to come, take full responsibility, solve her problems and make her happy. Thus, she attracts such a “dad” into her life, who will solve her questions, pamper, be responsible for her. “I don’t want to decide anything, I want a dress”, “decide everything for me, but I’ll just be near a beautiful” her position. From the outside, it seems that this is a very convenient state of affairs, and many women dream of being in the place of such a chorus girl for whom everything is decided, who has many dresses and she is all so carefree and beautiful. But if we go deeper, we will see that where a woman is not responsible for anything, she does not decide anything. Capricious and selfish, she is completely deprived of the right to choose, she cannot be happy and realized in this. She is not seen as an equal partner, she is small. Almost everything is decided for her, and she loses herself, fulfilling the desires of her “solver”, or trying not to upset him once again. She’s a good girl, and good girls don’t upset “daddy”. Like a fly in a spider's web, she becomes emotionally or financially dependent. And dependent relationships, as we know, cannot be healthy. At some point, she realizes that she has completely lost herself, and the path to restoring her integrity will be long and painful.

Another variant of the development of events: she attracts into her life the same infantile boy as herself, and the “boy” can be as old as she wants, age is not an indicator of maturity. And so they begin to play love, like two children play in a sandbox. They can even get married and have children. But the boy cannot be responsible for the family. And in this case, they either run away and the girl, disillusioned with the boys, is looking for a "dad" for herself, or, under the pressure of circumstances, jumps into hypermath - this is the second type of woman in terms of the level of responsibility, as immature as the first.

Hypermath is a woman who tries to decide everything for everyone - how to whom to live, what to do, where to work, what to learn, how to be treated, with whom and how to build relationships, how to look, how to dress, how to breathe, how and on what to spend money and so on. She tries to control everyone: her husband, children, parents, relatives, environment, knows everything for everyone and who is best. Only how she does not know better. She forgets about herself, assuming responsibility that does not belong to her at all. But the worst thing about this is that she tries to be responsible for everyone except herself. She is in tenth place, she is not there. She wants to be good for everyone, to be needed, and is very surprised that she is not appreciated as much as she would like. She is comfortable, but not loved. Simply because she doesn't love herself. In life, next to her, either an infantile boy, an absolutely irresponsible, not matured man who does not see a woman in her, but sees his mother, whom she thinks she controls. Or the second option: I am myself, the beloved version of our women, who find it easier to take on everyone and everything and drag like a horse uphill, instead of growing up and taking responsibility first of all for themselves, for their lives, allowing the people around her take responsibility for their own lives. How do hypermothers live? It's very hard, of course. The heavy burden of responsibility absolutely not belonging to her turns into an unbearable burden, which over the years is becoming more and more difficult to bear. Plus the desire to please everyone and be good for everyone. A direct path to psychosomatics - the number of female diseases in the modern world is scary.

The third type of responsibility is mature adult femininity. This is the woman who has herself. She knows very well who she is, what she really wants, where she goes. She knows what she can do and does it. She does not take on someone else's responsibility, but she will not transfer her own responsibility to anyone either. She is harmonious and happy. She decides for herself whether she needs a partner, which partner, and what kind of relationship they will have. She will not allow herself to be in destructive relationships, relationships in her case are needed for happiness, for strengthening and reflecting the light that she has already kindled within herself.

And the fourth level of responsibility is female leadership. This is a woman who has herself, knows who she is, knows what she wants and where she is going, and is already ready to lead other people. This is the level of influence. Unlike the Hypermother, this woman is always in the first place and is responsible first of all for herself, then for other people, while giving them freedom of choice. Relationships are, of course, a partnership, together with their chosen one, they make the world a better place. If she is alone, this is also her conscious choice at the moment.

The Girl and the Hypermother are in the position of the victim in life, the Mature femininity and the Woman leader are the mistresses of their lives.

Of course, none of the types are found in their pure form. Girl and Hypermate are two immature states, one can easily be replaced by the other. The transition to mature femininity is already more difficult, not to mention female leadership - this is already aerobatics and it will not be possible to bypass Mature femininity on the way there. Constructive female leadership is built on love as opposed to male leadership. See how many percent of your life you are a Girl, how much Hypermath, how much a Mature woman. If the third and fourth types in total accounted for less than 50% - most likely in the life of such a woman there are a lot of unsolved problems, and the way to solve them is psychological maturation and the transition to Mature femininity. How to do this - I'll tell you with pleasure, I myself have already walked this path.

How mature and mature is your femininity?
