Video: Self-help for depression 1: Introduction 2024, October

In one of the previous articles, I already talked about how to distinguish depression from the state of despondency and blues that happen to everyone from time to time. However, a frequently asked question after diagnosing your condition is how you can help yourself with depression?

The following techniques, techniques, ways to improve your emotional state are suitable not only to alleviate your condition with depression, but also when living a difficult period in life, blues, sadness. All methods are available and aimed at independent work.

1) Go out into the fresh air.

At least for a short time, how much strength and patience will be enough. Arrange short walks at first, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air.

2) Take sun baths.

In summer - in natural conditions, go outside or sit on the balcony, loggia. In autumn, in winter - ultraviolet lamps. A visit to the solarium for 1-2 minutes will not hurt, on the contrary, it will benefit not only the emotional state, but also as the prevention of colds.

3) Aromatherapy.

Aromatic oils are now available in any pharmacy and for any wallet. Excellent essential oils that lift mood, relieve stress, improve well-being: orange, lavender, tangerine, ylang-ylang, bergamot, lavender, mint. When using an aroma lamp, you should read the instructions so as not to overdo it with the dosage of oil.

4) Art therapy.

This includes ordinary drawing (with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens) and anti-stress coloring, photographing (yourself and other people, nature, landscapes, urban infrastructure), mandalotherapy (drawing mandalas), sand therapy, creating dolls, doodling (meaningless drawing, "kalyakanie", machine drawing), composition of fairy tales. Good dances, arbitrary chaotic body movements to music. Anyway, any creative activity: sewing, embroidery, modeling from plasticine (clay), knitting, scrapbooking, etc.

5) Music therapy.

It is good to listen to quality music (classical, jazz), relaxing music, rhythmic. You shouldn't listen to sad, depressing songs, but hard rock is not a good choice either.

6) Watching life-affirming films, positive cartoons, funny demotivators, videos with animals.

All this is unlikely to cheer you up, cheer you up, but, in any case, will not allow you to slide further into the funnel of depression.

7) Contrast shower.

Remarkably relieves stress and invigorates, improves blood circulation, trains thermoregulation, strengthens the immune system, improves mood. However, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the contraindications and rules for taking a contrast shower so that hypothermia does not happen. In general, any water procedures are good.

8) Healthy food.

Include in the diet any fruits, vegetables (in any case, to which there is no allergy). Especially foods containing serotonin (the hormone of happiness): dark chocolate, dates, bananas, figs, nuts, turkey, tuna, salmon, whole grains (wild rice, wheat, barley). Limit the use of "tasty but harmful" (chips, carbonated drinks, fast food, sweets).

9) Physical activity.

You can start with an easy, easy warm-up for 5 minutes. Exercising, yoga, stretching, jogging - the most important thing is moderation and gradualness. If you immediately set the goal of making yourself a cross, a march, then the next day self-sabotage, internal protest and resistance will work. It is necessary to move, but to start little by little and in a gentle mode. The main principle is regularity.

10) Daily routine.

In a period of depression, self-discipline is necessary, to plan the coming day on the eve, to distribute tasks and workload. Include at least some activities in the routine, even if it will be shifting socks in the closet. The most important thing is not the efficiency of affairs, but the very process of activity, employment, so that there is at least some kind of activity.

11) Massage.

It would be great to sign up for a massage course. Since depression is often the result of suppressed emotions, experiences. And any unlived feelings are deposited in the body by muscle blocks, clamps. Just to help yourself at the level of the body, a massage course will be an excellent way out to stretch the muscles, to partly release the energy stored in them.

12) Sleep mode.

Get yourself to sleep regularly while staying awake and asleep. Sleep disorders are common in depression (both insomnia and excessive sleepiness). With insomnia, you can help yourself by sleeping in the fresh air (with a good warmth at the same time), with a slightly open window, sedatives (based on plant extracts), a glass of warm milk at night.

13) Information.

Finally, study your condition, get information about what depression is. Read books on healing depression, watch videos, communicate with people who ALREADY (!!!) experienced depression.

During the treatment of depression, kickbacks, self-sabotage, resistance, deterioration are possible. This is normal, do not worry about the possible "hands down". Do not blame yourself, be kind and merciful to yourself. Now it is important to set a goal - to get out of this state, cope with your illness and stubbornly keep the course in a given direction.

Of course, it would be great to enlist the support of family and friends. Understanding and support is an important resource in treating depression.

All of the listed techniques and methods are good for dealing with symptoms and relieving your condition. However, it is extremely important to remember that depression has reasons - a psychological background: trauma, deep inner conflict, inner discord, intrapersonal conflict, repressed, repressed emotions and feelings.

To not just heal from depression, but to prevent relapse, it is necessary to work with the root cause. A qualified specialist will help you with this. Getting out of depression on your own is extremely difficult! With insufficient attention to their condition, depression can last for years.
