Freedom Of Femininity

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Video: Freedom Of Femininity

Video: Freedom Of Femininity
Freedom Of Femininity
Freedom Of Femininity

Any woman is a crazy bird. The problem is that most women are trying to learn not to fly, but only to build nests.

Max Fry, The White Stones of Harumba.

Women, trying to be feminine, often forget the most important thing: femininity is like a bird that lives only in freedom.

Where "should" begins, femininity ends

I often hear the phrase: "a woman must …", and after that - a long list of "debts":

  • love a man
  • inspire a man
  • be feminine
  • be soft and tender
  • be unpredictable
  • be well-groomed,
  • etc.

"Universal femininity" often does not come from the soul, but "dresses" over its true essence

The idea itself is beautiful: a loving and inspiring woman, sparkling with tenderness, femininity and looking well-groomed and beautiful. But in pursuit of form, women often lose the essence: all this should be natural, not memorized, come from the soul, from the individuality of each particular woman.

After all, we are all different - and this is wonderful. Therefore, there can be no one image of femininity: both externally and internally. Often, women strive to match a certain image of "Absolute Femininity" according to the recipe from the Internet, media, books or trainings, in the hope of finding love and happiness. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this image and someone really finds happiness with it. But more often than not, it is put on as a clothing, over its true essence, and sometimes it does not fit at all, being different from it. After all, we are all different.

Needlework and a long skirt are not a recipe for femininity, but only an individual addition. Optional

The main thing that a woman should be able to do is to be herself. After all, each of us has our own, individual femininity. It is not always soft and tender - and this is normal. More often than not, the harshness and harshness that hides the feminine nature have nothing to do with the notorious "masculine energies", which they propose to deal with by increasing the number of women's affairs and the length of the skirt. The real reason for these "masculine" qualities in women is psychological trauma, resentment, aggression, distrust of the world, rejection of oneself, parental attitudes, etc. And embroidery with a long skirt will not help here. A lot of deep work is needed here. Because these are all scars that create a kind of protective shell behind which our true femininity hides.

Femininity is given from birth and does not depend on external conditions

In order to break through to her true self, a woman needs all her enormous feminine strength, determination and perseverance. Therefore, do not rush to part with them, thinking that these qualities are only "masculine". After all, it is not qualities and character that make us feminine. Because Femininity is given to us by birthright, in full and without conditions. Our Femininity is unconditional, although sometimes hidden behind a family lock butmi. And the conditions, and all "a woman should" only increase the number of these barriers - between you and your Unconditional Femininity.

Femininity is a woman's wings that allow her to soar above the ground. And inner freedom is the air that a woman breathes in order to soar

Freedom is an ambiguous concept. Someone means by it complete anarchy, for someone it is freedom from duty, work, family, relationships. But you need to go not from something, but to something. Freedom is not an escape from the framework, but a path to peace in the soul.

A free woman is free from the shackles of fear, resentment and anger. But the essence of her freedom is not this, but the ability to do everything at the behest of her heart, soul, according to her desire. A free woman does something not out of a sense of duty or obligation to someone, but only according to her true desire. A free woman can easily distinguish the true desires of her soul from the far-fetched ones inspired by attitudes, fears, and resentments. Her feminine intuition shows her the way in the hazy reality of life.

How to come to inner freedom? It is now fashionable to give universal recipes. But this path is the path of a long internal search that requires time and effort. And reading a list of 5, 7, or even 100 steps will not make this path any shorter or faster. The most important thing on this path is the ability to understand and accept yourself. Acceptance is followed by a long-term raking out of internal heaps of negative emotions, attitudes, stereotypes, and restrictions adopted from the outside. The path to freedom is the path of daily work on oneself. Freedom will gradually appear in your life: first - in the form of a slight dizziness from the habit of living without a load on your shoulders, then - like sunbeams, flashes of light and lightness, and then this feeling of flight will come and … But I will not give away all the secrets, let something will be a surprise.

Of course, at first, out of habit, you will put the load in the basket over your shoulders, which will again press you to the ground. But it doesn't matter anymore. They say that one born to crawl cannot fly. The converse is also true. Once you have tried flying once, you will want to fly again.
