Young Lover

Video: Young Lover

Video: Young Lover
Video: Cocoa Tea - Young Lover (Lyrics) 2024, April
Young Lover
Young Lover

On my page in FB there is a heading "Secret", where anyone can write their own story, ask for advice, or simply pour out their heart. Recently I received the following message: “Hello. I do not even know where to start. I’m terribly nervous, but I can’t be silent anymore. I really love one person. He is 9 years younger than me. Someone told him that I was an old woman, and now everything has changed. I see how he looks at me reproachfully. I began to feel ashamed of my body. We haven't had sex for months. Everything annoys him. We used to go on a visit together, but now everyone is on his own. What should I do?"

I will express my opinion on what to do with such an impressionable and easily suggestible young man a little later. In the meantime, I will share my story.

I'm not that I ever hide my man's age. Let's just say I didn't advertise it. However, it seems the time has come to share my personal story.

My man is 15 years younger. He is handsome, smart, self-sufficient and well educated. My man is wealthy enough not to need a sponsor, and is quite independent, so the option "with mommy" is also bypassed. And frankly speaking, the "mommy" of me is not so hot. He cooks. The housekeeper cleans up. The machine washes. In general, you get the idea. Is it love? Do not know. We just feel good together. I am too smart to believe that "this is forever" and he is too young to doubt it.

So, I have formulated for myself several "features of the relationship with a young man." I must say right away that we do not consider gigolos, “calves” in search of mother’s boobs, and “just sex”. We're talking about a situation where both of you are truly "in a relationship."

  1. Yes, it is very important that you look "young". But it is more important for you than for your man. Healthy skin, well-groomed hands and a toned figure will certainly give you confidence and shine to your eyes. However, a lively emotional woman with "rays" near her eyes and wrinkles attracts a young man much more than a doll with unclosed eyes that is injected with botox. You still will not be able to save the body of a 16-year-old, so in these relationships he is obviously attracted not by the absence of cellulite on your butt or by the elastic girl's breasts.
  2. If your man has eyes, and he entered into a relationship with you not at gunpoint, then he really likes you. So there is no need to doubt, destroying faith in yourself and your relationship. And do not belittle your own dignity by making jokes about your age or asking idiotic questions like "Am I too old?"
  3. Youth is a very dubious advantage and, I must say, quickly passing. And don't roll your eyes. I know what I'm talking about. It is likely that the virtues you have are of greater value in the relationship market. For example, your ability to empathize, your experience, your outlook, your patience, and your personality. With age, we better understand what we want from ourselves, from a partner and from a relationship. This knowledge and the ability to express it bluntly and curtsey give a special appeal to "older women".
  4. If he makes love to you, then it is high for him. I do not know of a single man who is able to simulate an erection and orgasm. And if he likes sleeping with you, then he likes your smell, your skin, your touch and the way you move. And he is unlikely to pick up on your wrinkles, stretch marks and extra pounds. So stop dramatizing and flick your hand over his side of the bed. He is there? So, everything is ok.
  5. Who told you that only a man chooses? An adult, confident woman exudes magnetism. She is an independent, accomplished person. As a rule, she already has everything for which young girls are tearing themselves off … (veins - what did you think?). If there are children, then they have already grown up. If you have a car (apartment, dacha), then the loan has already been paid for it. Grown women know a lot about people, wine and sex. They know the bright taste of passion and the bitter taste of betrayal. Do you know what is the beauty of such a woman? She doesn't need anything, and she doesn't owe anyone anything. She is free to choose her own path. And if she chooses love, then there is no man who can resist her charm.
  6. A young man is like a breath of fresh air. With his arrival in the life of a woman, the wardrobe, technology and nerve cells are updated. It can be a light breeze or a powerful hurricane. In any case, it carries with it the renewal that women at any age need so much.
  7. A young man is a vivid and memorable adventure. And you need to treat him accordingly. Even if it doesn't become the love of your life, it's an amazing experience. How to spend one weekend in an elite hotel in the center of Paris instead of a whole week in a shabby hostel on the outskirts of Muhosransk.
  8. History knows many successful loving couples where the man is much younger. Real relationships are not about age, but about trust, sincerity, love and mutual respect.
  9. Your man may well fall in love with you seriously. And yes, it could be a union for the rest of your life. Just don't make it an end in itself. In any relationship, you need to enjoy every moment and not rush things. And even at our age, especially J
  10. Thinking about who will say what has long been out of fashion. It is impossible to interpret all human feelings and emotions from the position of the narrow framework of public morality. The crowd has no faith. She will tear you to pieces with the same passion with which she recently applauded your talent. So breathe out and start having fun.

And to my dear reader, I can say the following: it is not age that makes us old, but the lack of love and self-confidence. If your man is so impressionable that he takes any idle gossip for truth, why do you need such a man? If in a relationship you do not feel irresistible and the only one, why do you need such a relationship? There are many worthy men around and, mind you, new ones are constantly growing up. Good luck!
