What Is A Lisp?

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Video: What Is A Lisp?

Video: What Is A Lisp?
Video: Why Do Some People Have Lisps? 2024, April
What Is A Lisp?
What Is A Lisp?

Surely many of you have come across a lisp more than once. Most often, this method of manifestation (and this is precisely the way) is found among lovers or with small tiny children. When it seems to you that you are big, huge, and the one who is next to you is very small and stupid. And as if you are huge, an adult now condescending to small, pretending to be small too, condescending to his size and age. This applies to manifestations with children, in a relationship a little differently.

I will tell you where the legs grow here. Perhaps, if such manifestations are familiar to you, it will become interesting for you to carefully examine them for yourself and perhaps know. And even if lisping is not your strong point, considering yourself and your reactions from the angle that I propose, lisping in others can stop hurting and annoying you once and for all.

First, let's figure out what a lisp is

Firstly, it is noticeable (for everyone around) the changing tone, timbre, and dynamics of your voice. So you spoke and spoke normally, with your usual timbre of voice, and suddenly your partner (s) or a six-month-old child appeared next to you. And suddenly something radical happens to you: facial expressions, voice, habits, limb movements change, your eyes look different, the shape of the eyes may even change. There are very, very many subtle, subtle, but striking changes.

Syushyukanie as a whole is your abrupt change in behavior and manifestation, and in most cases this change radically tilts towards deliberate softness, exaggerated tenderness, exaggerated joy, mercy, tenderness.

Ok, we found out what a lisp is.

Now let's figure out why you need it

In general, this is a very, very subtle disguise, and has nothing to do with the manifestation of love or tenderness in 99% of cases. This disguise happens for two main deep interconnected reasons. The first reason is that you are scared, you do not know how to behave from a possible overabundance of emotions or sensations and you are afraid to manifest naturally, for this you put on a lisp mask, hiding behind this your uncontrollable and quite possibly awkward manifestations. In fact, you put on a bridle, inhibiting your own sincerity, your own openness, which in the moment, quite possibly overwhelms you.

Shusyukanye can be a mask that you wear to demonstrate your special attitude and disposition towards the person in whose address it is manifested. The essence here is about the same as in the previous case - you are lying, behind this is your cunning, lies, your cowardice to reveal your simple cards - everything that is, without theater, without embellishment, without carnival and drama.

Perhaps you simply do not know how otherwise, but sincerity is also missing here. Your cards are not revealed, you are afraid to reveal them, and trying to learn to manifest yourself differently - you do not try, because you probably do not realize what price you pay for such u-hu-hu-hu and what you are missing - this is not realized, otherwise, together with awareness, outdated non-working mechanisms fall off instantly. It's still about the lisp mechanism, or rather about what this mechanism turns on.

In addition to the listed possibilities, lisping between lovers very often hides a feeling of their own inferiority, a feeling of undeserved attention, care and love on the part of a partner.

You feel a subtle latent catch: all that is, all this joy - there is no merit in it - somewhere in the background you suspect it … There is no merit in being loved, and since then there is no way to keep It, that is, It can end at any time, for which you are certainly not ready yet. You are not ready to accept such a gift just like that, and automatically you are not ready to let go of this gift. Therefore, you begin to play a strange game, with your timbre of voice, special words, special facial expressions, deliberate protrusion of a special attitude - all these efforts, which certainly do not even seem to you at the moment, you seem to deserve, begging the Lord for your involvement in the fact that now next to you, in addition to what is very valuable to you. So you beg, curry favor. Like, look, God, how I try, how much I love her / him, I can try so long, just please don't take it away.

In addition, a deep, hidden feeling in your very wilderness: that what you have is undeserved - automatically leads you to embarrassment as soon as you get it. Deep down, you have hidden doubts - you believe that you do not deserve It, but you continue to desire It very much, and when you receive It, you are embarrassed, you are ashamed, because deep down you are perfectly aware that you were not honest, that all the cards were not revealed that you've spent yourself again.

What other options could there be?

These are possible variations of the underlying causes, which are not so easy to reach layer by layer. But there are also simpler reasons, much simpler. For example, the most banal and simple scenario: you turn on the lisp not for yourself, but for someone nearby. As soon as a third person appears next to you and your couple or a tiny child (remember, we agreed to consider lisping for these two, the most common situations), you get lost, ashamed of your sincere manifestations, ashamed of your hobby and start behaving a little unnatural, in the sense that it is on purpose.

With the advent of "third eyes", you begin to think that you need to behave in a special way, you need to manifest yourself somehow, in no case be silent, do not be idle, you urgently need to identify yourself in relation to your couple or to the baby, if only avoid awkwardness - and in fear of condemnation or misunderstanding, you instantly find yourself in the land of lisping.

But sometimes the lisp is an attempt to cover up your indifference. This is most often manifested in communication with children. You are still not very interested with the baby, perhaps even uncomfortable, but you cannot afford to show your indifference, because next to you there is someone's pair of "third eyes" in front of which it is inconvenient for you to be silent and inactive, or scary again.

Another lisp can be an obsolete mutual game in pairs, which, as a matter of habit, can drag on for years. Here I would suggest that players on both sides try to say all the same words that you pronounce in a mimic voice with diminutive-caressing endings - to speak in your simplest, ordinary voice, to speak in simple words, without decoration of the endings, without amplification and without exaggeration. Try it, just don't throw it after a few words and don't do it on purpose - play with self-observation and as soon as the appropriate context arises, as soon as you want to show your love, try to behave a little differently in a familiar situation. And be sure to feel, live everything that is being lived, the whole gamut of certainly interesting, unusual, perhaps a little uncomfortable, but definitely curious sensations. And, I almost forgot, do not do it mechanically, do not depreciate, do not fall into irony or sarcasm - in this case it would be the same mask covering your openness, nakedness, sincerity. Try to appear openly for the first time, try to openly declare your feelings, feelings, what you are experiencing, what is important to you, try to reveal your cards without any special theatrical form, without masks. If you try, you can easily have a breakthrough in your sensitivity and sincerity in front of each other.

There is a lisp as an attempt to attract the attention of the one to whom the lisp is directed. Show your interest in the whispering object and attract the object's attention."I am here, I love you, very much, do not forget about it, remember me and pay attention to me!"

Perhaps you turn on the lisp on the machine: well, since everyone behaves this way, then I will, at the same time, you don't have to feel how I really feel, how I want to manifest myself - you can repeat after those who are near and be, as it were, with everyone in one boat - they still behave this way, and I will do the same so as not to turn out to be a gray crow.

There are a lot of scenarios here and some examples that I have not mentioned, for sure, you can remember from your own experience. But in the end, the root of all possible scenarios comes down to one thing. To insincerity, to the fear of showing oneself without looking back at those who are nearby, to the fear of opening and showing oneself entirely, without concealing anything behind the soul. And by and large, it is out of fear that your lisping happens. And this is not bad, but not good either. And exactly how good it is for you to learn only to you: to try, experiment and learn.
