7 Signs Of A Strong Personality

Video: 7 Signs Of A Strong Personality

Video: 7 Signs Of A Strong Personality
Video: 7 Signs You Have A Strong Personality That Might Scare Some People 2024, April
7 Signs Of A Strong Personality
7 Signs Of A Strong Personality

Each of us grows and develops, but how strong are you? And even if you have completed only one of all the points listed below, do not be upset - be sure to write down the points that need to be worked out, and move towards the result. The main thing is not to lose heart and have faith in yourself, then sooner or later, but everything will work out.

A strong personality has clearly formed inner values, there is a sense of their own boundaries and, thanks to this, such people express themselves clearly, are not afraid to express their opinion, are not silent. They say what they think and think what they say (in other words, they do not have such a dissonance - I think one thing, but said another, why did this happen?), Defend their borders.

An important point is that a person who is considered a strong personality is not rude, does not become personal, does not try to defend himself at the cost of suppressing others (he does this gently, with dignity). Such people know their shortcomings and advantages, respect them and treat it neutrally (they work out something, leave something as it is), it is not typical for them to periodically slide into devaluation of themselves.

A strong person treats himself with dignity, carries himself through life with dignity, regardless of his wrong actions, does not depend on the opinions of others and the unpleasant situations in which he finds himself.

  1. A strong personality can admit his mistakes and do it out loud, with dignity ("Yes, I was wrong, sorry! There are such difficulties in my character, I am such a person. Sorry for the trouble, inconvenience and pain caused to you, I will definitely take it into account next time ! "). This does not mean that such people are perfect and ideal, but it implies that they strive to adapt in a situation that is contrary to their character.
  2. The ability to forgive is a rather complex skill, indicating that a person has grown from the role of a child into an adult. How to determine this? In the family, the child constantly blames the parents, demands and cries ("You did not give me something …"), and the adult sees the resources that others give him, and is grateful for this (or is able to experience regret, sadness and longing from what is happening). A strong personality will never assert itself at the expense of others (all are bad, and I am the most wonderful!).

The zone of lack of the skill to forgive a person is an unconscious clue for revenge (at least in my fantasies), which speaks of weakness (I will now allow you to come closer to me, and then it will hurt me).

  1. A strong person is not afraid of emotional pain - he knows that he will cope with his feelings and will be able to set a boundary (“Sorry, but this behavior is unacceptable to me, could you behave differently next time?”). He is confident in his capabilities, and such knowledge is based only on rich positive experience.
  2. This person sees opportunities where others do not see them. He does not look for the guilty, does not look for problems, but thinks about their solution. He does not get hung up on the question of why everything happened, but goes and solves the problem that has arisen.
  3. A strong personality is financially independent (if not this company will pay me wages, then another one), understands the value of his skills and abilities, knows that he can sell them at any time. Any of us may periodically feel anxiety about work (suddenly I will be fired, some kind of cataclysm will happen, the company will collapse), but a person with a strong character is sure that he will pull himself together and will be able to solve this problem, deal with an unpleasant and undesirable situation.

  4. A person takes full responsibility for his life and deeds, does not expect any magical event (“Now a magician will come and fix everything, and my life will become rosy”). He works on his own to create the life of his dreams.

And the last - a strong personality always does everything possible to achieve his goals, does not lose heart, is not afraid to fall and rise again, to move on, she has a strong belief in herself, so she does not hesitate in front of difficult tasks.
