Time Is Behind Us (Do You Work For Time Or Does It Serve You?)

Video: Time Is Behind Us (Do You Work For Time Or Does It Serve You?)

Video: Time Is Behind Us (Do You Work For Time Or Does It Serve You?)
Video: Конструкция IT'S HIGH TIME. Как сказать по-английски 2024, April
Time Is Behind Us (Do You Work For Time Or Does It Serve You?)
Time Is Behind Us (Do You Work For Time Or Does It Serve You?)

Time is behind us, time is in front of us, but with us it is not.

Not a man drives, but time. The time will come, and the time will come.

Poor does not seek time. Time is time, not a worker.

The fool does not know the time. For a fool, whatever the time, then it's time.

Time is the measure of what exists. The measure of the duration of the existence of everything that happens. Measurement tool. People have agreed to use time to assess the flow of that which has a beginning and an end. A generally accepted meter. Same as speed, depth or temperature.

Like any meter, time is not on its own … It only points the person to the causal place that it serves. Time of year and time of day. Time to sow and time to harvest. Time to scatter stones and time to collect them. Time to be born and time to die. Time to work and free time …

In other words, time serves a person to indicate phenomena that occur consistently and regularly, according to the laws of life itself. Time is form and life is content.

Time, for a Homo sapiens, is an excellent means of managing his own life. By controlling time, a person directs his actions to the desired results. So, that would be at the right time, on time, to the point, to the benefit. When things are uphill. When what is created is for abundance, in harmony and harmony.

This happens when a person realizes that he is dealing with life itself, and not with its mediator - time. Life, in its course, is consistent. It develops in accordance with strict and unforgiving laws. Step by step. Seed - sprout - flowering - fruit. Cycle. Birth - childhood - maturity - old age - death. Cycle. A person looks, through time, at life itself and he understands the rationality of what is happening to him. He is devoid of illusions. He is friendly with the fact that life itself participates in him. That his earthly well-being depends not only on his own actions and develops according to the rules of life.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a person tends to detach form from content … Time from life. It is difficult for him to build a relationship with life. You have to take into account many factors that affect the result. Hard. Especially when you want a lot and quickly. He chooses the easier path.


Form (time) separated from content (life) leads a person to undesirable consequences. Into a painful illusion Then time becomes a corset worn on a beautiful female body. You can tighten the corset to a position that does not correspond to the nature of the body. The body, all the same, will remain the same, but its outlines will take on an unreal, imaginary form.

Then, time is in time, in a belt, in a harness, in a yoke, in chains. Then time is an illusion, maya, distorted reality. Yes, time can be dragged out. Reality will not give it, but time please. Responsibility for the consequences is for the person himself.

BUT the consequences, for a modern person, are the fear of time … Fear. Timidity. Fright. We are afraid of many “not”, generated by “tight on all belts” time: not to be in time, not on time, not by the way, not to get, not to receive, not to take place, not to become … And we make mistakes. And we act in a hurry, in a hurry, fidgety, in a hurry, catching up, with a hindsight. And we act imprudently, recklessly, thoughtlessly, unreasonably.

It is no coincidence that an adult begins to avoid all kinds of plans, deadlines, programs, schedules. By the time of his maturity, he accumulates a considerable number of disruptions, failures and failures, which took place due to an unreasonable attitude to time. He sees the reason for his own sluggishness and recklessness.… So he is told. So he thinks himself.

Placed in the rigid framework of "compressed" time, a person loses the ability to be creative, thoughtful, reasonable approach to time. He begins to be afraid of time. It presses on him, turning him into a robot, into a machine, into an apparatus for issuing productive solutions.

But, human nature has its own calculation … For example, when you are asked to take responsibility for your own goals and set deadlines. Have you ever hesitated? For a second?

“What's stopping you,” people ask, “even if you don’t do it?” The world will not collapse. Understand, this is how it should be. It disciplines you.

- How can I call these terms, - the man listens to himself, - besides me, there is still life. We work together. How can I take into account her wishes, her influence, her laws. Am I missing the main thing?

Time is a wonderful magician.
