Stalker. Psychopath Love

Video: Stalker. Psychopath Love

Video: Stalker. Psychopath Love
Stalker. Psychopath Love
Stalker. Psychopath Love

Stalker (English stalker) is translated as a stalker. According to statistics, men are stalkers in 80% of cases.

As a general rule, an adequate person with no mental health problems will not harass anyone.

The goal of persecution is to establish control over the victim, intimidate, suppress, and achieve complete submission. This goal is often pursued by people of a psychopathic disposition, using projection and omnipotent control as the main psychological defense.

They persecute the victim not out of great love, but because refusal for them is associated with personal resentment, humiliation and an obsessive desire to change the victim's attitude towards himself by force or to take revenge on her.

The victims of stalkers are often either ex-partners or an object of love that the stalker wants to subdue.

A woman who ignores the stalker's attention activates the trauma of the rejected one in him. As a rule, in childhood, the stalker had a conflict-free relationship with his mother, who humiliated him or abandoned him, and therefore hatred of his mother is projected onto other women. Not receiving love from a woman, as he once did not receive it from his mother, the stalker begins to hate her and crave retribution. He is ruled by the projection that all women are creatures.


Also, in the past, there could be conflicts with teachers, among whom there were also mostly women.

Moreover, even if a woman is in a relationship with such a man, it will not save her, because any injection of a stalker's pride will turn into violence for her.

Who is mainly included in the group of stalkers (established or potential)?

Often these are people with narcissistic, dissocial, paranoid personality disorder, chemical addicts (alcoholics, drug addicts), people with persecution mania (with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia).

If the psychotic is motivated by delusional ideas, then the motive of other groups is the belief that in this way they restore justice.

It is not always possible to recognize a stalker. One can only assume for some reason that a person may be at risk.

In relationships, he, as a rule, behaves very persistently, seeks to establish control, asking all the details about your life, can impose meetings, gifts, promise mountains of gold, take offense and even sometimes give free rein to aggression, seeing that you are not trying to match him expectations, show pathological jealousy, irascibility, ignore refusal.


However, it also happens that a woman lived with a man for half her life, and then decided to divorce, and during the divorce or after her ex-husband began to pursue her: meet her near the house, arrange fights with her lover, break into doors, windows, blackmail children, threaten with violence … Of course, this often does not happen all of a sudden, most likely he had previously shown inappropriate behavior towards her.

At the stage of acquaintance, the stalker seeks to make the victim owe him something, so that if anything happens, he can say: “I spent money on you, made gifts, took you to a restaurant, the time has come to pay the bills”. Often, if the victim does not have a reliable rear, she gives in to the stalker out of fear of his threats.

It is extremely difficult to get rid of such a person later. The victim drives himself into depression and fear, is de-energized and sees no way out of this trap, even to the point of mental disorder or suicide.

An erotomaniac, unlike a stalker, simply has obsessive thoughts about the object of addiction, and rarely decides on physical persecution. Erotomania is more inherent in women (love at a distance).

Sometimes women act as stalkers, but their aggression is more often directed at rivals, and suicidal blackmail or blackmail by children is used as psychological pressure. This type of persecution is also widespread, such as accusing a man of rape, exceeding his authority, followed by an appeal to the police, a court.
