EXERCISE "Fabulous Transformation"

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Video: EXERCISE "Fabulous Transformation"

EXERCISE "Fabulous Transformation"
EXERCISE "Fabulous Transformation"

Instruction: Try to relax and abstract yourself from the outside fuss. Breathe in slowly and deeply for a few minutes. Then imagine that you have the opportunity to visit the Fairy Land right now. This is a magical space woven from thousands of fairy tales from all the peoples of the world. This is the place of fantasies and dreams of all children. And you, when you were a child as well…. Imagine this Country, walk a little through its expanses, look around …

You see a large, beautiful mirror in a carved frame. It contains your reflection. You are surprised to notice that in the reflection you are not quite…. The magic of the Fairyland has turned you into a fairytale character … You are gazing into this mirror with amazement, catching every detail … Who are you? Who do they look like? Feel yourself in this image. Do you like him?

When the image is strong enough, answer the following questions on behalf of the character:

- What does she like the most?

- What does he pamper himself with?

- What gifts does he like to receive and give?

- What are the strengths of this image?

- What are the weaknesses?

- How does one cope with difficulties?

Imagine that your magical reincarnation, your fabulous self, can give you gifts as a farewell. These can be any items. One or more. Accept these gifts with gratitude and say goodbye to Fairy Land.

Now, gradually return to your room. Take paper and draw your fairytale heroine. In every possible detail and detail. Draw until you get the feeling that the drawing is finished. Do not forget to portray gift items)

When you finish drawing, look at yourself fabulous and answer the following questions:

- How is this image similar to you now?

- What special qualities of this character would help in your life?

- Write down for yourself 3 qualities of the heroine, which could become support in a difficult situation.

- What can the items presented to you mean? They can point to a path or a way to resolve issues that are relevant to you.

It is recommended to write all answers to questions in an expanded form. After completing the exercise, reread what you have written. Analyzing the details of the image, its drawings and your answers, you can find many necessary answers.
