7 Painful Problems For First Graders. How Can Parents Help?

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Video: 7 Painful Problems For First Graders. How Can Parents Help?

Video: 7 Painful Problems For First Graders. How Can Parents Help?
7 Painful Problems For First Graders. How Can Parents Help?
7 Painful Problems For First Graders. How Can Parents Help?

1. Psycho-emotional stress

The first 2-3 weeks are the most difficult for first graders. During this period, overstrain of the nervous and other systems and organs of the child can cause increased fatigue, headaches and other ailments, poor appetite, sleep problems, and weakening of the immune system.

This is how the September 7 syndrome manifests itself, which all pediatricians and psychologists know about. “Children at risk are asthenics,” explains Lyudmila Ovsyanik.

“For them, it is especially important to adhere to the daily regimen, a full night's sleep, at the request of the child - daytime sleep, balanced nutrition, sufficient stay in the fresh air, feasible physical activity, a calm atmosphere at home."

2. Disinhibition

Difficulty concentrating, absent-mindedness, fussiness, restlessness, motor awkwardness - up to a third of first-graders face such problems. Disinhibited children do not understand the role of a teacher, they are not able to explain why they go to school - as psychologists say, they have not formed educational motivation.

Eliminate the signs of the syndrome of motor disinhibition will help: a balanced daily regimen, daily walks, soothing baths, a quiet pastime before bedtime. For the development of attention and arbitrariness, it is necessary to introduce the child to intellectual games with rules (checkers, chess, backgammon, go, etc.).

3. New regime conditions

It is with great difficulty that dependent and insecure children, who for one reason or another did not attend kindergarten and became a victim of maternal overprotection, get used to the new way of life. Such first-graders are tormented by the fear of the new and the unknown (the so-called neophobia). In order to rid a child of this fear, it takes both the child and the parents to work with a psychologist.

4. Unattractive responsibilities

Children with emotional immaturity have a hard time with prolonged limitation of physical activity, the real torture for them is the fulfillment of new school duties - sometimes difficult, boring and uninteresting. Parents should focus on developing volitional qualities in their child. “Make sure that your student has feasible responsibilities around the house, and turn an unattractive job for him into an exciting game. So, instead of washing the floor in the room, the child can be offered to reincarnate as a cabin boy and clean up the deck of the ship,”psychologist Lyudmila Ovsyanik gives an example.

5. The first failures in school, real and imaginary

Fear of failure arises in a child if overly demanding parents instill in him: "You should always be the first!", Are upset or punished because of low grades. He experiences the lack of support from the closest people very painfully - he begins to doubt whether his mother and father love him, he feels guilty because he does not live up to their expectations.

In order to prevent such traumas, psychologist Lyudmila Ovsyanik advises parents: “If a child is experiencing difficulties with his studies, first of all, convince him that you love him simply because he is, and not at all for his success in school. How to do it? After your child returns from school, do not rush to satisfy your curiosity with the question: "What grade did you receive today?" - better tell us about how your day went, then gently ask your son or daughter: "What interesting things happened to you?", A little later - "What new and interesting things did you learn at school today?"

When your student is busy with homework, don't criticize! Find a reason to praise him - even if he makes flaws and mistakes. For example: "This hook turned out great for you today - much more accurate than yesterday!" Do not refuse help if your son or daughter asks you to do this, but do not be tempted to do your entire homework - let your child feel the satisfaction that he coped with the difficult task. Never compare your first grader with other children - this negatively affects his self-esteem."

6. Dislike or indifference of the teacher

For a child of 6-7 years old, a teacher is the same authoritative adult as the parents. And if a small person does not feel and does not receive evidence of the teacher's benevolence, it is a disaster for him. The first grader was unable to adapt to the teacher and suffers? Parents should consider changing their teacher. “However, this decision must be balanced - succumbing to emotions, parents risk breaking wood. Transferring to another class or another school is a huge stress for a young schoolchild,”warns psychologist Lyudmila Ovsyanik. - Therefore, it is important not to make excessive demands on the teacher. If he is a professional and not a tyrant, the child will gradually get used to him."

7. Inharmonious relationships with classmates

The ability to communicate is very important for a first grader (the so-called social maturity). It manifests itself in the child's desire to establish friendly contacts with peers, the ability to subordinate his behavior to the rules of collective play and resolve conflicts without violent actions.

When should parents be wary?

The child constantly conflicts with classmates, gets involved in fights, offends the weak. The origins of aggressive behavior should be sought in the family: it is important to figure out which psychological needs of the child are ignored by the parents (in love, in acceptance, in communication, in independence) or whose model of behavior he copies. Parents may not be able to figure out this problem on their own; it is better to consult a psychologist.

The child became the subject of ridicule and bullying from classmates. This is the lot of children with low self-esteem. Health problems and defects in appearance (poor eyesight, excess weight, etc.), contrary to popular belief, have absolutely nothing to do with it. Such a child with adequate self-esteem in the field will be able to gain authority in the class.

What parental mistakes in upbringing lead to the fact that a child of 6-7 years old has low self-esteem? “Lack of attention, excessive demands, frequent punishment and humiliation, a low level of claims among parents,” lists psychologist Lyudmila Ovsyanik and adds: “If a small person often hears in his address from the most significant adults:“You don’t know how!”,“You are bad !”,“You won't succeed!”, He believes them and grows up with negative beliefs about himself. Therefore, parents should be generous in praise, sincerely rejoice at even the child's modest achievements, and encourage his independence in various activities."

The child has no friends among classmates. If one and a half to two months after the start of the school year, the first grader has not made friends with any of the new comrades, the parents should be concerned. They can help the child find friends, says psychologist Lyudmila Ovsyanik: “Using the example of the heroes of fairy tales, stories, children's films and cartoons, explain to your child how to behave in order to make friends with someone you like; talk together about what qualities a true, faithful friend has, and what qualities are bad, worthless. Encourage the child to play together with peers, but do not insist, if he resists - take part in the fun on an equal footing with the children. Do not impose the rules of the game on the children - let them come up with them themselves. Make sure that the games are non-competitive, without winners and losers - this is important in order to prevent conflicts between children. In the event of a quarrel, take on the role of a peacemaker."

Signs of successful adaptation of a child to school

If a first grader goes to school with pleasure, does not experience serious difficulties in mastering the educational material, with rare exceptions does not seek help from adults when doing homework and speaks warmly of the teacher and classmates, parents can be calm: the child is successfully mastering a new social role for himself - the role of the student.
