Family Aggression

Video: Family Aggression

Video: Family Aggression
Video: Aggressive Children | Supernanny 2024, September
Family Aggression
Family Aggression

The topic of aggression in the family is still relevant today.

Often, the one who is strong, who hits physically, is always to blame, but few people realize the reasons for this behavior. In most cases, the aggressor is not the one who exerts force, but the one at whom it is directed - the victim.

There is a phrase: "The victim invites the aggressor to dance with him."

Before showing physical violence, most often the victim provokes the aggressor with his own words, behavior and then catches a reply …

Yes, it is not permissible to beat women, it is low, but there is a limit to all patience. Yes, and words can hurt more painful than force. It turns out that the victim is an even stronger aggressor.

The worst thing is when children live in such an atmosphere and receive psychological trauma.

But in every such situation, children undergo a kind of training and in adulthood either choose a similar path as their parents, or completely opposite (I meet more often).

But resentment, anger, aggression towards parents remains unexpressed and leads to various consequences up to psycho-samotic diseases.

This can and is important to work out in therapy with a specialist!

Here is a little story, almost 25 years long. After reading, write what thoughts you have, what you think about this topic, it is possible that responded or what questions you have. Thanks to!

Every day I asked God

If only you don't drink today.

Every day I prayed to God

Whatever you beat your mom.

And it was only in my power to stop you.

You at the sight of your baby

That the mother covered with a shield.

Stopped all my flashes

He left and went to bed.

I blamed you for so long.

I felt aggression, anger.

I just heard about you:

He is not a man, a nonentity

Alcoholic and that's it …

Not capable of anything …

And you heard it almost every day

And he held out as much as he could …

You had 3 ways:

Go away.

Start drinking.


And I'm scared to imagine

How could it be

Having chosen the first or the third way …

And you took all the aggression on yourself.

Which came from your "beloved" every day.

And do not be in our family you

I would fall under the aggression …

Only alcohol could relax you …

I could not think then

That this is your protection for me.

You've been protecting me all these years

And he defended as best he could, as he knew.

You gave me life, but also anxiety.

I didn’t understand my way then …

I blamed everything, got angry, took offense

For life, for you, for God …

There was anxiety inside me.

How to be …

Forgive or Forget …

What to do, where to go, run …

How to live, what I want, how can I understand?..

Despite your love and happiness

You saved me from grief and misfortune.

Never intentionally hit me.

How he could and loved me so.

Thank you that despite all these worries

You, daddy, saved the woman in me!

Now that I'm an adult.

I am a woman, Wife

And mother.

I am happy to love and live in love.

Immensely grateful for the realization now mine.

And only thanks to you

I gladly realize now

That my childish unconscious

Made an important decision:

My man protects me!

My man protects!

He is beloved, reliable, faithful!

And always for me


My man is right!

And of course the main one!

This is our truth with you."

With love
